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Everything posted by ZioAngel

  1. Matt Furey's China's Secret Sexual Kung Fu Love Making System. Re-up, please?
  2. Dr. Yan Xin

    Reupload please
  3. New Website

    Hi More_Pie_Guy I've sent you a private message. Please answer me. Hi by ZioAngel
  4. Hi guys

    Hi guys. I'm ZioAngel and I'm Italian. I'm sorry in advance for my bad English. I love internal and external Kung Fu (or Gong Fu), Shaolin, Wudang, Mo Pai, Neigong, Tridaya, Tenaga Dalam, Siddhis or Supernatural Powers etc. I always believed in supernatural but when I read the Magus of Java, I have the prove that supernatural powers are real, and I'm obsessed to have supernatural powers like John Djiang. Hi again ZioAngel
  5. Hi guys

    Thanks for the welcome. I know, many people want to be like John.