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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. Voice in my head .

    You better ask the voice in your head!
  2. Voice in my head .

    What does it mean to mean a lemurian? MIchael Winn talks about this I think, that you are either Lemurian or Atlantean. What are the characteristics?
  3. yea, I know. A troll shows us our assumptions, projections and our reactivities. thankyou trolls.
  4. Question on karma

    Me myself personally, I do.
  5. Little tiny lambs with mint sauce! YAY! When you are in your 40's you'll need meat just to keep going, being in your 40's is feckin OLD and meat is the only thing to stop you getting wizened lickle legs and a flaccid PENILE AREA.
  6. If you read the thread, you will see various mentions of "Tulku" here. The general thought seems to be that "Sunlover" used to be here as "Tulku" and various other handles that have been banned. I am not clear as to the point of your post, GrandMaster. Are you imagining that this internet message board can track someone down and get the police to their front door for mouthing off depressing rants? "Someone on the internet is being weird" we say to the police, and they are all over it. Keystone Cops at the ready. Or the internet psychotherapists will spring into action and line up in his front garden?
  7. Question on karma

    This is a good place from which to start. We relate to one another as if we were selves.
  8. "Tulku" has been banned in his various incarnations. His various ip's have been logged. The way, really, to put a stop to this stuff, is for the board to decide they arent interested in it and to stop responding. Repeating the same old stuff to "Tulku" every time he repeats his same old stuff, seems to be something a fair number of members are interested enough to do.
  9. The Two Sides of Faith

    I'm not sure that faith is the same as belief. I dont feel that it is. Faith could be a higher level stance than belief, if consciously adopted.
  10. Question on karma

    no such thing exists.
  11. Reiki

    Magic! Sssssssspppppppppppeeecccccttttttttttrummmmmmm. Spectrum of healing modalities. Who is the most effective actor? Is it Brad Pitt or Viggo Mortensen? I think Viggo. Or it could be MIchael Caine. Not many people know that.
  12. direct transmission thru a book/webcast

    If you think about it, what on this planet doesnt carry a transmission.... ime reading a text can and does link one directly to the author and the lineage behind that author in a very palpable and powerful way. wether you are aware of it, is one thing, the other thing, is wether the author or lineage is interested in you, or not. here's a link to a thread here some time ago, about a book which had a transmission: http://thetaobums.com/topic/7975-michael-winn-on-his-wifes-passing/page__st__16
  13. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    The understatement of this actually made me lol.
  14. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    Enjoy the thread, winnie, igore those that seem unprofitable for you personally, and drop the macho posturing, its antagonistic, and not in a good way. SIMPLES> TOO BOSSY = to Viator, earlier in the thread you offered this:
  15. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    Hey Winnie. I been to Turkey. Love the food.
  16. Afterlife exists says top brain surgeon

    What an interesting quote, Apech, thankyou so much for posting that. Finding out that angels are a bit up their own arse is ... amusing.
  17. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    It's a spiritual excercise for you to figure it out. Meditate on it. Alternatively, read the forum rules. The rocket science of this iz not exizt.
  18. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    Winnie, put him on "ignore".
  19. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    I dont recall having no moderation here.. Sean was always here... did I miss something?!
  20. Approval seeking and Wu wei

    winniepooh_ank, in response to complaints about your posting here: please now desist from this path of seeking to perpetuate a discussion with a member who has clearly chosen to leave discussion with you. Personal provocation from you and lack of civility has been logged in the moderators area. Continuing in such a mode will result in your account being suspended. Keep it friendly. on behalf of mod team.
  21. Goodbye for now

    lots of love to you. xxx
  22. Sifu Jenny Lamb in the UK?

    Hi Josama, no, it hasnt, there was not enough interest for it to get off the ground.
  23. the Early Heaven and the Ancient Egyptians

    Hi there, welcome to the forum. (Did you mean to have the username you have, or did you mean MERCILESS? If not, what does MERCELESS mean?)