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Posts posted by starhawk

  1. Hey Drew!


    I can you are super honest about everything. That is one of your virtues. Thanks again for coming back!


    Of course, what I really want to find out is Drew's thoughts after a silent meditation retreat :).


    If you are running some long term deficiencies, maybe you ought to do acupuncture to open up your channels. I find it works just as well as SFQ , especially for physical based ailments. Also it is depending on who's needling you.




  2. Hi Deci belle,


    It seems you can see into the situation of the present moment and what is about to occur, yet not knowing what is going to happen, thereby allowing the karma of that moment to pass by into oblivion without so much a forethought (pun intended).


    Can I ask what it is that you focus in a day, outside of meditation that allows for the natural unfolding and high riding of the karmic potential within a particular situation?




  3. Because Te (virtue) is our original nature, undefiled by 'every departure from the Dao which contaminates one's spirit'.(as it says in the above passage) This is saying that the way to remove the contamination, over the cycle of lifetimes, is to practice virtue in the sense of wanting nothing for self and all for others. I imagine that would be a pretty good way to decontaminate the spirit, consistent with the dynamic of elimination of the dross of our nature in order to find the essential.

    Thanks Manitou. I finally brought it full circle to understand that Te is our original nature. This original nature does not contain anger or other emotions that cause sickness (in fact, there are 7 destructive emotions in TCM that destroy our Chi and imbalance our yin and yang).

  4. Thank you Harmonious Emptiness and Sati. The video was very fun to watch.


    It reminded me of a traditional Taoist text which is similar to Liao Fan's 4 lessons, but is shorter.

    Strengthen the understanding of cultivating your morality as the basis for part of your spiritual improvement. A side benefit is the assured gaining of good fortune in the physical realm. It is called the Tai Shan Kan Yin Pien "Strengthen Your Way" Part of it is posted here for those who have not encountered it.



    [Exerpted from The Key to Good Fortune: Refining your Spirit, by Hua-Ching Ni]


    My favorite exerpts of the Master Ni, Hua Ching translation:


    Tai Shan Kan Yin Pien


    "The Truth of Life is the Law of Spiritual Correspondence."


    "Calamities and blessings do not come through any definite, distinguishable door; it is the person who invites them. The subtle response of universal energy to one's mind and behavior is not usually recognized as the reason for calamities or blessings. Yet the accuracy of energy correspondence always occurs to people. Some of the ancients called the law of energy correspondence the law of retribution. Whatever name is used it means that whatever a person gives out, he or she also receives. In fact, the quality and quantity of a person's life is totally affected or changed by the way a person thinks or behaves.


    The consequences of good and evil thoughts and behaviors are as inevitable as the shadow which accompany your body. People bear the marks of crimes and sins on their auras unless personal reformation has occurred. the aura is a person's energy field that consists of one's spiritual reality.People carry their spiritual reality with them, and the external world responds with corresponding energy.


    The response from the subtle realm to a person's aura is as exact as if a spiritual being were keeping records of one's evil deeds, and determining punishment according to the seriousness of the transgression...


    Increase the goodness by accumulating virtue and amass spiritual merit by thinking good thoughts and doing good deeds. Have a compassionate heart towards all creatures. Be loyal to the real authority of life, which is the spiritual energy of your life... cultivate yourself; this will bring forth good influences on others.


    The benefits of extending the kindness of a personal good nature are great. One who is good is respected by people. People of righteousness and peaceful energy find that happiness and wealth will follow them, all evil things will shun them, and spiritual beings will protect them. The person may even become an immortal or a god.


    Improvement occurs not only on the level of action, but also in thought. He who thinks good, even before the good is accomplished, will find good spirits helping him. Conversely, he who thinks evil, even before the evil is done, will find that the bad spirits are together with him. "



    Anyone who would like the entire text may PM me. Thank you.

    • Like 5

  5. Hi Bums.


    I am studying the Tai Shang Kan Yin Pien. 太上感应篇



    In this Dao Treatise, it specifies the number of deeds that must be performed in order to entreate the Heavenly energies to respond to you.


    "Those who wish to attain heavenly saintliness, should perform 1,300 good deeds, and those who wish to attain to earthly saintliness should perform 300 good deeds. (295-316)"




    What is the origin for specifying that the Immortal aspirant must complete 1,300 good deeds? Why is a number specified?


    What is the reason for specifying 3 years as the cycle for which good and evil deeds are tallied and brought to Heaven's Judgement?


    Thanks and I look forward to your discussions.


  6. Hey Ya Mu,

    What school of Taoism is your Tao teacher from? I am also in the midwest and I am considering doing something for spring break-- a trip to Indiana might be in my future :)

    I just don't necessarily want to spread myself too thin. I already have a couple teachers for qigong systems.Is there a litmus test for when you should consider learning another system? Thus far, I want to be conservative and not test out too many qigong systems. Thanks!

