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Posts posted by starhawk

  1. If you have diamond eyes, what color are your eyes to other people?


    If you are looking there, are you here?


    Yea, I've seen this phenomenon where my teacher "changed". Its like a 1080 degree flip. He exuded a different feel. Needless to say we were freaked out since none of us were expecting it. I left my teacher after that because he was unpredictable. Should I come back? :)


    Thanks for guiding us Immortals!

  2. This was 20 years ago and it still irks me to this day.


    Sorry for this rant.. am I wrong?


    Does this not bother anyone else?


    Those knuckleheads- you should just forgive them and move on... It seems like you still carry the 20 year memory. Those people aren't worth your time or memory...

  3. When I was little, I loved standing in the sun! It it was a stretch that lasted forever, but when I woke up I was feeling the sunburn. Ow! Then there were the falling dreams. I kept falling forever into a rainbow elevator shaft (what the deuces?)


    20 years past...


    I forgot. I got lost, almost stopped, found qi, started wandering, found a teacher, got scared ****less, then wandered some more and found another teacher. Then I remember something from my past, then all of it is irrelevant.


    What got me lost was thinking too much.


    If I think, therefore I am, but what happens when I don't think? Can a man ever not think? If I am looking at the fireplace and I fall asleep, then forget who I am, do I still exist? The fire. Damn fire. Descartes


    There was a German named Kant who said the unknowable noumenon, the thing in itself, was unachievable to the human mind and we could only experience the world through sensory phenomena. But I often wondered about this world in itself, even when my teachers and the world moved on.


    Good thing a good teacher found me.

  4. I recommend checking out Daniel Ingrams - Mastering the Core Teaching of the Buddha. It's free online and contains a lot of great information. You may find a lot that you can relate to and pointers to where you want to go.

    Daniel Ingram is an arahat, his mastery of the states and stages is really incredible. The book itself really reveals that it's all possible, just practice practice practice (correctly :) )


    I have never heard of an American claiming to have mastery of the arhat stages, but if its true, Praise to the Heavens :).


    and of course the dao that can be apprehended isn't dao at all, but thats another conversation. Ask marblehead. :D :D


    Try Scholar warrior by deng Ming-dao it is one of the best I have found. Ken Cohens is a bit watered down as he makes it plausible and palpable for philosophical Taoists... more adapted to the west.

  6. Hi there,


    Let me give you my personal experience on the matter:


    Relying on exogenic substances to manipulate consciousness will create dependence and it will not promote your spiritual growth from a karmic perspective. In other words, you will further dig a hole in your psiritual evolution as you will stunt that growth which only results from the noble eightfold path:


    1. Wisdom


    2. Ethical conduct


    3. Mental development. This is where substance use will fail in terms of "right effort", "right mindfulness" and "right concentration."


    If you are after directly exploring higher states of consciousness and being in touch with beings dwelling in either our three dimensional realm or on others, then train to transfer your conscious state to your astral body during sleep (yin phase of our human existence). For some astral projection is almost a natural exercise, but for most of us it requires a dedicated and disciplined practice. Connecting to the instant switch from the yang to the yin cycle is not easy and also the energy required to travel in the astral is also significant, which explains why a daily meditation routine and internal energy work that builds up our Qi and refines the essence "jing-qi-shen" is needed in order to "remain" during the yin phase.


    Dragon Gate Daoists, Yogis belonging to the Samkhya school (Raja Yoga) and Tibetan Buddhists actively incorporate astral work in their spiritual practices in order to overcome the fear of death (loss of ego) and acquire higher knowledge of the workings of the Universe. These people don't use hallucinogenic substances; they don't need to as they put a lot of effort into daily meditation, and their karma will grow as well as their spiritual insight and wisdom.


    I personally would refer to this final group for advice on the matter.


    If you are really interested in exploring those realms and our physical Universe introduce in your daily regime lucid dreaming and astral projection practices. There is plenty of free literature online on this subject and a very active and supportive forum


    Good luck.


    Gerard, You seem to be a Dharma protector type. I'll PM you a question.

  7. The source is within... and it's infinite. If you understand the difference between "infinite" and "readily available," that's a start. Many spiritually inclined folks mistake one for the other, and not for purposes of jing alone.


