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Everything posted by 三江源

  1. Surrogate tapping. A kind of distance healing

    hi de-paradise. I've done surrogate tapping, on my children, and on animals, and on people in distress around me in public places. I havent watched the video but I'm assuming it's doing EFT intentionally for another person. It works.
  2. Why the authoritarian and secret clubs will fail

    Oh, your generalisations are about secret club members on internet public forums, specifically those who cause problems, only. Okey doke.
  3. Why the authoritarian and secret clubs will fail

    Hi,just want to respond to this point made by GIH The assumption here to me is erroneous. A secret club participant is just as likely to have no interest in discussions that are not of the same calibre and content as what is secret, and may just as well have no desire to 'join in'. For example,there are so many people on this board who speak privately, if not 'secretly' because they do not wish to share outside their inner circle. This is very, very common. "secret" gives benefit of 'discreet' and creates boundaried community ie an alchemical vessel. The assumptions in this theory seem to me to include (i) that the theoretical secret club member wants (needs?) attention (ii) that s/he wants it from outside his club, ie is needy in that way and isnt getting his/her recognition needs met within their own club. Not everyone is needy for attention in this way, or needy for attention from those outside their chosen circle.
  4. Can I get a Personal Practice forum

    Hi wtm, yes you can get one... am trying to find out how to create one for you.. have to wait a bit for the info to come through.
  5. Neigung styles and teachers?

    I also met such a student, very unbalanced, who said JAJ had a lot of students not keeping up and suffering practice indigestion. Actually, for a very good student this could be a clue that it is a good practice, self selecting. Conversely it could be red flag signalling someone here who doesnt know how to pace his students. Possibly as ever, rather than one thing being true, likely both are true.
  6. Bored with Buddist Bickerings

    Participation, frequently, in no - resolution conflictual based discussions that degenerate into ongoing personality clashes should create a question mark in the participators minds, about the productivity or otherwise of their involvement with the board. Is my posting in this way good for my state of mind? Is it good for anyone else's state of mind? Is participating in this thread bringing anything to me that I need? Am I bringing anything to anyone that is needed or appreciated? Is what I am bringing being welcomed and received? in short: Am I someone who switches my light when there's a fight in the air? Am I parasitically feeding off internet conflict? etc etc etc. In other words, being a conscious forum participator... a few questions that one can ask oneself and I'm sure there are others you all know or could think of. I also like reading what our Buddhist members have to say, and I also glaze over when I see it becoming rapid clique posting that is same old same old conflictual back and forth. But there is a level of reality here for us all to see, isnt there. Crystal clear, because it's not 'up close and personal' for those of us not participating, what it looks like to see and feel a kind of stuckness, a circular glue formation that refuses to unstick and resolve via the same old methods, yet the same old methods are employed. Is a creative solution to move them elsewhere, or can they find a creative solution for themselves. For myself, I'm waiting to see if the alchemy is productive and if any transformation takes place, organically. I do hope so.
  7. ah, for this to happen.. and for the long held structures not to reform.. tide coming in, going out, ebbing and flowing of 'self'... can we even imagine the not re-forming of identifications.. because as they weaken and drop away they become like dreams you cant recall, once morning comes.
  8. Where did you learn this groovy thing, suninmyeyes? I have done some of this in Kriya yoga, and so am intrigued.. glad it works so beautifully for you. I could do with listening inwardly more, I dont think my ears are properly included in what I'm about, really, they are just hanging around on the sides of my head...
  9. Our cognitive dissonance

    Yes. This is one of those elephant in the living room things.. we are all tiptoeing around the elephant, and we cant even see it, but it is taking up most of our space.
  10. Conquering aversion eh.. who'd have thought anyone would consider that a spiritual excercise?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!
  11. What does it matter in the end?

    On a practical note. 1. Pray that you keep your home and persist in seeing yourself staying happily there with your cats and brother. 2. know that your local cat protection league (or equivalent) will support anyone who needs foster care for their cats, for whatever reason. Cat lovers unite. For myself what I find matters, is love. To keep the heart alive and well keeps the spirit and soul active. To me, meaninglessness stems from feeling isolated and without anyone or thing to love. The point is to love each other and grow in light, whatever vicissitudes we experience. Love the trees, if all other love seems impossible in any given moment. Keep heart open and fill it with radiant light. xxxxxxxx
  12. What is magic? How does magic work?