  7. Yeah, I'm no expert, I'll say that.


    I just skimmed, but I'll say just ask a master healer to detect any holes in your aura/ space-time anomalies. It is probably just some type of kidney deficiency but I'm just guessing. Take herbs, go see a chinese herbalist.


    FYI, you also need to have qi before you circulate MCO. This can mean gather qi (like doing level 1 extra long) before you circulate. Don't ejaculate or have sex for as long as possible. Don't have sex for at least a day or more after an energy healing. In fact, ideally, don't ejaculate for a couple weeks, as this builds energy warmth in the body. See what happens and if this changes. Do the 100 day practice.


    Don't get caught up in the nature of the beast. Just do your exercises diligently, I'd say. Qigong is about simplicity, especially for newbies, so why jump off the deep end to describe a space-flux, etc? SFQ is pretty safe I would think, but there is other qigong that can be dangerous if done incorrectly, etc. That is why you need a solid foundation first.


    There is some zhang zheng in the level 2 move where you stick out your hands and hold them up there. Check it out. hope this helps.

  8. Cool, Sinfest for opening up that Chop Wood Carry Water parable I always saw in your signature. But I am still attached to the little book icon that kept scribing away (of course, as if it was really writing anything to begin with).



    Ok, can I play, let's re-write the story for different scenarios?


    #1. Would it make sense if you combine Taro and Ichiro into one persona? Would it be any easier to live a secular life, but have a strict discipline with the purpose of spiritual enlightenment?


    [i think the 9th Chan Patriarch said something like "If you seek enlightenment, stay away from the monastery." Please correct me if this isn't exactly worded. ]



    #2. Just an question in theory. Suppose now Ichiro was not in the monastery but high in the mountains studying the Tao as a hermit.


    What if Taro the businessman brother paid Ichiro to meditate for him all day, even though Taro thought his hermit brother mad? (Thus: could Ichiro pass his merits to Taro in exchange for grain)?


    Would Taro be on his way to obtain the Tao as well just by living his ordinary life, giving alms, and not seeking anything, perhaps meditating 2 hours a night to clear his mind ;D?


    Would Taro need to become a hermit later in his life?



    #3. In theory then, no matter who you are in the story, or how important your job is, (even if Taro became the emperor of China), and you were diligent enough to do your meditations, you might find enlightenment, right? What then, is keeping you from getting enlightened: your job, being emotionally attached to your job, or your ego?



    #4. Is the only way for Ichiro to stop his ego from seeking enlightenment, to sit quietly? How do you not attach to sitting and the monastery, if that is all you know?



    Thanks I had to get all that out. Cheers.

  9. 15 minutes ago I felt like a cat stuck in a tree :).


    I had an episode of irrational fear as I was catching a spider so I could free it later. I put a cup to the ceiling,but I didn't want to lift it down as I was afraid it would jump on me. So I literally stood with my arms to the ceiling for 5 gut wrenching minutes.


    Rationally I knew the worst that could happen is the spider spazs at me and I accidentally swash it.

    But I didn't want to let go. So that is me being a cat stuck in a tree :)

  10. Great article Gerard, I believe the article would agree fear is the root of evil and incorrect views.

    Fear as an emotion in the 5 element cycle damages kidneys, so perhaps, older souls have more guard against this destructive cycle, purely by seeing the situation for what it is, and not giving in to basal fear and carnal based motives. Thus they work within the constructive cycle of 5 elements, obtaining joy, longevity, growth, etc. continuously.


    Could choosing the right thought and action lead to reduction of fear and hence your good fortune? Is this some type of inner knowledge that old souls have?

  11. So many apples and colorful cartoon horses, not entirely sure what to think as a guy, but that's good, I think! My opinion is entirely my own :D


    I used to ride horses, apparently I have good horse intuition said others in the barn. Although I can't tell what these ponies are up to in these youtube videos...


    PS Sinfest, why turn your rainbow pony upside down?


    edit: NM, I figured out the double rainbow! I think you should make a 360 degree rainbow because that's how they really are if there was only sky


    Why do you want to know, Everything? What "results" are you looking for? (ask your heart what you mean by "results")


    Then, when sitting meditation, just sit. Don't stir up more than you need to, right? Why spend all that time only to stir it up? Minimalism.


    Don't you like just sitting? I do. Everything is distraction for now (puns intended) :)

  13. I was looking for a book online to spend a gift certificate - was somehow connected to something else I was searching for.


    It wasn't like the morning when an original print of Daniel Reid's book mysteriously appeared in my building's recycling bin :unsure: . I had been wondering about that book for years and it was very good timing as I was starting to learn more about energy transmutation :wacko::rolleyes::wub: .


    Cool... yea I like shaking things up if it's fruit that will fall down :)

    Yea, I meant earth as in the compass directions, and either way it's interesting that you read the question like that. Maybe that was what was "supposed" to happen...