    There's nothing less available than what you don't even know that you forgot.


    Oh, and false memories don't take you there. Talking about the prenatal state or pre-birth state or the state of unity with confidence of someone who has live unbroken memories of getting from that state to the present with no gaps in them will only take you farther astray and dump more non-memory (non-jing), fabrications, over the already deeply-buried real deal.


    Yes, Thank you Taomeow for expounding upon Tao. If this is all someone ever learned from Tao Bums, it would be almost sufficient.


    Most people get confused. Also remember that TCM definitions were created as a partial system of Chinese medicine stemming from ancient time.


    Non, you should sit in lotus meditation, and avoid sex to build jing. Sit for an hour and see how you feel. See if you feel full, and your dan tian is warm. Also go to acupuncture to tonify. BTW If your thoughts run wild in meditation, you are not in the emptiness. Do more purification. Do purification exercises to clear your mind of excess thought.


    By the way, Thanks Vortex, I didn't know Wang Lipang had an online q and a system. Yay! I'm glad I logged in today. Thank you bums for the opportunity to learn from you.

    • Like 1


    For example, although baboon look likes humans, hardly can you start from the mind of it to study human's mind, they are just different in nature and distinct on distant planes of spirit.


    What about monkeys? What plane do they exist on? What about Monkey King :D ?

  9. starhawk...

    Here are the translations per your request.



    The highest Taoist Priest has attained his ultimate state of Tao power.



    The three "Ching" Taoist Immortals have been dignified as the Heavenly Patriarchs.


    Thanks Chidragon!

    That was awesome. I think you help us a lot. Hope you get blessings from Tao and Tao bums. ;)

  10. To continue the thread... I have a Taoist translation request. It is not related to bubble's question.


    Translation/transliteration of a Taoist mantra? The crowd recites it in the video.



    It is partially obscured what is written in the back. Thanks so much!

  11. I see your posts all the time here. If you leave it is a staple of Tao Bums collective dispersing.


    We all have our own choices to make. This is just one more challenge in your cycle. Once in awhile I see senior forum members getting sick of TaoBums and I ask them to reconsider.


    Whatever you do, have fun and please come back soon. You should have a channel of communication for seekers who want to join your lineage.

  12. To OP.


    Do you feel energy going from your body? If so I would suggest to learn to utilize the ida and take the energy back + some :P Ida or yin however you want to look at it.


    It's not really a bad thing, it just is like a parasite trying to survive. If it doesn't gain from you it will go away. Try to put your left hand where you feel the energy leak and utilize yin to guide the energy through your left arm through the shoulder and spine where it becomes yang to flow out the right hand. You can put your right hand on the LDT in the front of your body, or behind your head holding the UDT or third eye.



    Thanks bums :)


    Yes, it is just a parasite, but it can certainly cause troubles. Later on I got into uncanny arguments with family, and when I sat, I felt a bit unsafe, so I recited a heavenly invocation, which coincided with immediate noise from vent, etc. Possibly it left. (Just today I realized we recently dug up old stuffed animal toy, being a monkey with its head fallen off; but can inanimate objects act as vessel for other beings? Perhaps it was just asking for assistance, then, but not knowing how.)


    Anyways, when I meditate I invoke protective Universal help, so I usually not feel leakage. If I meditate without asking for assistance, or without purifying, then strange things occur.


    Thanks informer for sharing the energy balancing technique. It is similar to a qigong technique I know while in standing practice. I don't know neidan techniques to distinguish yin and yang energy, or maybe I haven't explored it. Right now I just use a baser form of intention, as I say "May my positive energy be integrated." :)


    Thanks for the link! My thoughts are Vibrations can only be maintained at a high level with intentionality, (unless you are sufficiently advanced?). Anyways, if you drop it for even a bit, you could be vulnerable, methinks.


    I think if you focus on your guru, if he's given you permission, you can overcome the manifestations with light energy. If you are a Buddhist, as your picture seems to indicate, you can request a lama to assist for exorcism if you believe it comes to that, I'm pretty sure. What do you currently do right now?


