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Everything posted by Informer

  1. Observing without judgement.

    It sounds like you are saying that "Neutrality is not natural" ?
  2. Observing without judgement.

    Is neutrality not an aspect of an awakened awareness? All your hope is but desires in disguise. Justified desires.
  3. Observing without judgement.

    The error is imposing anything on neutrality. Or love. Or any other aspect of actuality.
  4. Observing without judgement.

    Then realize what you choose to affect you and be done with it.
  5. Being Different

    Nah, more people need to awaken first imo. (imagine trying to conceptualize a mountain top to a fish)
  6. Observing without judgement.

    From neutrality stems an innate ability to switch perspectives.
  7. Observing without judgement.

    I think obvious misconception. Neutrality is first achieved to determine anything true about anything or nothing. Then there is an after the fact where things are obviously not as they had appeared to be. Yet it remains that neutrality is an important aspect in spiritual progress. It teaches one how to be an observer, rather than a critique.
  8. Exploring the Now

    Where did Vmarco go? X.x
  9. Observing without judgement.

    Within exists the potential for many universes, upon choosing we are choosing which universe will prevail.
  10. Taoist Approach to Dating

    Just treat everyone the same, if something more comes of it then great, if not then great!
  11. Being Different

    It's obviously not helping to get us all "enlightened" imo.
  12. Does Magic Exist ?

    This is just considering the perceivable universe, once you start to consider the multi-verse it becomes much more complicated, imo.
  13. Does Magic Exist ?

    I think that considering the size of the perceivable universe, it is possible that there are more evolved beings that could be benevolent as well as malevolent. Look at human life for example. Demons and Angels are more of an analogy imo. Like one who is benevolent could be said to be an angel and one who is malevolent could be said to be a demon, but does that make them demons and angels?
  14. Being Different

    In actuality we are the same, in illusion we are different. The differences are irrelevant in actuality. You can keep whatever philosophy you like, It doesn't change anything other than your perspective or outlook on a perceived reality, not actuality. Which a part of actuality is that perspectives aren't necessarily fixed unless chosen to be. However a line is drawn, it is still dividing, as it is the nature of a line.
  15. Being Different

    This is a double negative. Did you mean "One is never without preconceived notions?" One is the only thing without it (imo)^.~
  16. Making ripples. Propagating the evolution.

    Sounds like a pretty cool realization
  17. Exploring the Now

    It's funny because to really know what now is, you must know what knowing really is. rofl.
  18. Sending Chi into something

    Haha, that depends on the tradition you choose or chose to believe It is awareness, like water ^.~
  19. Being Different

    It's because people start to think they are special, different, superior, inferior. It is obviously misguided when such statements prevail over the foundation. How can it be less than obvious that it is more often than not used as power? All of those statements for power exist within the elaborations, not the prophecies. How you elaborate doesn't really change anything actual. It is only a slight to the foundation. Misinformation is more dominant than most care to believe, until they begin the search for it.
  20. Sending Chi into something

    It is not mind, but awareness. It can be easy to confuse.
  21. Sending Chi into something

    Then doing it yourself would be even more powerful than belief. From this would come actual knowing. People really would live longer, imo. Don't take what I say as an insult pls. I just think these are important points everyone may want to think about, whatever level you think about it on.
  22. Sending Chi into something

    I live in the midwest! I still don't know if you can say that it is not a placebo induced from the suggestion and the people are healing themselves, right?
  23. New music craze "Dubstep"

    Imagine with a lot of db. (I prefer trance tbh)
  24. Exploring the Now

    I think that theory would also prove how the big bang is possible. A large matter universe colliding with an anti-matter universe. Some of the matter survives, yet only in this universe. Think about the mass of an object creating an indention in space/time , that indention is going to be close to the indention in the anti-matter universe. So two large "indents come in contact and you get the super nova's and quasars, depending which indention is deeper. Just imagine a mirror in the animation of space time. We are only seeing the dent on this side of existence. With the mirror we can determine the speed of expansion of the underlying universes by calculating the frequencies of super nova/quasar ratios. We can determine a relative size I think. Should be about the same. It also begins to explain where is all the anti-matter?