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Everything posted by Taoist81

  1. Man shoots electricity out from his hand

    Ha, yes of course I am a Daoist Master....uh, no I just try to see simplicity. As for the scientists, from all I've seen (only shown on Geller's website), all they say is "wow, I don't know how he did that" or "it's amazing, he must have special powers". But keep in mind there are also Harvard "scholars" who believe that the biblical version of creation is true. You are right to say that science is constantly changing and we (obviously) don't know everything, far from it. But unless those scientists want to conduct labratory studies then their sound bite or "amazement" is meaningless. You attempt to throw out how we "skeptics" need to check our science, but those scientists quotes weren't from studies, they were from human beings who encountered something they don't understand. When I watch Criss Angel I think "wow" but I understand that it only seems like he has special powers, that it is an illusion. And that is what brings us to why Randi and other Stage Magicians ARE qualified to check out these types of claims. Because they have practiced these types of illusions. It is not dissimilar the the gentleman (I don't recall his name) who was trained a a Brahman in India, then found out about the illusions they use to prove their "godman" powers he abandoned it, and set out to show the poor fools they were taking advantage of the truth. Now, when a Christian apologist is shown that the geologic record doesn't match what the Bible says, the apologist simply reinterprets the bible to make it seem like what god meant was exactly what the record shows rather than just accepting that the ancient people who wrote it just got it wrong. Likewise, when someone switches the silverware that Geller brought before a performance and thus Geller fails to bend anything, it is just "bad energy" or some crap rather than "oops, his trick equipment wasn't on hand so he couldn't pull off the illusion". Exactly which "dumbasses" are you referring to in reference to Randi? National Geographic uses him on some of their specials, The Skeptic Society uses him regularly, etc. Now these may not be peer reviewed, but they are relatively respected.
  2. Man shoots electricity out from his hand

    James Randi is not the only one to have shown Geller to be a fraud. There are lots of magicians that can pull off amazing stunts. Making people right in front of them believe they are using some super power. In the end though there is a real-world explanation. Geller has the admitted disadvantage that Randi is only trying to prove that Geller is a fraud. Randi doesn't make extraordinary claims for Geller to prove to be a fraud. One must always recall the law of parsimony, the simplest explanation and all. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. If Randi has been shown his a$$ so many times why is it not more public? Unfortunately, there are some people who, like Mormon or Christian apologists, just don't want to accept that some claims are lies. "The Tao follows what is natural", now if you want to revere Geller and the like for using tricks etc. to do things that seem extraordinary, great. Go ahead, he is obviously a smart guy, most con artists are. There is no better ally to men (and women) like this than the power of the individual mind, coupled with a desire to believe there is "more" out there than our plain old ordinary lives. But the beauty of the Tao is in the ordinary. One needs not abandon logic and skepticism (the healthy kind) to follow the Path.
  3. Penis Size

    As has been pointed out there are Taoist practices that purport to increase size. But again, unless you have a partner that "needs" it and is not willing to engage in Kegels to help herself, there is not really a need....taking your measurement at face value of course. Keep in mind that you CAN hurt a girl if you do achieve growth, if you are already at 7 inches. Porn stars and some other women can handle mount Olympus sizes, but the average woman would not be comfortable, let alone enjoy having sex with king kong. My original post wasn't to say you shouldn't do it on any "this isn't Taoist" soapbox, only, why would you? If you cultivate your energy, your love and, of course, your technique there is definitely no need for more than 7 inches. Good luck in your ventures, whatever you decide to do.
  4. Penis Size

    There are a number of these exercises out there (Chia gives one in the Multiorgasmic Man), but as witch was saying at 7 inches you don't need it. International averages in most studies are around 5-6 inches (most show the average closer to 5-1/2). Some women may "want" a little more, but some women may be physically hurt by what you have. For example, some women enjoy having their cervix "bumped" during intercourse, but for others this is VERY painful. As for girth, most women "can" adjust (their bodies are "designed to have something much larger than a penis pass through at some point), but nonetheless it will be a painful process. Most sexologists say that if you have more than 4 inches you shouldn't worry about needing any adjustments. Women can "tighten" much less painfully than "tight" women can loosen.
  5. 6th Tibetan ~ The Big Draw

    I can't speak for whether or not they are "the same" but they certainly seem to operate in similar areas. In the more recent editions (I guess having only seen my girlfriend's copy) he includes the "6th" Tibetan in the Five Tibetans. He also specifically states that those not leading a celibate life have even more reason to practice it that those that are, to replenish the "lost essence". Who knows, since most of us seem to agree that obsessive semen retention is not necessarily good, rather energy circulation seems to be the important part, perhaps that (like the Big draw) is what it is doing. Circulating the energy out of the so called physical essence (obviously not the only part of ching in the body) so that it doesn't actually matter if it is expelled. Two cents.
  6. Hello