    BTW, K- about horror movies- yes, they mess up your psyche, which in turn messes up your energy/mindfulness. It might attract bad things because of your mental state, who knows?


    Is there something to purify after watching bad things, so it doesn't cause trouble in your life? What do you guys do?

  14. Do you know why the attacks are near effectiv on you?

    Do this happen to other in the house?

    Thanks K. You're right, from what I heard, these things happen eventually to meditating folk... its also mentioned in school's texts and sacred texts as well.


    Yes, those who are sensitive may detect odd things like these manifestations all the time.

    Attacks may occur because your environment, or your vibrational energy, as friend suggests. You should do space clearing too.


    I did a mediation just sitting, after waking up. I ask the universe to assist me to purify my energy upon waking up. I just happened it see it like that (perhaps in a semi-dream state) hypogogic state even (since I had just woken up).


    The negative may be caused by kidney energy weakness too, is my thoughts. That is because kidney is black and corresponds to fear in 5 element theory. I am no expert though.


    I also have tinnitus, and sometimes the ringing flares up suddenly. Sometimes it corresponds with feelings of fear. Then I use some Tao techniques I know to drive away some bad energy, and the ringing stops.


    The easiest way is to envision golden light. What do you guys use for shielding/protection?

  15. Hi Bums


    So, today I was meditating and I saw an evil monkey sitting on my floor :o. Then I looked into the abyss and the abyss looked back at me :). No, I didn't see the cartoon Family guy recently at all :)


    Anyways, I was reading the thread on Energy Healing and Self-protection from about three years ago.


    Is the link to this page on Spiritual Warfare still around? There's a loose thread that has a 404 error. Can I ask a mod to look for it?


    On the other hand, we could start a new thread on this stuff. Care to share any public opinions?


    Who needs ghosts and illusions these days :)? Oh wait, its Halloween season in the USA :)

  16. In lesson 1, the "Way of Attainment", as it's described, the quote first discussed from the 'Light on the Path' pamphlet is as follows:


    Before the eyes can see, they must be incapable of tears. Before the ear can hear, it must have lost its sensitiveness. Before the voice can speak in the presence of the Masters, it must have lost the power to wound. Before the soul can stand in the presence of the Masters, its feet must be washed in the blood of the heart.


    Ramacharaka expands this a bit by saying that before the eyes can see with the clear vision of the Spirit, they must have grown incapable of the tears of wounded pride - unkind criticism - unmerited abuse - unfriendly remarks - slights - sarcasm - the annoyances of everyday life - the failures and disappointments of everyday existence.



    Hi Manitou!


    thanks for sharing. The first passage is consistent with my understanding of Taoist explanations. My take from this reading is essentially, you cannot open your third eye to contact the Ancients without the stillness of the mind (to void it of sensory data), but this requires purifying of the heart's intentions. (to open the heart by refraining from evil, and doing good deeds).


    The blood of the heart may refer to the suffering that must come about before the heart can be purified, or even that trigger of suffering which brings people to search for The Way. Suffering through heartbreak, after which one learns Truth about love, and it lets us not taking things for granted, etc.


    My two cents, for better or worse, but I hope it helps :).


    If you don't mind, can you share with me what you like about the passage, that has helped you on the Way?

  17. Just to add something...I once read in a Mongolian shamanism book that it represented the movement of the big dipper as the Earth rotates.

    swastika is a 2 dimension diagram of a higher dimension pattern seen at

    the entrance or void between levels of the nine palaces.

    Prophecies with diagrams like these are useful maps of internal potential.

    When taken for their external meaning 'ending of the world' they lose

    importance for individual seekers lacking intuitive insight of their true meaning

    except perhaps to spurn oneself to intensity with the work of developing intuition.


    Yes, thank you both of you.


    The fact that the alternative is to play archeologist, which would not yield conclusive evidence whatsoever, even if millions of dollars were poured into its research.


    by the way, there were people who did just that. Were prone to the pet archeology of the swastika, and spent massive resources on a national budget scale... that's right you guessed it, Nazi mysticism. Did they learn anything? Its hard to say, but nothing is left for us debating on a public tao bums forum :)


    In my opinion, it would be more interesting to see what Hopi intuition has developed and to talk to a Hopi shaman, if they still exist.