    Yes, that is one reason. There are many others to do with learning to find one's own wisdom and emptying one's pot and not making the head the king of one's country.
  13. What is magic? How does magic work?

    Rotting in the kitchen..hmm.. is it blue cheese, or sauerkraut?
  14. What is magic? How does magic work?

    Rotting views. ! Interesting.. within the cycle of creation and destruction a rotting view would/could turn to compost... and be very fertile ground for all kinds of seeding. But yes, it is a matter of 'prepared consciousness' - logos mode is so endemic to our culture that we dont even see it , it's as the air we breathe. One of the ways we become aware of it is when stories/films/books are open ended at their close, and the sense of familiar closure isnt given, and one can note the varying levels of discomfort around ambiguity, when the luxurious pandering of an ending isnt supplied.( "I didnt think much of the end?! what actually happened then>?!")
  15. Grumpy starts at 52

    Hey you-all. How do you think the board does with regard to embracing negativity or embracing joy? Could we embrace joy more and gravitate upwards?
  16. Are We Being Turned Into Robots?

    ah, Forgetting! That's a whole topic in itself. Do you find big chunks of stuff break away from your awareness land mass and melt? I do. The pleasure of forgetting is very great, the more I forget the lighter I feel.
  17. The Flyers

  18. What is magic? How does magic work?

    Yes! As a taoist practitioner one doesnt live within that mindset. Thanks for taking the time to articulate all that Todd. this 'logos' mode is 'male',and is the dominant mode which commonly commands respect. the feminine mode is diffuse, hence often women are derided for 'not making sense' or 'a woman's perogative is to contradict herself' or 'women are so confusing'... being unable to hold contradictory positions is very 'respectable' in mainstream society but as you suggest, not so valuable in any place where the getting of wisdom is more creative. being able to move along a spectrum of possible responses and thoughts and not adhere, to not grow mental adhesions... a more organic interaction.. how different the world would be if that were valued as a sign of sophistication. I guess one of the reasons it is avoided is re. moral issues.. the masses are not trusted to make wholesome decisions if they find their own point on a compass in any given situation, so we are taught to be black and white in our thinking and revere the indoctrinated head within and without.
  19. Recommend me some films or documentaries

    I LOVE Jet Li fillums! ll the way from the early Shao Lin ones up to todays epics. And my favourite classic MA movie is "Drunken Master" - the really old Jackie Chan one ( not the remake) I just watched Milarepa --> twas good.
  20. Hi from WuLiuPai !

    Hi Denis, welcome to the forum. You appear to have registered two different usernames here today, were you having some problems?
  21. What is magic? How does magic work?

    Absolutely so. What I find amazing is that there are people on this board who also go "Muh? " How to make more people believe in magic. Maybe they no believe until they experience, and they no experience until they able to feel..
  22. Are We Being Turned Into Robots?

    I guess it would be robotic of me to reply : ha! and aaaarrrrrrrrrghhhh! Perfect! But seems appropriate. Yes I really did way back think Mantak Chia's formulae meant I was sorted as I moved through the layers of them and I wouldnt ~phew! ~ have to be reborn again. Absurd = me. Yes I get pukily bored and dismissive when some people tote out their beloved teachers teachings as their badge of identity and passport to specialness. It's only some people who spark this reactivity in me, and I dont like feeling "shut the f*ck up about your teachers", so I tend to go self critical and see myself as intolerant of their stage of development which is both so outward focused, and sickly sweet proud of any self made discovery. The irritation this sparks actually comes from a kind of righteousness at seeing the relinquishment of genuine autonomy. Initiation out of robothood is a many tiered process. What's a robot anyway? Is it an archetype we had in our psyche that we externalised in mechanistic form. Or the other way round. Maybe a robot is a degraded version of our neural pathways. Loving well worn paths, prone to stalling..sometimes crashing.
  23. Are We Being Turned Into Robots?

    ha! and aaaarrrrrrrrrghhhh! Perfect!