    Hello Hannah and Welcome! Personally I would recommend checking out a few different translations of the Tao Te Ching. Be sure to check that it is a "translation" not an "interpretation", some people just use other translations of the Tao Te Ching and "put it in their own words". The Tao of Pooh is also a good read, and attempts to relate the philosophy of the Tao to the western world. As for the Chronicles of Tao, I have to disagree with Starjumper. While it is a good book, and highlights the differences in practices ( i.e. pointing out that while the main character is a celibate monk, some of those he trained with utilized sexual practices, some practice magic, others don't etc.), I tend to be wary of those who attempt to pass off fiction as nonfiction. It is entertaining but it doesn't actually teach much of anything, it's a story, not a textbook. I have not read the Hua Hu Ching, but will now look into it. Also check out the writings of Chuang Tsu. His wit, and ability to convey the paradox of the Tao are second to none. I recommend the Gai-fu feng & Jane English translation of Chuang Tsu and the Tao Te Ching. Make sure though as stated above, to look at different translations though. No one version can properly convey the "real" meaning of the original Classical Chinese. Other than that, for the Tao, do as Lao Tsu and others taught, look, observe and reach toward stillness. The Tao in the end teaches itself. No author can write the book that is already written in your heart.
  7. Taoism is not about the self

    "To be at one with the Tao is eternal, though the body dies the Tao lasts forever." You and Lao Tzu seem to have similar patterns of thought.
  8. Not to nit pick, but....in TCM excessive ejaculation (or as they describe it at my school "excessive sex") does deplete your Jing, not "just acquired" jing. In the body one can hardly distinguish between what you have and what you acquire. Though you are quite right that it is not just semen, semen does contain jing. There is a very simplistic chart in our clinic that is meant to show how TCM looks at the body's energy systems, and one of the things you notice is that both congenital and acquired jing are stored together, and both contribute to the creation of semen or ova.
  9. If the obvious thing you are referring to is the "Taoist Mindset", then of course it is obvious. But witch has pointed out elsewhere that she is *not* a taoist, that was the only reason for the post above. Some of the concepts (detachment, emptiness as a virtue etc.) may be "foreign" to here (depending on her particular brand of paganism).
  10. Nei Jing Tu

    Thanks for the response Spectrum. I look forward to reading up on it. By the by, the other resources on the diagram, were they online or in book form? I wouldn't mind looking into "non-academic" sources as well.
  11. You have to keep in mind, many of us have a Taoist mindset. Detachment isn't such a scary thing as it sounds. In the words of Lao Tzu, "[the Sage] is detached, thus he is at one with the world". In another section, he advocates "tempering" desire. Not necessarily eradicating it (that's not natural), but not letting it rule you. To be at one with the Tao or Universe, does not mean to avoid it.
  12. Meditation and Retention

    You would have had to have been following Xeno's other posts to follow his use of these. CCO=Crown Chakra Orgasms SKF=Sexual Kung Fu
  13. Celebrating The New Year within Taoism

    Taomeow, would you mind expounding on the "energetics" of the Chinese New Year? I was under the impression that it would be based on the lunar year. As for the "western" new year, one can see its correlation albeit a week or two behind, the winter sostice, thus correlating with solar and lunar changes.
  14. A dilemma

    Lineage and teachers....well, those are two things that are both given not enough and too much emphasis all at the same time. If there is one thing the Tao Te Ching shows it is that the Teacher (the Tao) is available to all, right here, right now. There are extraneous teachings dealing with sorcery, talismans, energy cultivation, embryos etc. in western traditions and eastern traditions. There are many similarities and many differences. Nevertheless, we should always keep in mind that for every practice or religion or lineage there was an individual human who "figured it out". Those individuals were the same as you and me, someone who was searching and (this is the key) observing. Everyone you meet, whether they are part of a lineage or not, is a teacher. Even more so nature is your teacher. Tao follows Nature, to quote the Tao Te Ching, and Man follows Tao. There is much to be learned from those who have more experience or special skills than we do. But in the end, every teacher is simply a mirror (if they are a good teacher) to reflect the "true teacher" born from the Tao inside you. That is something that transcends all the great teachings of the world. Learn all you want, but in the end "you can know the ways of heaven without looking out the window."
  15. Hope your Saturnalia etc is going well.
  16. Sexual teachings of the White Tigress

    Oh, sorry. Hsi Lai. Strangely as it may sound from the topic, Hsi Lai is a man.
  17. memrcury? cinnibar? lead?

    Interestingly, Cinnibar contains mercury. That is why it is not cooked long as a medicine.
  18. Sexual teachings of the White Tigress

    The "companion book" is the Sexual Teachings of the Jade Dragon. See, a White Tigress has a Jade Dragon (a man who supports her, protects her and cultivates with her.) as well as multiple Green Dragons (men who are only there to fellate and draw sexual energy from). She absorbs the sexual energy through the mouth. The Jade Dragon "raises" his sexual energy by watching her with the other men and engaging in dual practices with her.
  19. Sexual teachings of the White Tigress

    Thanks for your responses. At first glance that (sexual vampires) is what I thought of. I am always leery of any system that feeds off others to benefit the self. My girlfriend is reading it right now, so I had only skimmed through it. Some parts seemed to try to make it out as if it wasn't a bad thing. I also found a website (set up by the author of course) for White Tigresses and Jade Dragons. It didn't have much there.
  20. ayahuasca

    "In my last trip to Latin America I took part in a San Pedro ceremony. San Pedro is a cactus with hallucinogenic properties. It is, I think, chemically related to mescaline but I'm not sure. San Pedro is known as being gentler than Ayhuasca and maybe it is, but it was pretty powerful in its own right." San Pedro contains Mescaline. It has a lower quantity than Peyote but it is the same chemical. It also has the benefit of being legal to possess in the US. As long as it is "not intended for human consumption". The same with Fly Agaric (sp?) mushrooms. As for the value of enthenogens in spiritual practice: the can be just as valuable as anything. If not the multiple societies around the globe wouldn't have found them so useful throughout the ages. Better than meditation etc.? no, but definitely a useful complement for those who are willing to use them and see them in a way other than "just for fun". It is the same with sex, food, alcohol, whatever. Anything can be a spiritual tool to someone willing to open their mind to its use in such a way.
  21. Vehicle of mind

    This thread brings the following to mind: "The Valley Spirit never dies, It is woman, the primal Mother, Her gateway is the root of heaven and earth...." and "The female overcomes the male with stillness...." ---Tao Te Ching
  22. How to sit

    Yeah the "zazen" posture is my personal practice. One must not forget that the lotus etc are not the only asanas used for meditation even in yoga. Actually the "zazen" type posture is an asana (called the dragon or some such). As for your feet connected to the earth, well I don't know how many of you only meditate barefoot outside, but for the rest of us our feet are never "in direct contact" with the Earth. However, the Earth is our entire environment (unless you are posting from space) so in pretty much any location, house, apartment etc. you can be in direct contact with the "element" of earth, because as a child of Mother Nature you contain the Earth. A Taoist master (sorry sources fail me right now, I am at work) perhaps in Cleary's commentary to the Secret of the Golden Flower said something to the effect of "you don't have to sit like a yogi to ..." something to the effect of gain enlightenment. If you can find a comfortable stable posture and look inside that is all you need. "see simplicity" as Lao Tzu put it.
  23. Students

    The "way it was in old china" simply won't work anymore. In a world that includes upward of 6 billion human beings if we had to rely on seeking out a master for apprenticeship then spend ten years sweeping his floor before we even found out if he had anything useful to teach (because it would only be after studying under him that you would know if it was a scam or not) then we would never get anywhere. The world from the point of view of the Tao is not fallen, it is a natural progression. We as human beings got to the point we are at because of out incredible ability to adapt, and that is what our culture and teaching habits have done. Obviously some of the old techniques do still apply, for example with martial arts.. If one doesn't stick to it one will never master it. Very little in the world requires a "master" and all of the things we tend to think require a master were started by someone who was not a master. Someone started each and every style of meditation martial arts etc. Granted some of them were based on other older styles but in the end they all started with someone who was not a master. If there is one thing that the Tao Te Ching teaches it is that the "ancient masters" were taught by nature, just as we should be. We have to look to others for help (after all ignoring knowledge is sickness) but in our modern age there are 10,000 ways to learn. If you have the dedication in yourself then you can look to the real master, the one any human master brings out of you and reflects back at you.
  24. Traditional Chinese Clothing

    Depending on what all is available I will probably be interested. I'll keep my eyes open for the future post.
  25. TTC translations

    Sorry, that should have read "of 13 or so translations" not "THE 13 or so translations". Yes, there are many, but the program had only some of them. It was probably taken out for copyright reasons. There were some interesting "translations" included like Crowley's "translation". If you haven't come across it, he used multiple translations and adjusted it to fit his "revelation" of Thelema. Strange, but interesting.