Taiji Bum

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Everything posted by Taiji Bum

  1. self-centered thread

    YES! Its not that women want to be lied to, they want to be romanced and FEEL! You will not get a decent woman with a logical argument. The also unconsciously want a man with status and that doesn't mean money. It means that you just need to play it cool and not be subservient to them. They dont want a little yes man and they dont want an equal. They want someone with higher status than themselves. I know saying that goes against everything they tell you but its the truth. Scotty..... dude..... if your giving up women because of your Taoist cultivation then I can understand that. But if not..... I have been up in no-womans-land where you live. Maybe you need to come down here some weekend? Bring a cot because I dont have a spare bed and I dont even have a couch since my living room is my taijiquan practice area. My girlfriend has a ton of HOT friends.......
  2. self-centered thread

    Ohhhhhhhhhh.... PUA = Pick Up Artist! I was wondering what you guys were talking about. I listened to David Deangelo's "77 Laws of Success with Women and Dating" for weeks everyday and it really helped me. Its not about what lines to use but being a better man to attract better quality women. Things that make you attractive to women according to David D.? Having a definate purpose in life and actively seeking your goals. Traveling or being involved with thing that are interesting to women. Good personal grooming. Knowing your self-worth so your not nervous talking to women. Free MP3 here- http://www.mininova.org/tor/953084 One of the things that really hit me was him saying that its far more rare to find a man who really has his life together than to find a beautiful woman. Also.... Cat I am sure know more about this stuff than any of us. Women talk about this social stuff far more than men. A good example are the steps of mating. Almost all women can name you the steps of mating from eye contact to sex, but very few men can. Another good audio book is by Barbara Deangelis called "What Women Want Men to Know" that you can get free here- http://www.mininova.org/tor/1279241 Basically David Deangelo will get you the girl and Barbara Deangelis will help you keep her.
  3. Immortality - the various views

    Dude....... come on! Immortality or even an extremely long life span would be awesome! You would have the time to explore every corner of this beautiful planet and still have time for the small, even better stuff like raising babies. On top of that once you've probed every experience this world has to offer it would be about time humanity would be looking to seriously go into space and you could then see every corner of this beautiful universe. You could just relax and earn and save money for 50 years to become financially independent and never have to work again and still be young enough to enjoy life. Immortality would be awesome!
  4. Don't Eat Pork....

    Thanks Scotty, I've actually gone vegetarian but on Sundays I cheat and have bacon..... and I like it extra-crispy!
  5. self-centered thread

    I'd like to write something witty and funny but my girlfriend just stopped by to give me a hug 20 minutes ago... for no reason. So I am all about love at the moment. I've got the mushy, gushy, warm-fuzzies going on....... There ARE some really great women out there, but in order to attract one you need to be a really great guy. Thats the key, YOU attract what YOU are. Sorta like if your a doormat you'll get someone who wants to walk on you. Thats the key I think, figure out the kind of woman you want and be the kind of man she would want............. and be good to your moms!
  6. The Tao of Tai Chi

    Thats funny that he said that judo players could throw him sometimes, but only if he wore a gi. I've had the same experience because in taijiquan the first thing you learn to do is sink, so whenever a judo guy positioned me for a throw my taijiquan training already has me sinking. With me at 225 I was very difficult to throw. BTW, I've said this a few times but if you really want to get good at taijiquan then just take enough judo classes to do some free-sparring (randori). It's an eye opener.
  7. Hey, I love the Pope! I love that Taoist priest too! His posts on most things are very educational, but here at the Tao Bums there is always a new Tao sect trying to convert us to their brand of Taoism. This guy at least is also posting general information about Taoists practices and not just trying to save us from the end of the world. I like this guy waaaaaaay better than the end of the world Taoist guy. I hope this one stays, but like the rest.... when he finds no converts he will most likely leave. Note to future converters: Post cool educational stuff for months, post in other peoples threads with wise help, post funny things and then.... when you have a solid reputation.... let it slip that you are a Taoist priest with a new temple and you'll be suprised at how good a response you will get!
  8. Hi Everyone

