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Everything posted by sunshine

  1. Why is there so much evil in the world?

    And if there is evil indeed one might want to consider it as tasks to grow with/learn from and utilize the "suffering" as sign for where one is in ones development. Harry
  2. David Verdesi's Teacher Da-Zen/Wu-Zen ?

    But where is this information you are talking about? seriously Harry
  3. David Verdesi's Teacher Da-Zen/Wu-Zen ?

    This one is confusing "mwight" Hi WYG, as I do not know the Mo Pai methods I can not compare. If I could I'd very likely not talk about it... Harry
  4. David Verdesi's Teacher Da-Zen/Wu-Zen ?

    Seriously man. It would speak a lot for you if you were to respect the privacy of people a little more in the future, whoever that poor guy is who might now get spammed with unnecessary mail or worse: phone calls... Harry
  5. Matrix Energetics

    I read the book, told a friend about it, she flew from Germany to a seminar... and she wasn't that much impressed. A fellow student went to a seminar and wasn't that much impressed. Not to say that it does not work, but it seems to work much better on those that easily react to Placebo-effects & Co... The friend I talked about above recently went to a seminar of one guy who seemingly was one of the main "teachers" of Dr. B... whom he is not mentioning though (if that is true or not I don't know. Just what she said.)... haven't yet heard back from her about this guy... Harry
  6. >>Okay so initiation is some kind of bypass of 100 years of knowledge, an injection of experience directly in your bloodstream?<< To the first part: 100 years is a little too little. The the 2nd: might be in some cases but most of it might be not. >>So my enlightened teacher cannot teach me anything because he didn't get initiated from anyone?<< Is he enlightened? >>I think you are really too into this to understand what you are propagating.<< I do not propagate anything. >>David lives in China, where do you live?<< Germany. But if things go as they should we will be meeting once or year or more often. >>Do you think he is a true teacher to you in the "old sense" they so keenly suggest all the time?<< I would have to know what you think a true teacher in the "old sense" is. I stated somewhere else that I do believe there was not only one "in the old sense". Harry
  7. The Thunderpath?

    I feel sorry for you that you feel so bad that you can not share the information you know would help so many to be saved from serious trouble. I hope you will get permission to share so that everyone can benefit and you can enlighten the blind. no sarcasm intended Harry
  8. There are many ideas about the first ones for sure... Think of children being left by their parents at an early stage in life. They might develop on their own in many ways...they might develop a way to articluate themselves in ways they can understand each other. And still they will not in this lifetime develop a language as sophisticated as their parents could have taught them. "Inititation" in this case sure would be beneficial. Without it it will take decades, maybe hundred of years to develop their language to a similar level. Without initiation in so many areas in life we would be starting things with very little steps all anew again... each individual for her/himself... many trials and errors... too little time... likely achieving not much at all. Why not follow those who came before us and layed things out for us? You might achieve a lot on your own, but do you think you could develop mathematics or physics or whatever to the current stage in only one lifetime? With initiation you can start where others left off, this way benefitting from all the trials and errors and their outcomes of the past and get much further more quickly. I coud continue... Harry
  9. Dear Chanwu >>David is one of those that promote themselves to pieces and aim for hundreds if not thousands of students,<< in all politeness. I can not leave a lie as is if I indeed know it to be a lie. >>You can learn on your own.<< many, and sure enough many who have no affeliation with David, do not and will never agree! Don't "sell" something as truth what is just a belief. Good night Harry
  10. The Thunderpath?

    It is pretty simple Chanwu. The approach just not is the same Harry
  11. The Thunderpath?

    It likely is the mentioned video, but does it really matter? The situation is taken care of Hary
  12. The Thunderpath?

    It's all very interesting indeed... Oolong. Whatever we both deal with. Your approach is one of a kind Girls and guys. Keep the 200 Euros for yourself. The most funniest part of it all is: >>ORDER The fate does show everyone if she or he is selected or not. In order not to overflow neither the teacher nor the student group, I decided not to offer more than 100 interested students full access. After that, there will be only the DVD available - without contact possibilities.<< Harry
  13. Why is it...

    that once in a while people appear on the picture and tell everybody else their belief on what is true cultivation and the only true way of cultivation, and how to understand a certain phrase word etc., scripture, only true scripture etc. from a place and in a way as if they were the only authority on the matter? They are not asked for it but just do it. Then we always have the same story happen: they find supporters that feel so much resonating with it, maybe sharing same experiences etc. At the same time we have those who take a contra-position and fiercefully declare how little knowledge they actually have. I have lost the idea in which way all of the above is beneficial to anyone. The only thing I always learn from it is to be supported in my idea of relativity of truth (which I have been scolded for) as long as one has not actually reached it. If one has reached it I assume none of us would actually enter any of the above. Any ideas? Harry
  14. Why is it...

