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Everything posted by Informer

  1. 'No self' my experience so far...

    You are stuck in the paradox of destroying you.
  2. Qigong Sweating (what about it?)

    You are overthinking it IMO. Sweat is just after the fact, who cares? Stillness requires no movement . . . . So maybe give up the hocus pocus and look inside.
  3. New Interview With Kostas Danaos

    John Chang's Master taught him to never keep things anyone would want, and he has like a 5 million dollar + house. If anything it shows what he thinks about tradition.
  4. Those who know they don't know...

    They simply stop intellectualizing and speaking in absolutes, and realize that whatever they experience is subjective to the path they fallowed. Objective nature is but one side of the coin, there are no absolutes in subjectivity. Two people could say the exact same things yet mean things completely different. Or view the same colors and both will call them red, but how do you really know what you see as red is what they see as red. After all you have been taught that that color you see is red, even if it is pink or green to someone else, how would you know? Example: I don't know what's going on in your mind, nor have I experienced the path you have. When you are beside the self these things are taking into account as well.
  5. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Does this mean we can be friends? Quieting the mind can be tricky. I used to have much trouble sleeping because the mind would run rampant. One of the things that helped me was just taking notice that I was thinking and stop fallowing whatever train of thought it was leading too. Then I would focus on something else to keep it occupied. Like breathing. One single thought is like a snowball down a mountain, it brings about more and more until it is a full-blown avalance. By consciously making the decision to not fallow it, the mind becomes blank, awaiting the next thought to arise. The trick is to catch them when they stem, and to be active in swatting them down. Eventually it should lead to complete calming. Swatting them even before they arise. Questing for self is but a single aspect that brings about an awareness of awareness if you will. This is a single aspect amongst other things, although some get caught up in only this part and never see beyond.
  6. Quest for the Lost Civilization

    Kemetic Smai Tawi: Yoga was practiced in Ancient Egypt, North East Africa, for a very long time. Research has indicated that the philosophy of personality integration, or yoga, was practiced in Egypt for about 10,000 years which is a great expanse of time.
  7. Quest for the Lost Civilization

    I think the Egyptians actually may have been the 1st on record in regards to internal arts.
  8. 'No self' my experience so far...

    That sensitivity can be a burden or a gift, it is up to you.
  9. 'No self' my experience so far...

    It's not my POV just a POV. There is nothing to own in a POV, it is just one way to look at things. I know your probably thinking Semantics, who needs them, but it is these subtlties that will bind or release.
  10. 'No self' my experience so far...

    You should cherish criticism as it will aid in understanding. If you put the sensitivity into other things besides you, I think that it will form an empathy that could stem the greatest of compassion.
  11. 'No self' my experience so far... First Charge E-ma-ho! Or emaho: Interjection expressive of compassion for all living creatures - cf. W. Y. E.-W. [203n]. One mind embraces the whole Sangsara and Nirvana eternally, ever clear, radiant and not visible [cf. 203]. Sangsara: the manifested Universe, Nirvana, the state beyond. - TK] Sacred Scriptures [otherwise] contain but few words relating to knowledge of the mind and the fit way of applying it practically [cf. 204]. Second Charge Kye! Blessed ones, listen well. Kye is use as an invocation; here as a charge, and may be translated as 'O!' - See W. Y. E.-W. [204n]. Mind is widespread.* Individuals who do not know the mind, do not know themselves [205]. Those fettered by desires, lack self-control [cf. 205]. Unsound beliefs and practices result in increased bondage - W. Y. E.-W. [205-6n] There is really no duality, so pluralism is untrue [206]. By attaining at-one-ment, duality is is transcended [206]. The perception of the whole Sangsara and Nirvana, as an inseparable unity, are in one's mind [cf. 207]. This aphorism [The whole Sangsara and Nirvana, as an inseparable unity, are one's mind] expounds most succinctly the ultimate teaching - W. Y. W.-E. [207n] Practicing Dharma, free from attachment, grasp the essence of the teachings by knowing Reality [cf. 207]. Third Charge Mind is intuitive "quick-knowing" [cf. 208]. The deep mind is also termed prajna, wisdom-awakening beyond reasoning [208, 208n]. The One Mind is the source of all Sangsara and bliss beyond [cf. 208]. One's mind-self is different from one's soul (atman) [cf. 208]. Mind-self: sems-nyid (pronounced sem-nyi). Atman (from Sanskrit) is soul; cp. Tibetan bdag (pronounced dag), self or ego [208, 208n-209n]. "The Great Symbol" (Mahamudra), is of the highest (or subtlest) at-one-ment and (Inner) Essence. Sanskrit Maha-Mudra, Great Symbol, etc., is Anuttara, the highest and final doctrine, also known as Dharma Karma, of practically applied doings - [cf. 209, 209n]. Subtle Essence is an All-foundation [cf. 209, 209n].
  12. The lyrics to this song seem to run pretty deep. What do you think?
  13. Tradition and Lineages

    Some make it theirs.
  14. Tradition and Lineages

    He is listing the variables. (Perspective) He is none of them, therefore is all of them, like water.
  15. I think that is even after heart The ego might attach and make it theirs. Power . .
  16. What if I were to say there is no time, only now?
  17. Tradition and Lineages

    I do have a response to this, but I will refrain my original response, as I know how sensitive you choose to be.
  18. I think that any word compounded with self is an oxymoron.
  19. Is there a Now in time? Or even a Now without time?
  20. Yin Qi vs Yang Qi

    I think Todd and Vmarco both make good points. What is it that keep nothing from annhilating everything and vice versa? If we say for example "everything is nothing", and vice versa, everything is annhilated. When anti-matter meets up with matter they are not annhilated necessarily but lose thier previously determined characteristics and become energy. So what is this mediator that prevent the universe from exploding in a flash of light?
  21. If you don't have third eye open then that is another story . The third eye was open for me when I started practicing it. So if this is the case there is a long ways to go . It is good to have questions and try to understand, but somethings are beyond explaining. Third eye is before heart IME. Third eye comes about once you awaken by activating all the chakra's up the spine, IME.
  22. "I love you" are words and inherintly meaningless. Once you feel the heart, you will know. I already told you a practice you can work on to find out.
  23. Your thoughts and deeds are that which do not offend the heart (love), and you know this because you are aware of it.
  24. Yin Qi vs Yang Qi

    Cool, Fractals Are found everywhere in nature and are backed up by science. There is much objective research currently going on in this regards.. The Golden Spiral and the golden ratio are what makes the Mandlebrot possible. Like the curve of a conch shell to the pattern in which a sunflower grows seeds, from the way that a tree's branches form to even these very bodies. Even entire ecosystems exhibit this very nature of nature. The Fibonacci Sequence.