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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. Mantak Chia said 'sink your brain into your ldt'.. this is very different than f'ocusing your attention' on your lower dt. your focus of attention is a lot smaller than your brain and it can easily get tight and tense and neurotic. Its more like 'reside there' than 'focus there'. 'rest there'. sink suggesting to drop, and to relax
  2. Meteor over Russia

    Yes, exactly. Crikey!! Would you be excited or scared or both or neither or what would you be?
  3. Meteor over Russia

    Exactly what I thought!
  4. ah, thankyou. And what others have you read in order to give you a balanced overview and meaningful voice on this topic?
  5. "HE"... is this the bloke in the corner shop? or what?
  6. ac·cul·tur·a·tion (-klch-rshn) n. 1. The modification of the culture of a group or individual as a result of contact with a different culture.
  7. The word for plagiarism is plagiarism, yes. The scholar would explicate clearly to substantiate use of that term.
  8. I thought of leaving the cultural naievete of 'rip off' to sit quietly in the corner... but what ho, here we have 'bang chicks' as well... I'm unsure as to what drove you to choose this phrase. It's a phrase derived from a certain mind set that misses subtleties of any kind. Are you saying 'rip off' and 'bang chicks' out of crassness,perhaps you are in a derisive mood - or are you making a point about something by using such aggressive and reductive language?
  9. Meteor over Russia

  10. Interpretations of Wu Wei?

    Ok I will chime in with my agreement too, if not doing so suggests any lack of agreement. I had thought that dwai articulated exactly what IS the experience and interest here... I wonder if I am wrong about that.
  11. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    maybe kundalini is the deadly poison that you can drink once you have been baptised/initiated.
  12. World Peace is near (St. Malachi Prophecy)

    What could the deadly poison actually be?
  13. Scholastic Study of Chapter One

    I am sorry my queries are so unwelcome. It might be of benefit for you to be reminded that when those that help moderate this board post as moderators, they write in blue and sign from mod team. There is no one here who only posts as a moderator, so you must look out for the blue writing and the signature, in order to ascertain what is a moderator post.
  14. Scholastic Study of Chapter One

    Surely this is a very subjective way to translate... is this a subjective interpretation thread, or a scholarly thread, just to be clear? Or are the two inevitably melded?
  15. Scholastic Study of Chapter One

    My sense is that this is a neat little idea but off the mark. Is this an idea that has an academic tradition behind it or is it your own idea, takaaki?
  16. La Ruta

    thanks for such a hello, morivou. welcome to the board.
  17. Max vs Sifu Lum (Rare Old Footage)

    I am hoping for the next episode..
  18. I return to the Forum as DynamicTao

    hello dynamictao, welcome to the forum, I hope you will enjoy being here!
  19. Yes I am happy to change the title.
  20. Yes, you see, personal attack even is a subjective term!
  21. Ah I see now why you thought I was diverting your thread. Perhaps change the title of your thread to narrow it down to only the area of your interest? Or is it ok if the discussion is more free flowing?
  22. wow, that is stupendously creative healing and I am sure it is very very effective.
  23. Divert your thread ... WHAT CONSTITUTES A PERSONAL ATTACK is the thread title. ? If you recognise yourself as someone who joins in with the form of attacks I outlined above, then that's good isnt it.. its coming to your awareness, in the spirit of friendship I am always glad when a friend recognises themselves. There has been a significant amount of clarification amongst the mod team and ex mods here about what constitutes attack, what is insult, what drags the board away from harmony and discussion in which everyone can speak freely. I copied a lot of the issues under discussion into this thread for board discussion and to bring issues into focus. I expect you will not be alone in feeling the list speaks to them personally. There is nothing in what I wrote about how I feel.
  24. this is a really nice post, thankyou for being so open and honest. We all get activated, dont we. Its quite weird helping to moderate the board and looking at loads of 'hot buttons' all the time... quite an education! I think the bums are a cool group for dealing with things tolerantly, on the whole. Some really good discussions arise out of unpromising beginings and other times what seems like great topics languish for lack of input...