The 70% rule should always be used! I also see many trying to twist the upper body out of alignment with the lower thus upsetting the six harmonies. and if one plays their bagua this way they will surely get poor results or even health problems, also I see many people turning the front foot inward, this is bad! It should slide like as if one was on rollerblades at an angle while the outside leg hooks in. Find your natural gait, not to wide, not to narrow. I think one of the biggest things that many people might hurt themselves with is trying to skip steps in training, one's body take a while to transform and we should not push it. No pain no gain, is the antithesis of baguazhang play. It should leave you feeling full of energy and long breath. If done wrong, one may get dizzy or even have heart issues. The eyes should follow the hand, this will help keep one from looking at their feet, this will lead to bad posture and if we train bad posture we are not training bagua. I hope this helps. I am very sleepy and for some reason I kould not kopy and paste so no "see"s, sorry. I fully agree with the above poster that Zhan Zhuang is a must when doing any martial art even external ones have stanse work. The ZZ shows us the path to long, easy, unlabored breath and how to maintain proper body posture. It is harder to stand still than move.