    For I-ching practice, have you tried looking up and examining the general energy of dates in history (past, present, future)? Try dates when worldwide events occurred, like the start of wars, the end of wars, natural disasters, 11.11.2011, today's energy, 12.21.2012... (I'm curious about the last one).

  14. Wow that was pretty ashtonishing you could read all that. THANKS!

    I live in the midwest right now and my feng shui Gua umber is 5, so heading southeast leads to success from compass school fent shui.

    Incidentally I currently have a famous meditation teacher to my southwest, even right now. So I wonder, perhaps LA is a metaphor or an archetype of me and my direction in life?


    To follow up the previous question, can I ask: does my past guru near or far when i am earth? To me this analogy means i am the center regardless of where I live, so then where does my direction take me? 687


    I will have to take the IChing more seriously in my future studies. How'd you happen upon the book and this method?




    Ah, okay, I see I wasn't really looking at it right before. This is good actually!


    question 1: trigram = Earth


    Earth corresponds to late summer. My first guess is that you will be coming from the north and moving southwest based on the prenatal and postnatal associations, which are literally north and southwest respectively. Pretty awesome considering LA is the southwest corner of the US!! Wind in the present&future may signify the cooler air of September which also falls in late Summer. Perhaps Wind and southwest in the future associations might also mean that moving there in September will bring you love and music.



    question 2: trigram = Fire


    This looks very good, since Fire corresponds to fame and reputation and L.A. is all about fame and reputation :lol: . Here you also have Thunder and east in the past-beginning and Heaven and south in the present or future.


    Thunder sort of shakes up the life energy, so maybe you were looking to shake things up in your life with new energy which was the root of wanting to move to LA. Perhaps you always wanted to move to LA since fire is in thunder as well.


    Heaven is largely about spirit rising upwards so the energy of LA might help with this if that's what you're looking for. The Heaven trigram signifies sort of "important people" like elders, government, wise man, and famous person, so perhaps you will happen upon a wise and experienced mentor in LA. South also appears with the Heaven trigram so this person may be more southwards in LA though LA is very southwards as it is.


    Also Heaven (in future) is metal element and Thunder (in past) is wood element so it seems that the future will control the past rather than the opposite. The fire burns wood and wood is controlled by metal.




    I think those numbers were bang!-on.



    edit: I should also mention that Heaven being the future trigram and signifying an important or famous person would largely signify LA as well.


    This could also be related to you wanting to go there and pursing our goals and living out our destiny is an important part of the spiritual process, imo.

  15. Hi Mods,

    can you form a group and new folder for Us? A bunch of us will do a weekly "transcendal meditation " group and it would be nice if we could share our thoughts and get organized with a separate folder on the general discussion board. Would that be ok? There is currently a thread about it.

  16. Yesterday Harmonious Emptiness quoted a study about meditation that gathered 4000 people to meditate and reduce crime in 1993. The result was a correlated drop in crime rates in Washinton Dc.

    So, there are many Tao hums with kundalini awakenings, samadi and spiritual realizations, and years of meditation experience. Aside from the healing circle, which focuses only on physical ailments of others, what if we built a collective Tao bums meditation experience to benefit each other energetically?


    That was almost a decade ago. Why not try it now, but via the Internet? Instead of focusing on crime and a specific region, we concentrate on each other.



    So, I propose we form a focused meditation experiment on Tao bums. We can form a circle.

    we all send positive thoughts to each other, everyone in this circle, and see what happens inour daily routines. Someone can do some number crunching to see if our subjective experiences or meditation practices get better, or not.


    What do you guys think???


    I will volunteer.

  17. This will sound strange and rather unconventional. When I tune in at the energetic level, the answer I get is spirit attachment. So whether you are "down for it" or not makes no difference.


    If you don't mind my asking, what kind of meditation do you do? What kind of dreams are you having, do you remember them?


    The spirit attachment seems to be coming from the mother's side of the family. That would be your grandmother actually. Like she is kind of whispering in your ear at the non-conscious level.


    We can make that attachment strong to separate from you and give is some other choices. We'll just make it strong to go to other dimensions, other universes, other time and space, other energy fields, and black holes.


    The anger is just a reaction to the fear and not knowing what's going on.


    There was also some fear around around being taken away in the night, coming from your spiritual experiences, corrected. Also, there's a karma of taking other people away in the night, corrected.

    hi clarity I have a question about wisdom eye. I will pm you, thanks

  18. I second HE's question. What do you mean by hyper conscious state? The first thing that comes to my mind is expanded awareness.


    I posted a topic earlier this evening about weird coincidences. Check it out. Would those fall into hyper-conscious?


    I was referring more to kundalindi type events, much like example of staring into water too intently and then you get into the time, forget you're paddling :)


    So with weird coincidences, you would also be ACUTELY aware of it as it occurs, and not after the fact only... (so you already detect it, but then after the fact you confirm your experience)


    Uncanny events like like this include feeling yourself detached or almost in OBE, but "not in sitting meditation" at the time.