Taiji Bum

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Everything posted by Taiji Bum

  1. I read it and since I believe he did spend some time traveling China and learning things I would guess his TTC has some value but I didnt really see it. It seemed to me like he translated it through the lens of the kabbalah.... but thats just me.
  2. Ascension

    Welcome to da Bums! Hey, why did you call this thread ascension? Is that your goal?
  3. Kaballah

    I am a huge fan of The Holy Ari (Isaac Luria), the Zohar and I am currently studying the Kabbalistic roots of Freemasonry. My first love is Taoism and taijiquan but I also love my Jewish mystical roots that come through my mom. In the end its all sacred geometry, heros jouney and the perenial philosophy.
  4. This reminds me of the question of what makes you a Christian. Some people might read a few chapter of the New Testament and proclaim themselves Christians. Then you have some who say your not a Christian until your baptized. Then other say your not Christian until your in a lineage that can trace itself back to Jesus himself. You get the same thing in Taoism. Some read the Tao Teh Ching and say their Taoist. Then others come along saying your not Taoist until you join a temple and still others say your not Taoist until your in an established lineage and that you cant even understand the inner meaning of the Tao Teh Ching until your initiated. Yeah, I have met those people.... Just starting a topic that all yall can turn into a rant if you like. I'm feeliing persnickity today.
  5. Taoism and the dark night on the soul

    According to Catholic Mystical Theology the "Dark Night of the Soul" happens ONLY after the "Vision of Illumination" and lasts about 10 years. I have personally always correlated this with the "9 Years Crushing the Void".
  6. Jeff Primack

    You edited it out, but in your original post you said you had taught this to 15,000 people? Dang.... 15,000 time a $100/seminar is $1,500,000. YOUR MY HERO!
  7. What is the essence of spirituality?

    Too bad this isn't real.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ascendometer#...endometer.22.29 "Ascendometer": An Ancient device used to measure a person's synaptic activity. Designed to work alongside the DNA Resequencer, the scanner analyzes a subject's current physiological status and feeds the information back into the resequencer. It was able to locate the areas of the brain that were used for advanced abilities such as telekinesis, and was apparently used by the Ancients during their pursuit of Ascension. One of the scanners was discovered in the lab where Anubis created and experimented on Khalek, a clone created by Anubis using his pre-ascension DNA. After the SGC brought Khalek back to Earth for study, the scanner was brought with them and used to monitor his development. The device was nicknamed "ascendometer" by Colonel Mitchell.[69] The device was later sent to Atlantis and used on Rodney McKay after he accidentally manipulated his own DNA.[77]
  8. What is the essence of spirituality?

    Maybe look at both physical development and mental development and then try to see any patterns in them to extrapolate a pattern for spiritual development? I know in sacred geometry this is done with what is commonly called the tree of life. Not sure how you could measure a person though. You can measure physical development with physical tests such as a measuring tape or medical tests. You can measure psychological development with written psychological tests and by a trained observer looking at a persons life. I imagine since a 3 year old isn't physically mature they would fail a psychological maturity test so maybe it goes the same with a spiritual maturity. For true spirituality development to begin maybe you need both physical and mental health and maturity? That would be a good start I think. But if you use physical tests to test physical development, and psychological tests to test psychological development then it stands to reason you need spiritual tests to test spiritual development? The only concrete testing would be the physical one. Psychological testing is trickier and I imagine spiritual testing is likewise even more refined and difficult, but probably not impossible.
  9. Progress in martial art

    If you practice on your own you will make pretty good strides. Even the stick fighting can be practiced alone and you will get faster and faster and more precise in your hits. But even if you just make it to one class a week, thats better than not at all especially since you dont know what the future holds. You might love it so much you drop your other practices and take the warrior path for the rest of your life.
  10. Kybalion reveals the divine prank

    I've read it and am making a big study of it since I found that it works. When studying things becomes ineffectual/meaningless it means that you need to progress to some serious meditation..... according to my old Catholic spiritual advisor anyway. You've build an effective structure of knowledge in your mind and now you need to fill it with insights. Thats my take anyway.
  11. What is your personality type

    Scotty, I took this test 21 years ago before I went into the Seminary and was an ENTJ. I have always tested ENTJ but my %'s get more pronounced as I get older.
  12. What is your personality type

    Your Type is ENTJ Extraverted Intuitive Thinking Judging Strength of the preferences % 56 25 88 89 moderately expressed extravert moderately expressed intuitive personality very expressed thinking personality very expressed judging personality Hillary Clinton, Napoleon, Margret Thatcher, Carl Sagan, Bill Gates, Golda Meir, Edward Teller, George Benard Shaw, and General George C. Marshall are examples of Rational Fieldmarshals.
  13. Kybalion reveals the divine prank

    Maybe it's more of like in the Matrix where you cant be told what the matrix is, you have to see it for yourself? Hermes could have told them but it would have meant nothing without the direct experience?
  14. The Chicken or the Egg?

    Evolutionists would say the egg was first but it was a proto-chicken first and then over time finally a chicken hatched. A creationist would say that GAWD created the fowls of the air not the eggs in the nest so thats chicken first and then egg. I'd have to go with the evolutionists on this one....
  15. MMORPG experiences?

    Wow, what a profound post..... but society doesnt cater to the "strivers". Strivers achieve great things because they "strive" for them. Its Pereto's Law, 20% of the people do or achieve 80% of the results. That goes for sales as much as anything in life and I bet it goes for things such as Taoist Alchemy too. (Obviously, I am a Striver.)
  16. Very taoist fun-shirt

    Very cool!
  17. Yeah, that movie was brutal. My girlfriend and I both got the sniffles during it. I am middle aged and it really hit me hard but atleast I have lived out my dreams mostly and been around the world a few times. My GF and I both agree it was the best movie we've seen all year. I think the trick with not stopping an energy flow is transmuting it. Embrace the grief to energize your resolve to do something you have been wanting to do for years or something like that.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyzrGN5GdNI...re=channel_page These are the three classics of Western Hermetic Tradition, THE KYBALION, The Tarot and all brought together by the Freemasonry Tracing Boards. I have spent years studying Taoist Alchemy and Tai Chi but lately I have been broadening my base with Western Wisdom Traditions. First I recorded "The Kybalion" without the commentary by "The Three Initiates" and when I put the Tarot on it in sequence I was suprised at the similarity in words to images. After that I placed the Tracing Boards in it at every 7 cards and what I made seems pretty profound. I hope you enjoy it.
  19. Book- Men Who Stare at Goats

    I read it and the guy who wrote it seems to be poking fun at the Army's psychic program and the military in general. I wasn't in the psychic program but I was at Ft Braggs JFK Special Warfare Center when it was going on and from what I heard (heresay), it was scaring the hell out of a lot of people because it was working so well. As a side note.... the Chinese appearently bought all the old Soviet psychic research.
  20. My first video, do i look burdened to you?

    1st videos suck..... in fact my 30th videos sucks too. I am still waiting to get better. One thing that I did do better is I bought a decent camera with a tripod. My next purchase will be a camera with a lapel microphone. The first trick is to learn to edit and you can get anything you need legally for free on the internet. You look about 23-25 btw. How old are you really? Keep the videos coming!
  21. The Silent Flute / Circle of Iron

    Thats an old one! I loved it! I dont remember the martial arts so I guess I will have to watch it again.
  22. Who has read "The Kybalion." What are your thoughts?
