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Everything posted by Informer

  1. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Xabir, the only ultimate truth, that which may encompass truth on every level and perspective is water. Sure you can put into a mold and it will take that shape, but is that all that it is? Just the mold that it was put into? Who are you on ruthless truth anyway?
  2. Heartmind

    If what vaj says is true, then what is the intent that cause awareness to stem from a certain chakra? Or even more, what is the intent that allows the transcendence of the body and chakra's forgoing individuality? What is the intent that allows stilling of the mind? I think these things are more obvious to those who have shifted awareness and discovered these aspects than it is for those who have not. That intent + awareness is just like water, no form yet all forms. A fixed form would not allow for all forms, this is obvious. The same goes for a point of view.
  3. Heartmind

    I think along these lines as well.
  4. Tradition and Lineages

    Fallow the heart
  5. The Status of Emptiness

    I would say the 1st point being emptiness is not equivalent to nothingness. I think that some may choose a fixed perspective that would say that it does and only does, which is paradoxical at best
  6. Tradition and Lineages

    I think by free-thought he is meaning that he doesn't blindly accept what is said until it is experienced 1st hand. Which is how it was intended IMO. Otherwise there is accepting of beliefs. In other words, it is a seeker. The book says it, but does it prove to be true? A friend says it, but does it prove to be true? A teacher says it, but does it prove to be true? If we all just blindly accepted whatever we were indoctrinated to, where would that leave us? I would be spending a lot of time in a church praying to jesus, the only factor being of where I was born.
  7. Tradition and Lineages

    Will you tell me the vows you took and explain them please xabir?
  8. Tradition and Lineages

    O that's right, it says it's ok if they aren't trained as long as they ask. What's worse is that the place you promote, does it intentionally. Why would that be part of the vow? Could it be because there are pitfalls and paradox that one might be caught in? What vows did you take?
  9. Tradition and Lineages

    Was that or was the not part of it?
  10. Tradition and Lineages

    I think he was being sarcastic. What was the Bodhisattva vow that you took xabir? When did you take it and who gave it to you? Was this part of it? " Teaching emptiness to the untrained "
  11. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Have you ever told people they "do not exist" as a defacto statement? As it is seen all over the boards at ruthless truth, the very site that you are here to gather fallowers for?
  12. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Are you saying you disagree with Ruthless Truth? Or simply trying to wriggle and squirm to prove your non-points and decieve others as well as you, that you are right? Do you exist xabir?
  13. Tradition and Lineages

    That attachement to nothing is a paradox, how to break the spell?
  14. 'No self' my experience so far...

    I think if you understand this, you must know that saying "You don't exist" is complete bullshit and don't even believe it. Only wish to convince others of it for whatever reason.
  15. Tradition and Lineages

    You jumped to a conclusion that what you cannot find must not exist.
  16. Tradition and Lineages

    This goes against "You do not exist", As this is showing how you do exist. It is through deduction that you find what you are. Not to be mistaken as evidence for not existing, but to eliminate everything that you are not. What remains is what you are. It's simple. P.S. This is in regards to xabir's self proclaimed non-existence, which I think this proves that he doesn't even believe it himself, just wishes to convince others of it for whatever reason.
  17. 'No self' my experience so far...

    I know that's what you said Seth, but that is not what Ruthless Truth says. Hence the difference between You don't exist and You doesn't exist. Is you alive? or are you alive? It's so easy to see the difference It's hard for me to understand how people can get trapped here, even with all the squirming and dodging, it is this main point that is in question, nothing else.
  18. 'No self' my experience so far...

    You are saying "you doesn't exist" meaning the thought or idea. Are you alive? or Is you alive? Can you see the difference?
  19. 'No self' my experience so far...

    From that perspective you choose, obviously. "You do not exist" is asserting non-existence. Duh. It is also insinuating that you have been able to determine there is not an observer or awareness, with your only proof being that you could not find it. Then why say that "You don't exist?" By saying that "You don't exist" is not rejecting the existense of existents, it is doing the opposite and claiming non-existence of existents. "You don't exist" is denying an existence. How could you relate to those who do exist, when you are stuck in a perpetual and fixed non-existence?
  20. 'No self' my experience so far...

    In fact, the one place where the Buddha was asked point-blank whether or not there was a self, he refused to answer. When later asked why, he said that to hold either that there is a self or that there is no self is to fall into extreme forms of wrong view that make the path of Buddhist practice impossible.
  21. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Explain this: Are you saying that you agree that "you don't exist" = only true? How don't you see that?
  22. 'No self' my experience so far...

    That is what xabir is here representing "you do not exist" from RT. He is just picking and choosing things that he thinks will help prove this point. RT pounds "You do not exist" into peoples heads.
  23. 'No self' my experience so far...

    To say that you absolutely do not exist is a paradox
  24. 'No self' my experience so far...

    What you say is true, but only from your POV. If you own fixed a POV, I say woe to you. And especially to he who thinks there is no you.