Hey people,
Im new to this forum and what brought me here is a question that spurred my curiosity.
Here is the thing. Have you ever talked to yourself? not necessarily out loud, but like saying: "hey [your own name], whats up?", or ask any question. At first usually its hard to get an answer, maybe you get a lazy "yeaaah" or "whaaat" or something.. Within some time though you are talking to a different you, that can give you insights, is smarter, more relaxed, even high, or even sleepy... At least that's what happens to me. I connect to a "higher self" it seems, and sometimes this 'personality' after connecting can overcome the usual personality for some time and be my own self.
I wonder, what is that that you are talking to when you talk to yourself? who do you reach?Is is your higher self, your inner buddha, your heart, your right brain? Or maybe youre just developing a split personality? LOL...
I wonder what you think about it.