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Posts posted by goldentaoist

  1. im not lucas. stop assuming this is how this whole mess started lucas is lucas. his pic and address is on the blog use that info to find him.


    then look for him using his email address, his paypal info and so on.


    if you just keep shooting hes lucas! then you are really no closer to finding the actual lucas then you were 5 seconds ago because now you have to prove that he is lucas. It would be smarter to contact the real lucas and then let him hang himself (i mean incriminate himself) and if he wont speak to you then have a friend speak to him to get more evidence out of him.

  2. ah im not finished yet there seems to be some negative energy on this forum as of late let me heal and remove that.


    Ya know there's a divinity to taoism most seekers just seek the power of the tao but they never really seek it for the righteousness of the tao. EG spoke alot about that and he ended up getting banned but ill reiterate something he said


    "strive for heaven with the uptmost sincerity of the heart"

  3. im done with this. your being influenced by something and your not even aware of it. in time you will see what im talking about and im never wrong about these things. ;)- pray.



    Siddha confimed.


    mpg a taoist has no need for magic. I did this to prove a point to you that once you reach a certain level no magic can harm you for the dao is beyond it.


    A taoist master has mastered the path to the supreme ultimate. Just pray and train theres a lot to strengthening, purifying, and remove blockages from your energy.

    • Like 2

  4. im done with this. your being influenced by something and your not even aware of it. in time you will see what im talking about and im never wrong about these things. ;)- pray.

  5. oi... makes me wonder about you? but ya know wonders never cease. but hold on im going to make crazy theoires about people then when im asked to prove my point i wont... thats called not being a troller!


    like seriously what are you so about? i just asked him to prove the fact that eg scammed him.... sorry man didnt mean to make you so mad.

  6. There you go people he offered no proof of wrong doing instead he offered "spite" to make up for his inability to prove his claim.


    But i think hes right he made this thread out of anger and spite not facts. I say this because this all he posted. he deviated from his own post topic to cover up the fact that he did this to vent his anger.


    people like this will never learn that 2 wrongs dont make a right and its not right to use someone else's website to vent your anger. over the fact that despite numerous attempts to get a book that he still couldnt get it.


    btw did we ever figure out if lucas really did have the book or not?- thats what im talking about clarity not angry ranting.


    So hes not going to buy the book because he thinks its fake but i think it would be smarter if he did because this way he could translate it then ya know prove that its a fake (see a pattern?).


    i dunno but i always thought that if you say that someone scammed you then you would have to ya know prove your claim.


    Lets meditate on that.

  7. yeah your doing it out of spite all right just keep tell your self that. It couldnt be that your lying and have no facts or that the only facts that exist actually prove you wrong but sure lets pick the "spite" Im not the 1 crying over such little money. I mean if you had like a real job you could just buy the book straight out right and wouldnt be outraged by such little money right?



  8. how did i know that you wouldnt answer the questions and you wouldnt post your pm correspondence with him about the book your just proving my point. and i thank you for that. i mean if you had the facts that eg scammed you would post it right? i mean your just so motivated out of like the goodness of your heart. You wouldnt be posting this to deflect from the fact that you lied could it?........ naw your motivations are truly good. :D

  9. i know how solve this post your whole email correspondance with eg about the book unedited


    then let the forum decide if he was really trying to scam you like you said should be no problem if everything your saying was true right>

  10. Nothing more can be said, the guy is breaking the law, just because I didn't provide him with the opportunity to defraud me does not mean he is not a criminal.


    Best of luck to you, you'll need it if associate with criminals.

    thats it keep dancing around those questions! Just answer me this did eg tell you to cancel the money order?

  11. He never got a money order from me, I was at the post office ten minutes after he told me he "couldn't" sell to me. So no, no crime occurred between him and I personally as I proactively prevented it from occurring.


    This person however is selling other people's systems as his own, and making lots of money doing it, claiming to have a fake school and a fake guru and a bunch of dvd's he pirated and sold to other people as his own materials.


    That absolutely is about as big a scam as it gets my friend. If you are his buddy in real life I suggest you distance yourself from him, if you assist him in receiving money and he sends them pirated copyrighted goods you are an accessory to the crime.


    This guy is going to run into some serious legal trouble and everyone associated with him is going to be sucked into it.


    Best stay away with a 100ft pole.


    too bad he told you to cancel it then if that wasnt possible he also offered to refund you or he would mail you out a money order of the same amount. Just tell the truth(sounds like a real scammer to me). we all saw the message he posted. you were only posting bits and pieces of his replay to you.

  12. Your biggest argument doesnt apply to this topic. I know its hard but just answer the questions posted to you. Did eg tell you to cancel the money order?


    why did you say he scammed you?


    Im going to teach you something repeat after me "I was wrong" you dont have to make up elaborate conspiracies just admit the obvious truth.


    I got some advice for you because you seem that you need it.


    1. Handle your disputes with people that you have actual financial transactions with.


    2. Admit when you are wrong.


    3. try paying for the book in full.


    4. make theories that includes all the evidence.

  13. is scammer a good thing to call someone? i mean if it is then i can why your not being banned for it. unless scammer is better than liar in some way but i always thought that scammer somehow equaled liar?


    i dunno im not as smart as the rest of the high level practitioners.

  14. i dunno man sounds like to me that if he wanted to scam you he wouldnt have told you to cancel the money order and then he would have just avoided you afterwards.


    now im not the smartest person in the world but i thought that a scammer like scams people ya know.


    dude you dont need any help in fooling your self just listen to you. oh yeah you took swift action after he told you to cancel it. you really dodged the bullet there. :lol:


    i mean with all the high level chi kung you do you should have used your super duper chi powers to sense it in the first place but maybe thats why you were looking for the lost book of mo pai in the first place. I guess we will never know now.

  15. Why didnt eg scam you? if he is a known scammer? Also if he is a scammer then why didnt he make a post or thread that he had the book? I mean if he was so inclined to do so?


    but this is a nice deflection lets turn it to the guy who didnt scam you for the book! i mean 2 wrongs make a right eventually......... right?


    i mean we have all been a right streak so far with all this energy sensing behind the posts! lol :lol: