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Everything posted by MERCELESS ONE

  1. strong energy cultivation

    also, you only get jing from mixed ying and yang storage. the more energy you build up and store the more jing. and if your kundalini is awakened then you have mixed at some point in your training. now you have control over the yin field.
  2. strong energy cultivation

    what you have done is what called mixing yin and yang just on a small level, thats what the kundalini is. its when yin and yang intertwine. thats why clymans system is so strong in comparison to others, its because of the work with the microcosmic orbit. and the time you put into it. the thing with clyman is hes like me, he took the time to practice and figure out what works and only use that. and hes been doing this for years, over 25. the thing about ejaculating is when you ejaculate you loose energy. if your young you might not loose alot but you will loose energy. and with every ejaculation you loose more energy. till your dantien has no more, this is when you will damage your body. im telling you this from experience especially if you plan on getting stronger get in the habit now. only ejaculate if your planning to have a baby. this dosent mean you cant have sex just dont ejaculate. some good reads to get up to speed,- the Multiorgasmic Man, and the Tao of Sexology. each ejaculation is the equavalent of 6 full course meals worth of nutrients. so by not ejaculating you hold on to the nutrients. and not only do you loose nutrients but energy as well you should get in the habit of bringing the energy released when orgasiming to the heart chakara. after bringing it to the heart chakra push it out your back arck it around to your chest back into the heart chakra. this is called the ankh (unkh), you ankh the energy. the cross with the rounded top is what this represents. it creates a healing/rejuvinating vibration in your energy field that vibrates for a long time. kinda like a tuning fork. the harder you hit it the longer it vibrates. unless you know these techniques you will damage your body trying to practice neikung. "NEVER LOOSE ENERGY NEEDLESSLY"
  3. Empty Force

    use it in a good way or bad way its no different than owning a gun, hell even a stick can be used for bad! its all up to the practioner how they decide to use it. thats not the problem the problem is real or false information!
  4. Empty Force

    check out the thread " strong energy cultivation " we've having a really good conversation there on this. also, empty force cant be developed without first cultivating your energy! just not going to happen. we cover techniques for this also.
  5. strong energy cultivation

    under this post strong STRONG ENERGY CULTIVATION its not just in the technique its in the ammount of time you put into the technique. say you have a goOd technique that gets you one hundre energy points. you get 100 energy points in 30min. but you practie 10-15min a lesser technique of a friend of yours only gets 50, energy points in an hour. but he practices 2hrs aday rligiously. you just squandered away a powerful technique being lazy. his/her cultivation will be stronger than yours. i recomend to all practioners new and seasoned who are getting into the habit to practice for and hour aday at the least.
  6. Things to take to a martial arts bout

    your A-GAME.... i practice like my life depends on it, and i fight like it as well! so im bringing an energy to the fight that most will never have!! no mercy!! lol!!
  7. strong energy cultivation

    the reason i recomend studying no matter what information you get is it all makes sense over time hopfully! lol! its alot to decode. heaven chi earth chi, jing, chi, shen, cooking jing, primordial chi, essence, the three treasures, chakras, compressing, all this stuff has to be experienced as well as know the philosiphy behind it. DORIAN-BLACK uses alot of this lingo and to those who are unfarmilar you'll never know what he's talking about. by learning you gather kowledge and by using this knowledge you gain wisdom and experience, and these are the greatest teachers. i also am into a host of other things such as lucid dreaming or out of O.B.E, Remot Viewing, crystal work , kabalistick teachings. and all of this comes from kemetic science! the science of ancient kemet/egypt. egypt was the name given to the place by the greeks. the ancient egyptians had all of this knowledge. also from my practice ive even found that you can even draw in yang energy during O.B.E's this mixes yin and yang becaus your drawing yang into your yin body or spirit body. i was suprised to hear john chang mention this in the book. also doing so activates the merkaba " mixing yin and yang". building up yang makes 2nd part spin one way and mixing yin and yang makes 3rd part spin opposite direction the first. the first part never moves. this was what ws known as communing with the holy trinity! it is not one peice of knowledge but many that put me in the place to to be able to teach what i know. that being said i wont be here that long. next month ill be off this site for good. but ill leave as much info as i can so write it down and use it and never stop seeking. i know i wont! STUDY, PRACTICE, BECOME MORE POWERFUL!!!
  8. strong energy cultivation

