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Everything posted by TaoIsTruth

  1. Qi Condensing

    Hm... So I should be willing to let go some of the portion to flow away ? Yes, I think I shouldn't be too obsessed with this condensing idea...
  2. The location of Second Mind

    I've read two sources from internet. The first source said that Solar Plexus is the second brain according to Taoism Theory. But on the second source, it said that The second mind is located on the center of the two nipples. These are two different locations, which one is true ? Here are the two sources I read: hxxp://www.albanyqigong.com/images/solar_plexus_ex.pdf and hxxp://www.universal-tao.com/article/three_minds.html Note : (change the "xx" to "tt")
  3. The location of Second Mind

    As for the documentation purpose, I still do this type of meditation beside my more routine reverse breathing exercise. When my whole body become one, It feels like very soft vibrations at first around the whole body and then I feel all my body becomes united, no more separation of hands, feet, all is one. One time I feel like I'm looking in my mind small round light, but I think I'm not ready to concentrate more on that. But when I become obsessed to achieve the same sensations, I usually fail. This experience only happens when I breath very relaxed, and then I start to sense my whole body, that when the experience starts to happen. My intention of sharing is to know if there's someone else who happen to experience the same thing, so that we can share. Oh yes, the experience only happens when I meditate with palms covering on top of my knees.
  4. Another Lei Shan Dao/Yin Yang Gong Master?

    The three video above that were posted by the Thread Starter are the original edited videos. Here are the original video that exposed Dr. Namuh Xaoh (Hoax Human) tricks: It's quite interesting... I hope I can buy such sandals to perform the magic tricks and earn some money as a magician
  5. The location of Second Mind

    Thanks for the info about the book, I think I plan to buy it... It explains the topic from a scientific perspective and It will surely add values to my journey
  6. The location of Second Mind

    Thanks for your kind advice... I'll keep in mind what you say about questioning, pondering, experimenting, and regrouping... btw I hope I can find some taoist meditation method to follow as my guide...
  7. The location of Second Mind

    Wow, thanks for your explanation... When I meditate on the upper part ( between the nipples ), I found that I can neutralize worries, fear and many other negative emotions, and fill it with faith and peace. When I meditate I inhale through nose and exhale through mouth, I find the breathing rhythm that makes me feel most relaxed,I focus my mind on the breath. But there are some occasions when I try to switch my mind to feel my body and when I switch that state of mind and inhale I feel like the whole parts of my body become one, this happens when I inhale and I feel that the solar plexus expands, but the first time I experience this I was frightened and stop meditating... Is this experience good or bad ? Please give me some advice or your personal thoughts on this because I don't have a teacher to guide me...
  8. I've read two sources from internet. The first source said that Solar Plexus is the second brain according to Taoism Theory. But on the second source, it said that The second mind is located on the center of the two nipples. These are two different locations, which one is true ? Here are the two sources I read: hxxp://www.albanyqigong.com/images/solar_plexus_ex.pdf and hxxp://www.universal-tao.com/article/three_minds.html Note : (change the "xx" to "tt")