    Welcome to da Bums.
  9. Kung Fu Panda

    My girlfriend was a bit skeptical about watching the movie but she has a pet turtle and as soon as she saw the great master was a turtle she was hooked. I talk about ascension alot but I think she gets what I am talking about now that she has seen it in this cartoon. Oogway does some Tai Chi and then ascends..... it was perfect. Did you know that in China it is a peach of immotality that the heavenly woman offers the questing hero and not a cup of immortality like the holy grail in the west? The symbols in Kung Fu Panda are really deep if you can see them.
  10. Which three treasures?

    This just popped into my bald head..... Frugality- conserve jing Compassion- meditate Humility- when the qi rises surrender to it to obtain shen
  11. self-centered thread

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me three times......
  12. Taoism, Taoist

    When my first taijiquan teacher introduced me to Taoism I had no idea it was a religion. He was teaching me primarily from the Tao Teh Ching and The Secret of the Golden Flower. It wasn't until we took a trip to Taiwan that I saw Taoist temples and priests. They reminded me of any other clergy... were the true church..... join us..... give us your money.
  13. Starman returns

    Holy crap! (teehee)
  14. Kung Fu Panda

    Oogway Ascends plus his philosophy. (I get inspiration in strange places... so sue me. ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pwgKPZ2NS8...feature=related
  15. Interesting experiences

    I used to have reverse breathing spontaneously happen when I had tunnel experiences during meditation. I would be meditating and then spontaneously I would just take this enormous inhale and my stomach would suck in at the same time. Then my tongue would curl back to touch the roof of my mouth and I would feel like I was flying upwards. Sometimes I was feeling on several levels so I could feel something like liquid-lightening blast up my spine the same time I was feeling like I was flying upwards and going through a tunnel. At the end of the tunnel I passed through or into different lights. I tried practicing reverse breathing outside of these experiences but never had much of a result and just stuck to normal breathing and emptiness meditation.
  16. Full lotus

    Bump Bump, because I want to do it. Anybody doing full-lotus whop couldn't do it before?
  17. Taoism, Taoist

    This reminds me of the "Who is a "true" Christian" argument. You got those who claim to be the rightful lineage holders like us Catholics, then those who broke away Protestents, those who started their chuches with the bible alone like some baptists and each pointing a finger at the other saying your not a true Christian. I think what matters is results. Its the individual and not the style that succeeds because you get saints in every religion and in every religion you also get advanced mystics, but some however do produce more of them. I think the biggest producers are the Catholic and Orthodox Churches in the west and Zen, Taoism and the Yogic disciplines in the east. But I think it all comes down to emptiness meditation and living the monk lifestyle.
  18. The 8 Mantras in Taoism

    I never owned a Chinese lunar calendar but I used a Jewish one or a normal western one with the lunar phases to know when the new and full moons were. On the Jewish one its the 1st and 15th also.
  19. newbie from QLD Australia

    Welcome to da Bums.
  20. Hallo!

    Welcome to da Bums.
  21. Hi. I am Ada!

    Welcome to da Bums.
  22. Taoism, Taoist

    The Christian "formula" for baptism is usually water on the head with saying, "I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit". Is there a similar formula in Taoism? Is the formula from one school recognized in another school?
  23. The 8 Mantras in Taoism

    My first taijiquan teacher had me following the lunar dietary rules. Thanks for the reminder.
  24. Kung Fu Panda

    Here it is again. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3d3NWl9ZAU...feature=related
  25. Immortality - the various views

    I first came across it in THE SECRET OF THE GOLDEN FLOWER as one of the confirmatory signs and here is the entire chapter and my take on it. http://www.thetaobums.com/CONFIRMATORY-EXP...IGHT-t4248.html There are several Zen monks and a Patriarch that had white blood as well as several Catholic saints including St Paul. Unfortunately, finding this out usually takes their heads getting chopped off.