    lol your funny!
  9. strong energy cultivation

    this is true. if i only serched for power i would have give up along time ago. seeking to understand this is what led me to my current level of practice. im by nature a researcher. so i find out everything possible to increase my understanding of things. i didnt just settle with the mo pai information. i sought out anything similar other systems. yello bamboo is one that has a levleing system similar to mopai. even the ancien egyptians had a system of neikung. my thing is i do my class work, my home work, study some more after that and go to summer school for fun! while practicing what ive learned. you have to RESEARCH! and practice. but to note, ive been practicing chikung/neikung and doing taichi, xingyi, baguazhang, and kundalini yoga for over 10 yrs before i came across the mopai information. i pluged in 4 new philosphies and that was it. one of the most powerful came from chen men ching's thirteen tretsies on taichi. to keep the mind on the dantien all day every day. i just augmented it and drew in energy all day every day to the dantien. it helps to keep it strong and full of energy. it works best if your good at meditating, the reason is you will be able to stay relaxed more throughout the day to draw in more energy.
  10. strong energy cultivation

    lol, i like it. that was my pursuit super powers and stuff. but after practiceing, its all about knowledge, wisdom, and understanding!
  11. strong energy cultivation

    yes your pretty correct, except holding your breath in reverse breathing, i tried this but i had no results. that method is part of the misinformation. i would recomend yoga fire breathing. or research yogic breathing. there is good tutorials on youtube. i used the fire breath till halfway through lvl 5, then switched it up.
  12. strong energy cultivation

    thats similar to many leveling systems, see the thing is when you reach lvl 4 completly you will be able to compress the the dantien field. you compress it untill you reach the next level. getting to full power lvl 4 it took 1000 compressions. and as i mentioned before a compression is when you fill your body up completly with life force and the process starts over . the body counts as a static compression equaling about 1000 itself. so getting to level 5 took 2000 compressions, lvl 6 took 4k, lvl 7 took 8k, 9 took 16k, and 10 took 36k, keep doubling this to 72 and check out the numbers!
  13. strong energy cultivation

    from my practice with this energy stuff. ive been able to figure out a few things. when youre compressing life force, your energy becomes more dense with every level of compression. seeing this density is how i figured out how the leveling process works. when you compress enough life force the shade of energy changes to a darker one, until this shade fills the entire aura field. it takes a certain amount of time and energy to fill it up. and it takes the same ammount of energy as the last level to get to the next. so, that being said you are doubleing your energy. at the onset of every level your charg changes, chakra charge.
  14. strong energy cultivation

    i would like u all to know somting, because some ppl have questions about the length of time it takes to get to different levels and such. it depends on who is teaching and their knowledge and skill level. liao sifu john changs master went from lvl 1-25 in ten yrs. i can tell you that most of that training in the first 2 years was doing what ive been telling here mixed with what ever martial forms they practiced. it depends on you and how much time you have to put into this practice. my usual time is 2 hrs aday in sitting meditation mixing yin and yang and compressing into my body.
  15. strong energy cultivation

    or that you can start compressing!
  16. strong energy cultivation

    oh i get what your asking! well at first you wont feel the dantien the nerve center has to crystalize. you have to wait till it gets biger, you will understand when you get to that point. wait till it gets to the size of a large marble or golf ball. you will feel it grow the longer you practice. and it will take time. then you can, start compressing. and yes you use reverse breathing to compress. hold in the lower abs and breath down to the diaphram. but dont use alot of pressure at first and dont use to little. find a balance. and you have to be abstenant for the dantien to crystalize or harden. how long this process will take im not sure maybe 6mo to a year. not sure though mine hardend over yrs of practice. before i learned these tecniques. this practice is usless if you dont have your dantien at a working state. also when in meditation and feel your energy spin this is also an indicator that your there.
  17. strong energy cultivation

    what is rab and nab? if you mean yang then yes you use or should have it full of yang when you push down. to note all yang stored and built up in the body will be transformed into lifeforce energy.
  18. strong energy cultivation

    no way is the fast way! if you dont know what your doing it will take forever! severing the dantien from ists "moorings" allows it to move freely and transmit its energy easier.
  19. strong energy cultivation

    to get the best results you should hold it there and continue to draw in yang to it. this will cause the dantiens field to expand. rising the vapor. so when mixing hold it there draw in yang and compress it. you will know when you are compressing. lol! it will be intense until you get used to it. and severing the cords. i would recomend if you practice martial arts moving your energy with your strikes! punches, kicks and moving your energy all over your body. these actions move the dantien and will eventually break it free. also during meditation you can focus on the dantien. and use your focus and will to move it. the 1st method is the easiest and the second is the hardest. also use angles right arm to left leg and back, left arm to right leg and back. dont push down till you are ready to mix!
  20. strong energy cultivation