  18. You pose question about meaning of love. You also ask, Does love lead to enlightenment?


    I have heard some say,


    true love is known once there is the void created by the total absence of love: this total absence is created by a broken heart. Thus true love is known when one recovers after a broken heart. Some never recover.


    I have heard some say a broken heart is necessary to open the heart, perhaps this is necessary to look for enlightenment?


    I know I myself only started looking for spiritual fulfillment after I experienced many broken hearts. I yearned to find another answer to life's woes and meaning of love.


    Where is the answer to life's woes: is it in a lover, or in kindness to all? Is it outside or inside?

  19. I think different taoists will respond differently. :)


    One very taoist taoist asked me this question and led me toward thinking what he thinks -- to wit, that things "unnatural" are part of things "natural" just like "yin" is always part of "yang" and vice versa. I am still processing this idea. Here's some thoughts it has generated (work in progress, none carved in stone):


    I guess it's a matter of proportions. If you have "yang within yin" it's still yin, having some yang within is its inherent attribute, in fact part of its yin-ness. ("Pure yang" ideas later in taoism are borrowings from Indo-European modalities. These are un-taoist ideas within taoism, similar to seeds of yang within yin, which follows the original premise of taoism and does not render it un-taoist.) If you have increased the proportion of yang within yin to half and half, you have "balance" -- and within "balance" things don't stay put, not even for a second, given the perpetual motion of the manifest world and the manifest-unmanifest interplay. One of them flips the balance to its side. Thus, yang within yin, should it overgrow yin, will flip it into yang, with seeds of yin within. Similarly, unnatural things within naturalness, if they grow to balance, will not stay put -- they will flip. Should they flip toward more unnatural than natural, we'll have an unnatural world, with seeds of naturalness within. When it reaches its peak unnaturalness it won't be able to grow any more unnatural because "pure unnaturalness" is as impossible as "pure yang," and so it will start moving in the opposite direction -- the seeds of naturalness within an unnatural world will grow.




    Thanks TaoMeow! Good insight. Can you explain possibly The matter of proportions using a system, either ancient or modern? I know of such a system called the book of changes, but I do not know how to use it. Hexagrams can explain yin and yang, which if you take TaoMeow's suggestion that natural and unnatural correspond to yin and yang, would help. Hexagrams could then determine if something is natural or unnatural to degrees and shades. However, one more factor we would need to take into effect the three influences, i.e. our human nature makes us favor yang, like love versus hatred or ignorance.


    Do I need to find a feng shui master? I'm not sure what I'm asking, but just working out ideas.

    Any bums here that might want to try to explain my riddle to me to index what what is natural, unnatural, with dexterity?

  20. Thanks everyone. I have stopped commenting on Tao Bums to avoid arguments, etc, but this thread seems useful, and can help intermediate practitioners as well.


    Ok, Kali Yoga in my "opinion" you are partially right. But there are methods to do MCO without first completely filling the dan tien. To use an analogy of driving a car, you might go to the petrol station right before you start driving :) Perhaps your analogy should be instead that horse is often not strong enough to carry the carriage, but you can feed the horse a carrot or two before you start. Maybe a lump of sugar.


    Ok, so just to change topic, I wish to ask Dawei. Thank you for sharing your expertise. I know what you mean of the Fire Cycle. I don't know names but I know other methods. I know of a method with sound. I also know how to collect and rotate before MCO. If other methods you know are sharable, can you publicly explain or PM me? Thank you!

  21. Be like Water. Be like a field of grass. That is how I heard this.




    Thanks Lotus7. This reminds me of a poem from Zhuangzi. A master of Tao squares off with a shaman, and he reflects this state of being to the shaman, scaring him off. If you return to the true nature, the mind is quiet and reflects something from our timeless state.


    Practice is applied knowledge right? But how many people will ever experience some clarity in this life? I'm not sure how to help "average joe" sometimes.


    I will check out "The Whole Heart of Yoga" by John Bright-Fey someday. Higher forms of yogic practice in any tradition are actually alchemy practices. I partially distinguish alchemy and clarity as two parts, which are called the dual cultivation in Taoist yoga. That is my understanding, anyhow.



    Star hawk