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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    thanks, taoiseasy. I appreciate it.
  2. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    I dont get at all why you are apologizing? And I dont get at all why you are apologizing to me.
  3. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Sounds like a good idea of yours.
  4. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    If I were to be dying tonight, VM, I couldnt regard you as a superior type of being and take yours and substitute it for mine.
  5. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Shen Lung. I know, its a 9 minute video. It seems a long time in the hurly burly of the chaise longue of this thread. But it is worth it. Worth it. Even if you were to be dying tonight, I'd say its worth it. Maybe especially if you were dying tonight.
  6. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    the many names of god each expressing a different facet... the most secret name of god being the sound of breath in the throat.
  7. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    religare - to bind or join together. to bind one to god
  8. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    lots of stars super HELLO! - ish.. 'sgooooood.
  9. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    I think y'all should go out gangnam style.
  10. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Yes, sorry MH, I wasnt aware of your opinion of VMarco. Good -Oh.
  11. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    no, it isnt what you said. Different concept.
  12. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    I dont think that's what it means. I think if it meant that, it might say 'turn the other cheek".
  13. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    HI marblehead. TBH I dont know what you mean when you say "Come on Cat". I dont understand.. I am english, you know.. maybe that has a connotation for you that makes sense in this context, but it doesnt make sense to me at all. Explain? I'm sorry MH, I dont - at all - know your stance or relationship with VM. I dont read each and every post on the board. I havent read all this thread, very far from it. Yes I agree about 'rubbing up the wrong way' self questioning, and yes, I also agree that VMarco has a haughty tone. Does your post essentially mean that you are one of the people who asked VM to return?
  14. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    As we read in Jeremiah, 'My word is like fire, says the Lord, and like a hammer that shatters the rock.' But how do the words attain the power of fire and the power of a hammer? It can only be via transmission. Without that, it is mere bludgeoning. However, those that have the transmission within them, may take the bludgeoning and receive the blows quite differently than those without it. Like et thoughts said..how to take the blow and receive it as a caress.
  15. Favorite poems

  16. Favorite poems

  17. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    I would find it useful if the people that kept asking VMarco to return to the forum, stepped up and showed themselves and explained what it is that motivated them. Are they in this discussion, or to be found here discussing with VMarco? Those of you whose request for VMarco's presence is being granted.. please step forward and provide some balance to the conversation. bubbles is completely right afaic : quotations out of context are like statistics.. endlessly manipulatable and therefore to be taken with a huge pinch of salt. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing..
  18. What are you listening to?

    I totally know what you are wearing.
  19. What are you listening to?

    you can shut up for a start. you're a bit 'fragile', aint you. this one's for you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28DfvvfZLi0