    i would love to! unfortunatley im still learning what im capable of! i figured this out on my own. im not training under a master, so some skills i wont have! im working on projecting and learning how to vibrate/drum the chi or cook the jing what ever you want to call it. i only know how to mix yin and yang and compress it i can direct it out. but lvl 10 is still a low level. my energy density isnt that high yet or it may be that i just dont know how to use it. and from my calculations you dont get cool powers if any till after level 14-15. this is because of the level of energy. ill explain. ill use this example, i use the term voltage or voltage equavalent because the energy of mixing yin and yang reacts as a form of electricity. in the video you can see john chang lighting up an l.e.d! light emmiting diode. if anyone is farmiliar with the engineering aspect of electronics l.e.d's give off light color due to the ammount of energy flowing in them. some 3volts and up to 7volts for others. and he changed the voltage to me the fact that he could light it up to me shows that its a form of energy that can react with elecronics. so after researching how much electricity is in the body i found this num often. 0.01v. so i used this as the base to figure out on the electric scale what would be possible at the different levels. scaling from 4-20. in the mo pai system at lvl 4 your life force energy doubles. so this 0.01v turnes to 0.02v. so lets do this! lvl 4: 0.02v , lvl 5: 0.04v, lvl 6: 0.08v, lvl 7: 0.16v, lvl 8: 0.32v, lvl 9: 0.64v, lvl 10: 1.28v, lvl 11: 2.56v, lvl 12: 5.12v, lvl 13: 10.24v, lvl 14: 20.48v, lvl 15: 40.96v, lvl 16: 81.92v, lvl 17: 163.84v, lvl 18: 327.68v, lvl 19: 655.36v, lvl 20: 1310.72v. now this being my theory and research. john chang said he uses less than 1% of his energy to heal this was in the early eighties. he was lvl 20. whats 1% of 1310.72v? do the math and then answer this question how would you react to that voltage. but i dont have any cool powers yet. but they'll come in time. but what i have noticed is a noticable difference in awareness, movement speed, healing, sensitivity to energy and energy fields. i noticed that i can move my energy out but its not dense enough! and i gotta bet better at changing the frequency of my energy.
  21. strong energy cultivation

    you dont loose them when you die! you keep all that you learn. after yin yang kung all other energy you gain you keep. and after death can ineteract with the real world with the powers you had when you were here. thats the secret! depending on your level of density when you die determines the vibrations you can enter in to after death. you dont have to come back to a lower level of reality. you can go to the higher ones. and thats only after you mix yin and yang. i can vouch for this practicing astral projection. after i mixed yin and yang everything changed! it became different and you can interact with the spiritual world and energies easier. fire into water to create vapor is talking about yang-fire yin-water and when you mixthem you get vapor- a charge of energy that comes from the dantien. this can only be done when you mix them. this is coming from personal experience. i didnt undersand this until i reached my current level of practice.
  22. strong energy cultivation

    ill be honest about something! from learning ying yang kung at my current lvl. i cant immagin what it would be like in the higher levels. 20 and up! as energy compounds new vibrations are awakened. and i can only speculate whats possible. also waysun liao was taught by 3 or 4 different masters. and they all had different masteries. and they all entrusted him with their systems. and all of them create dragongate taoism. as for higher level information it wouldnt do any good for a master to talk about it. if john chang or Waysun Liao told you how to do a hadoken, it would be pointless. if you dont have the energy to do one or have the other skills mastered it would take to pull it off you wont experience that. and what do you think peoples reactions would be if one of them blew up a tree or somthing with their energy. the thing is they know peoples minds are more sensitive than what you may think. in truth thats down rite scary to most people. lol!! then you get more crazies coming to learn how to blow things up. and how the crazies work they kill if they cant have it!! things have to be done according to devine will!! only showing certain information attracts certain kinds of people!! those who wish to dive deep and those who wish to master. not those who wish to control and conquer!
  23. strong energy cultivation

    thats a bold claim, i dont think its rite to say that. noone knows the true powers john chang holds! and we all know he has power. i can tell you that he isnt showing the full extent of his power! waysun liao is powerful, but he comes from a different school. they both poses yin yang kung! there fore i wouldnt go as far as to say who knows what. or whose more powerful. more has been released on dragongate taoism than on mo pai. i would say both their practices have " much to offer " its that type of thiking that causes rifts between groups of knowledge! use it ALL and become MORE powerful!