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Posts posted by starhawk

  1. Khemetic proverb: "be in the rhythm of the time"

    Yes, you can sort of notice when someone thinks about you. Synchronouiy thing.


    Like you can tell when someone stares at you and you feel good/bad vibes... only this is long distance

  2. Fod for thought and questions for myself... which i now ask to you bums. Thanks!


    Why do States of hyper consciousness exist?


    Can we willingly induce it?


    Are ancient and eastern techniques more effective?


    Does the MCO need to be open to experience the deeper levels?


    Does hyper conscious States hit you when you least expect it, such as when you do NOTHING :)


    Why do these events create such an impact on a person's memory thar that constantly seek it in meditation, etc.




    Happy Chinese new year 2012!

  3. Most laypersons don't bother to dig up the theologies.


    For example, If God or Holy Spirit is in me, then where does God reside? IN MY BODY.


    The concept Grace can correspond to the Divine helping us to draw closer. In fact, we may not awake without Divine helping, or perhaps you see the Divine in yourself.


    For example, without the Divine help at first, or a guru, per se, could someone reach enlightenment? How would we know to look? How would a child know to look?

  4. About Science Research:


    As Ya Mu wrote, I agree. There is too much political interest in the established health groups (like conservative AMA), that it would be hard to find researchers and money to sponsor scientific studies on "energy healing". For one, people with no reputation like medical students do not make studies noteworthy, and credible researchers don't want to risk their reputations and their prospect of FUTURE FUNDING to try alternative therapies.


    Ted J. Kaptchuk is a credible researcher, for example, who wrote "The Web with No Weaver" back in the 70s. He helped western science understand the paradigm of TCM healing.But the trend in research is still focused on proving acupuncture, so why venture into insane energy healing claims :)


    Most normal people consider energy stuff quackery to begin with, or that it has to do with Placebo effect. Thus, more research is needed on placebo effect before mainstream western science will investigate phenomenal claims of energy healing.


    Actually, the best bet is to find a wealthy philanthropist with interest in energy healing.

    • Like 1

  5. meditators imagine consciousness, but best described as Still, eternal bliss,...when one realizes the so-called speed-of-light is timeless, undivided, Presence that moves neither whences nor whithers,...entirely beyond the arising and ceasing of alaya.


    Holy buckets that was an amazing descriptor of something vivid... I felt something trippy after reading it... like a flash of light or not :)

  6. Hi K--


    Thx for sharing, these type of sharing posts are the best I think!


    I think Gerard hit it on the money. I would have a lot to learn from him. I too have experienced so-called remote viewing. Stay very, very grounded, no doubt.


    Good, if you take it as a sign of progress and no more, no less. Also the Shurangama Sutra, there are also many signs of progress as recorded through Chan meditation, and what occurs if you go astray and think too much about certain phenomena (e.g. getting tricked, demons come and eat you, you create trouble for yourself, something like that :)


    So keep on the middle road, as they would say.

  7. Lately some members on Tao bums begrudge teachers for charging.


    Nothing new, but why bother posting against this teacher or that teacher if you not convinced he can help, or complain about prices?


    Just laugh it off. Don't waste your time. Obviously the teacher won't help you. I don't like treading through these single lined thread replies. We should have some mod rule about what constitutes a quality post.


    On some other forums, posting a 1 lined reply would get you a warning, then banned.


    Karma is as karma does.

    • Like 1

  8. I'll state it again.





    I actually hold back the lion share of my knowledge when i post here.... i am fully well aware of taoist sexual alchemy Ive read a few books on it including taoist yoga by charles luk.


    Thru years of research Ive actually found my own method. Which I just put together finally. Im now in the stage of proving it. I train at least 5hrs a day or more. When im done im left in a state of magnetic stillness as i stand with a purified magnetic vortex(tian) swirls around me cooking me but at the same time strengthening me. I feel this big ball above my head expanding a lot of heat and what feels like an unlimited electric potential building.


    I realized that I am the dan and the field that I create is the tian. That the tian feeds the dan and once this is done the the dan can grow and be strengthen until you become pure virtue.


    I realized that the sexual alchemy, chi circulation, and all of that is just the base for higher work to build an effective tian to reconnect to the dan and thru that the stillness of that could the true alchemy happen.


    I found that the dan and the tian come together in the magnetic stillness.


    Ive done the research put the work in tested it now im proving it.


    Im on some other shit...Im a hardcore alchemist.


    Awesome, fearsome, lion's roar :D! But perhaps you have said too much already.


    But I will think about what you said.... I'm still trying to lay the foundation :).


    Interesting Drew, I think you're spot on in some parts that I recognize. It is good to hear your derivation/opinions from reading Taoist Yoga.


    I bet if someone had the duty to read it 10,000 times with a prayerful attitude they could start to understand the resynchronize the contents for themselves, in their own method. I guess everyone has to figure out for themselves.

