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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. I remember going to lots of groups where there were a lot of women. Some of the women were there as well as some of the men. I have been to groups where there were men. Generally the men are interested in what is going on and so also are the women, although I have noticed the men have larger feet than the women.
  2. They may not believe in it, but it happens. It just does. That's the way evening meals are.
  3. Normals Just Don't Care...

    Readiness is all.
  4. What if they really wanted to see his finger, and he refused to show it to them. it would be awful.
  5. shiny shiny, shiny locks of hair plastic girl child in the dark comes in a box, your servant wont ever wake you laugh dear dolly and cure his heart
  6. showing off your middle finger is an invitation for people to stick said finger up their anus.. anus'.. anii.. not sure of the collective word for ANUSES.... and swivel on it. its a kind of invitation to the dance of life.. the sufis swivel a lot, they call it spinning. It is a way to lose the self and enter the cosmic spiralisation spiral.
  7. We've all had this experience. It's like learning to go without nappies, or cutting teeth, it's just one of those experiences we've all had. There are so many stars in the sky.
  8. More_pie, I sympathise. One thing is that not everything has to be in the conscious. In fact what is in the conscious is oftentimes the least of import, tip of the iceberg and all.
  9. Why are there fewer women than men in search of Enlightenment and Freedom from Samsara? women know that searching for your spectacles when they are sitting on your nose means you are nothing but distracted.
  10. True. And the majority of divorces are instigated by women and single women live longer than married women, and married men live longer than single men.
  11. Men like cars and videogames and wearing beanies, looking at women,beer and masturbation. Women like deep and endless amounts of orgasms,babies, shoes, shopping, lipstick and sweet drinks. Translate this this to Gods and Goddesses, Yin and Yang.
  12. Yes, thankyou for your vigilance. Perhaps if you see something you find alarming you can send it to Sean.
  13. dont get me wrong, some of my best friends are vegetables.
  14. We would have to report the animals to the FBI.
  15. Perhaps the USAnian mods /Sean will report him to the FBI.
  16. Shiva's 112 techniques

    This is fantastic, wolf, thankyou.
  17. Voice in my head .

    dialogue! keep up the dialogue. and read about the Lemurians.