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About AugustLeo

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    Tao Bum

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  1. following the breath

    Dan, your explanation makes it crystal clear. Thank you. We are well and hope you are doing well also. Thanks so much for sharing.
  2. following the breath

    Dan - I'm not sure I understand what you mean by these three aspects of your breathing. Would you please expand on (i.e., explain in some detail) what you mean, both from an anatomical and from an experiential point of view. Thanks!
  3. Thanks to SotG for sharing this. AugustLeo
  4. Thanks - really useful link.
  5. @ joeblast: Dan, in post #370773 you replied to Turtle Shell: That's not correct. Rhode Island has a voter ID law. Obama won Rhode Island. AugustLeo
  6. @joeblast: Dan - I love your passion and certainly respect your point of view (whether I agree or not) on these social topics. And I really enjoy your perspective on the breath. Michael
  7. The Board

    *** Big Bump *** It's great that so many members and guests use this essentially free site, with a really diverse & knowledgeable membership that makes TheTaoBums so worthwhile. If you can, please donate to help pay for whatever it is that you use this site for. Sean is only suggesting a one-time $3 donation option, to help pay for the costs to keep this site technically viable. If you can't afford to donate, please continue to frequent this site as you have, and those of us who can will endeavor to make up the difference. AugustLeo PS: Sean had nothing to do with this post. I donated what I could, and thought that I would ask others to do the same, if they can. Metta.
  8. Attack from your site

    Sean - just sent a donation to help fix this problem. Michael
  9. Lama Tsongkhapa

    Thanks. That's the first time I've seen or read about anyone being critical of Thusness or his point of view (though I rarely read any forums these days). Were any reasons given for this opinion of Thusness, or why he prefers Yogani over Thusness?
  10. Lama Tsongkhapa

    SereneBlue - can you provide a book title and a link to the review about Yogani, and a link to the comment about Thusness? Thanks.
  11. My Last Post

  12. Moderation at the tao bums

    Mal, You've done the best you could with an impossible task. Thank you for trying. AugustLeo