Taiji Bum

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Posts posted by Taiji Bum

  1. It's always seemed to be me that psychic abilities were as natural as our arms and legs, except we live in a world that chooses to crawl on all fours.


    The world cries, "Dont stand up! Its unnatural and a distraction! If you start walking around and free up your arms who knows what kind of mischief you will get into. Its safer to keep crawling around in the mud with the rest of us! Dont be different!"


    But you know what? We used to live in that world. A long time ago we stopped being knuckle dragging cave dwellers and started to walk upright to the point of walking among the stars! I think our next step is to free our minds and only God knows what we will do then but I bet it will be even more impressive and GOOD than walking among the stars.

  2. People like Darin Hamel who simply want to give themselves some sort of faulty sense of legitimacy to teach a class on martial arts.

    If I were to ascribe a negative motivation to my being on the TaoBums it would be for ego validation and not legitimacy to teach a class on martial arts. My major personal issues always seem to go back to trying to please my dead father. So if your going to be critical of me please get it right. Here's some more of my bad points to make it easier for you to be critical of me and to point out my faults.


    1- Feelings of inferiority (I'm a youngest child.)

    2- Greedy (I wanna be a millionaire.)

    3- Lustful (blondes)

    4- Arrogant (YOU TALKING TO ME!)

    5- Delusions of Grandeur (Nobody is enlightened as me.)

    6- Lazy (Fat)


    I think you have posted some criticisms of my Taoist Alchemy videos too. In my self indulgent moments I tell myself I posted them to help people and those seekers new on the path. In my self critical moments I see there was a selfish intent to maybe get "discovered" and become rich and famous. Thank you for making me take a look at myself.


    Happy Easter!

    Darin Hamel

  3. Wu style also has much narrower and higher stances than Yang style and also much less emphasis on the big sweeping arm movements. They say, "Wu for the city and Yang for the country.", because Wu style can be practiced with the very movement restrictive "royal court clothing". Thats my understanding anyway. All Tai Chi share the same principles like the 6 harmonies and 8 energies/5 elements.


    Edit: Spelling

  4. Welcome to da Bums. The above advice by Trunk is great. The hardest thing about meditation is just getting started. I must have read 40 books on it before I sat down and tried it for the first time. The "watching your breath" meditation will stick with you your entire life. Start with it and stick with it. Good fortune on your journey!

  5. Great intro. Where to begin? Just start a basic meditation practice every day. 5 minutes to start and work yourself up to 20 minutes as a plateu and then slowly up to an hour and then just the basic watch your breath type of meditation. Start simple and basic but start and stick with it. Most people dont. You can always adjust your practices as you gain more experience but you must always maintain meditation as your core practice. Thats my opinion anyway.


    Welcome to da Bums! :)

  6. I watched it and was pretty creeped out until the video got static during an abduction. At that point all I felt was disappointment that this was a hoax. I watched it hoping it was true but was pretty disgusted with wasting my time watching it.


    BUT.... then I started researching it and aside from critics calling it a hoax and the studio paying a fine for creating false sites to promote the movie there is no proof its fake. That leaves me where I was before with wanting to believe.....