Hi. My name is James, or more accurately, that is the name I go by some places. I practice meditation (zazen), have practiced martial arts, and experimented heaviley witbh psychedelics as a way of attaining spiritual achievement.
It was only recently that I was introduced to Taoist practices through Mantiak Chia's multiorgasmic Man book. I'm kind of scared of the effectiveness of this practices. In my second attempt I achieved a very intense orgasm, in my whole body wich lasted for maybe one minute by mastrubating. I felt great the whole day!
So far so good, but yesterday I tried again, and well, I cpouldn't achieve orgasm (maybe very very little 'pelvic orgasms') and I felt as if energy was stuck! I ejaculated but I still felt too much heat and something stuck in mys testies area. (Why?) I did cold draw and big draw. The energy went up, but not all of it. It was very hard for me to sleep last night.
I've ejaculated again, but I feel the energy disseminated trhpoug my whole body. I try to circulate it but sometimes it gets stuck, sometimes it dissappear from one placve and appears in my arms or legs. Then it gets stuck in my trhoat and I can't move it trhpough my spine. It feels like I have too much energy but can't get it out!
Sorry if this is kind of inapropiate but the main reason for me to open this account was to ask to people who actually know what's going on for some advice.
Nice to meet you!