    That's okay Chanwu. I get your point and some get mine Harry
  15. Why is it...

    Read your answer here please: "This is what forums are all about.. discussion and sharing of knowledge. You can take it or leave it, it's up to you to pick up things in this forum that you can relate to, or throw them away." be assured I had not the "sharing of knowledge" in mind, whatever it might be you perceive it to be. Harry
  16. Why is it...

    Thankx girls and guys so far. I think Little has made some interesting comments... what I meant was: it is one thing to jump at someone else, or start speaking as an authorative when they attack ones believes. I just could not make a rhyme out of appearing out of nowhere and preaching (in whatever ways) from a pulpit when there has no "open" attack been addressed at someone in the first place and indeed couldn't because they haven't been there to be attacked. With Little's ideas on the topic I start to realize a few things... maybe I should start adopting this approach for the reasons indicated Harry
  17. Why is it...

    Hi "P", okay. But isn't what you describe a reactive pattern when people openly address/question "you"? What use is there of a reactive pattern if noone ever openly made a step towards "you"? Harry
  18. Why is it...

    Hey guys. This was meant to be a serious topic
  19. Reply to Sean Denty regarding David Verdessi

    Actually I wanted to say "logic"... but that would have been too unkind. Harry
  20. Totally Cool Website

    The trouble, for example with tooth extractions is, that oral strepptococcus (viridans-group) enters the bloodstream and tends to "collect" and "cultivate" at predamaged heart valves. From there episodical septic bacterimia is possible with the risk of Endocarditis (no fun!). Any microdamage in the oral area (inner) can lead to it under "right" circumstances. One reason why those who know of damaged heart valves should get antibiotics prophelactically in cases of tooth extractions. Harry
  21. Reply to Sean Denty regarding David Verdessi

    >>Okay, anyway Sunshine, there is "passive" then there is "passive-aggressive." Your responses emanate passive-aggressiveness. Most would find it offensive. i find it humorous. Perhaps i'd take it more seriously if it was executed in a slightly more subtle manner.<< Sorry dude. The way one shouts into the forest... but actually just once again a misperception or probably just an intended misinterpretation? I honestly clearly perceive you as someone enjoying to play a game. My conclusion of discussions like that is always just one. That I am still not clever enough to stay out of them. >>Let's make a wager... In five years, i wager that you will not be able to do ANY of the things that Sean has been posting about David. What will you wager? Want to make it ten years? i'll be around: post here or on any Dao forum and address "Hern-Heng" and i'm sure word will get to me. << I have a pratice blog here Hern-Heng. So I am sharing anyway. No time limit set for myself, no interest in bets, no interest in the Randy-million dollars >> if i didn't care<< If you indeed do. then: Thankx man For the time being. Be & stay well. Harry
  22. David Verdesi's credentials and research

    Had the same thought in mind. But if you do that others jump in on the picture and shout: "These cultists. Do not even leave the option of getting to know what is happening inside." "These elitists". "They keep secrets and do not want to share" etc. etc. etc. I personally feel your suggestion to be a great one. Originally felt the same. It just won'T change the "flame wars", only the focus of those who like to lead them. Harry
  23. Reply to Sean Denty regarding David Verdessi

    Novice Level cult member. Nice title. While you are right that the most educated can fall into the traps your analysis is most amusing and proves my intitial impression of your presentation. Without wanting to drift too much int being like an asshole: Grade School Mathematics is my impression for sure. Some arguments simply are not true. That IS a fact! And I DO know while you clearly don't. Students defending a teacher to death makes them students defending the teacher to death. One two even three or more students to not represent the whole of the group. Simple as that. Please read my posts more exactly. I actually explained that there are signs that can be interpreted as that of a cult. Although not equal one might want to extend that meaning: to "sound like a cult". "Sounding like a cult" does not MAKE it a cult. Calling someone brainwashed who studied something indepth is funny indeed... Your examples are interesting... I would choose different ones: if you want to know what it means to burn a finger you have to burn your finger. If you want to know what a cherry tastes like you need to taste one. But see "my friend". Whatever I say. Your filter is one that will "always" lead to only one conclusion. I consider myself having an open filter (not too open, just in case someone wanted to jump at that) and am willing to change my mind with what is to come. It just won't happened due to biased statements based on nonfounded ideas and believes. Harry