  9. Hello guys,




    Being the new year, I was going to post a question about psychic chi intentions, but you beat me too it :)



    Our cycles of Yin and Yang are *partially* controlled by our intentions, subconscious or lost. (At least I think so...) Our original self does not distinguish "intentions" so we experience delusions of every level based on our intentions, or information from long ago (like past lifetimes, perhaps?).


    If *we* had the intention to manifest happiness and positive yang cycle for everyone, even strangers, I think we would experience subtle effects because this is the way of blessing.


    So yes, psychic phenomena are only a minor skill in the overall scheme of things, but could be useful on The Way.


    Anyhow my question: why do you need to charge up the chi gong before doing a void meditation session for intention? Is chi some type of manipulative element in this sense (jing you don't say)? Love energy or universal energy? Why doesn't this work for someone who has "depleted" reserves of energy? (paradox: retention) Which one?

  10. Actually the reason we have organic foods these days is because regular food is less nutritious... with our artificial methods, we have reduced whatever qi essence is in our foods.


    I know the Japanese have something against eating raw foods too. All that cold foods does take more energy biochemically to convert into glycogen. Your stomach would have to work extra hard to denature the raw food enzymes, especially in uncooked plant cellular structures. Even if the food passes through, the body would react accordingly to produce excess acids I bet, but I'm no expert.


    Can you imagine the kind of world where you can do anything? What would it mean? Would you want it? It might be a lonely world. It might be a world with you and not much else in it. Have you thought about this at all?



    Yes, such a world almost exists for me. It is called minecraft.




    : : )

    [4 eyes!)

    • Like 1

  12. Yo,


    I'm aspiring to be a professional screenwriter/director or novelist. I love creating realities and stories that are close to my heart.


    Who else is with me?


    Anyone here write? Like creating stories?

    umm that is how i make a living. It gives me a headache.

  13. while at the same time working on neigong techniques of transforming these substances into extra pure qi. "How else are you going to live in a toxic world if you don't have the skill?"

    "got alcohol"

    "got alchemy"

    "got qi"




    Totally believe it because I've heard similar stories. Of course, I've never been there to see if it is real.

    We should organize a Tao bums thing like this to prove it :D

    Just kidding, not interested. This should help those fellows who are low on Qi.

  14. p. 46 Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality.


    You know i finally realized what drew means by perv attack. In standard terms i would call it the negative vitality of people and their attraction to the lower chakras. Hope that helps

    the po spirits of other people want to eat cultivators, huhahahahaha! (Evil laughter)

  15. Hello, this is Solala Towler, publisher of The Empty Vessel: The Journal of Daoist Philosophy and Practice, since 1993. We have a new website at where you can access our summer issue, in full color, for free. If you want to subscribe to future issues you can do that as well. Take a look and let me know what you think!


    Hi Solala! Welcome!


    PS I recently sent you an email, please check your inbox. Thanks!

  16. *double post deleted*


    Neat post. You should keep a journal on tao bums and migrate this post there.


    As for the sleep stuff, you might need to calm your shen more so you have more peaceful sleep. If you're going into REM right after waking, something is wrong with your sleep cycles. Of course, I am not a doctor, but you should check it. *disclaimer*


    Have you been staying up all night or taking medications that will change your sleep? Talk to a doctor about it.


    From an energy perspective, you should protect yourself more. I'm no expert, but I know when I'm tired, crap happens in my sleep too. Don't be so scattered. Cut the coffee. Keep a regular bedtime. My two cents. :)

  17. Basically the energy should be in the heart. A perv attack means someone is trying to suck you off to create an external ejaculation -- this could be either from a female who thinks she needs guys to ejaculate so she can have an orgasm or it can be from a male perv addicted to his own ejaculations.


    So if someone is trying to suck you off but your energy is in your heart then the energy will get moved to your liver causing you to be angry in response -- this is righteous anger and appropriate. Of course it's best not to demonstrate this anger but if you can perceive the energy being "deconverted" from heart chi energy into liver jing energy then you'll know the cause.


    So the answer is reverse breathing and also to put the index finger against your thumb so that it closes off energy from leaving your body. Then if you can sit in full lotus this will reverse the damage very effectively -- you just wait until the sex energy is burned or ionized back into jing energy and then back into electromagnetic chi energy.


    If you can't do the full lotus then do the small universe exercise (microcosmic orbit) as this again sublimates and purifies (ionizes) the energy.



    Hi Drew,


    Interesting discussion.


    Nice to see you here. I joined Tao-bums in your interim period. I partially read your manuscript and was going to ask the master about it.


    What made you decide to come back to Tao bums now?


    I'll PM you.




  18. Hi Bums,


    I drank too much, and I was waiting to be relieved. It was such a long time.


    So I was standing at the bathroom door, waiting my turn.


    I held my breath and tried not to think of my overfilled bladder. All I could think of was the physical sensation. Maybe I tharted the thought for a second.


    I pondered, if indeed all phenomena are truly empty, then why can I feel the fullness in my bladder? :)


    If indeed all phenomena are truly empty, why do we wait for the emptiness? Why are some people first in line and some are last in line?


    So thankful now.