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Everything posted by Informer

  1. Heartmind

  2. What is Wu Wei...?

    What is at the root of violent action?
  3. Heartmind

    So instead of bringing it to you (per-say) You go to it. Edit: Sp.
  4. Heartmind

  5. Heartmind

    What about: To go, gone, beyond the gate, beyond the gates gate. Like the individually percieved (empty) true-self forgoes individuality within the confines of the vessel of the body to be at one with the energy that is life. It is beyond all gates, yet is there a single gate that leads there? Or is it that all gates combined lead there? I see chakra's as gates, and the manifestation of all the elements of experience is percieved through the mind, as a combination of each. Beyond the gate of the third eye, is energy. So to go beyond the gates gate, you would be one with the energy? I may be way off here, any critique is welcome.
  6. What is Wu Wei...?

    Do you think it could be even further narrowed down to emptiness / non-attachement? Wu Wei = emptiness?
  7. 'No self' my experience so far...

    No-self is another attachement. As you can blatantly see that by visiting RT. Look how attached they become to a concept or idea . . . So attached that it becomes thier life, the end all. The only thing that matters to them . . Look at all the other attachements that stem from that belief. It's really not hard to see. Emptiness is without attachement, not substituting one for another.
  8. 'No self' my experience so far...

    More seeing? truth isn't something you need to convince yourself of. What is it called when people try to convince themself of something, without actually knowing its validity?
  9. 'No self' my experience so far...

    Really that is the insight, and no it is not enlightenment. It simply shows that the self is not the thought, or the reflection. Like the residual self-image, it is a construct. So you know what it is not, but you do not know that it is not or what it is. What you thought of as self was incorrect. That is as far as it should go, otherwise you are simply drawing conclusions from assumptions, which isn't reality. No one has ever proved there is no self, only that the idea or thought of what self is was false. Expanding that single realization into a totality is the opposite of enlightenment. Imagine how much must be assumed to conclude that there is not a self in anyway . . .
  10. New John Chang Video Surfaces

    Sounds like identity theft waiting to happen.
  11. Heartmind

    Check out this. Not sure what you have been reading?
  12. Heartmind

    If the ego is expanded, it creates a blockage before the heart, so the only experiences you could know would be solar-plexus down to the root. Once getting over yourself is achieved, you can begin to experience heart and what it entails. It becomes really obvious. True love doesn't play attachements.
  13. Heartmind

  14. Heartmind

    I see the root of the sound, as far as voice is concerned, is breath (wind) being utilized. Like humming chanting and singing.
  15. Heartmind

    Well, I see it as heart = love once purified. Wind = throat, and generally defined with breathing in chineese I think. Notice how you control breath to circulate and sink fire to LDT
  16. Heartmind

  17. Heartmind

    I think to describe it in regards to chakra correlation it would be using the 3rd eye and equally the Heart for decisions and choices? Sort of like giving the issue to something greater that the individually percieved self. To the elements of love and mind, unbound in purity and balanced in perfect harmony. A synergy is formed to create an entirely new perspective on all matters. Seeing a bigger picture, and using the built-in instincts that exist within each and everyone of us. It is encoded in our DNA, in all of us!
  18. Heartmind

    I think the problem with chinese is the ill defined centers, such as LDT, MDT, UDT. It's my opinion that describing it with more variables initially defined most beneficial. But that is a personal perspective. I do have a question in these regards, which is how is the solar plexus (fire) differentiated from Heart in regards to gateway locations? Edit sp.
  19. yourself
  20. Find A Master

    Have you tried working with the heart chakra much?
  21. Find A Master

    No offense, but sounds rly boring.
  22. Find A Master

    that's ok, I understand your perspective
  23. Find A Master

    If you feel tingly like you just got done jogging real far, or after you are hyperventiliating, how you feel prickles. Then it's probably taking it.
  24. Find A Master

    Not really, it just become's autonomous, like you don't need to sit cross legged and close your eyes. You can be washing dishes and achieve same thing. Becareful about someone "filling Dan Tien", to not mistake "emptying Dan Tien"