Hi, All: I've been involved with martial arts, meditation and esoteric studies, generally, for quite a few years. Time spent researching and practicing Taoist and Buddhist "arts" has yielded amazing blessings, for which i am very grateful. I taught law in SoCal for 20 years, and at the same time was "studying" and doing Reiki, Jin Shin, and some Chi Gong. Now i teach Reiki in Mt. Shasta, a magickal, high vibe place to be.
I am very pleased to be here and would like to share the following. It is a "manual" that "reveals" the "secret" for attuning onesself and others for Reiki, and "anything else", actually, as you will read. I hope you find this helpful in your studies and practices http://www.xtrememind.com/AttunementManual.pdf
Many Blessings