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Everything posted by sunshine

  1. Gmail Anyone?

    Thankx a lot for the invitation... first link used! Harry
  2. DETOX again

    Who has been doing the detox following Bodri'S advise? How are the results? As it is difficult to get that product (body cleanse) to Germany. Could somebody possibly help me out? thankx Harry
  3. please enligthen me!!!

    Where can I find out more about the kua you refer to?
  4. please enligthen me!!!

    :idea: yeah. I know. And I hope that audience will react :idea:
  5. please enligthen me!!!

    Hey Ron. Actually NO drop of alcohol is passing my lips... but what to do about the CHEMTRAILS??? Harry
  6. please enligthen me!!!

    Hey Trip, thankx for you mails... yep. sleeping disorders are really terrible. But it has so much to do with the current life style I can not do much about. This is my final year in western medical studies. Besides I am studying Traditional & Classical Chinese medicine, work 10 nights a month etc. etc. etc. Not a very healthy lifestyle but one I am not able to change at this point in time. TCM doctors & herbs are good, but they cost money, money I currently do not have. And it is not that easy to get good herbal medicine in Germany. Germany is very strict regarding this on the free market. And ordering from outside Germany is always a hassle, as very often customs checks it and either destroys it or sends it back. Nevertheless I sometimes try again & again. Rergarding the "churning mind"... luckily this has become quite calm with the 2 years of holosync I have been doing now. It comes back during the initial phases of moving to a higher (or deeper) binaural beat level, but smoothes out quickly. I know what a monkey mind is, you can bet, but I am far ahead of it today. Worrying is part of being a student. My memory unfortunately is not the best, which makes learning tough and passing exams quite a problem sometimes. But it is a good way to learn the art of letting go, so it has its merit. Nevertheless it could be a lot easier... In your other mail you spoke about hypnotism. Actually I look forward to becoming a psychiatrist/psychotherapist & I hope to integrate TCM as part for treating severe psychiatric & psychosomatic disorders... The idea with the bedroom sure is a good one. Problem is only that I only have one room for everything. Nothing to do about it at the moment... I will get that sleep-book Yoda mentioned. Seems to be interesting as it does address the problem of people that change their work patterns often (night, day etc.) stay tuned Harry
  7. please enligthen me!!!

    Keith. I just wanted to state that I did not overlook what you said. I take it very serious and fully understand what you mean and I think actually "that" was the reason why I originally moved away from the "Healing Tao". Techniques without the "the" is empty... so I can & do look past the "slamming" and look forward to the "very interesting conversations... interesting stidy... into the very root issues of Buddhism, and Taoism". I very much hope that this discussion will happen for me to learn. Unfortunately I can not contribute to it as of today... humble Harry
  8. please enligthen me!!!

    Peitro. Good to know to be in a family of shakers... Hope you don'T mind to clarify the above a little more: what is a "qua" and what do you mean by "while the front rises". Do you mean the chest?
  9. reducing sleep & heightening memory?

    Yoda. That's really cool. Seems to be exactly what I looked for. Will get the book soon... Talking_Pebble: you can bet that I would like to know about that special meditation... bowing to the devine in you both Harry
  10. Any ideas? Send a message to the email mentioned on the webside, but the email could not be delivered... Harry
  11. contacting Plato (prostatesecrets): how?

    it worked... THANKX MAN!
  12. please enligthen me!!!

    Thankx Max. I try to approach it that way. But I can tell you: relaxing is quite difficult at those moments. It is like your body is taken over and you have no more control over it. No. I do not feel any ghost slipping into me and doing this & if I concentrate I get "it", but relaxing the mind allows for those movements to happen & relaxing the body then is about impossible... Harry
  13. please enligthen me!!!

    GrandTrinity... my thinking might be slow but my ears are quite good... I for sure stay tuned
  14. please enligthen me!!!

    Well Keith. I do feel tingling during practice. I had occasions of hot "rushes" through my spine. There have been periods (especially under the use of holosync and in the beginning of taking that monoatomic-ormus stuff) that certain areas in my brain were expanding and condensing or that certain points have been "stuck" for certain periods of time (interestingly some points being stuck in my brain correlated with for example dysfunctional breathing...)... I do feel emotions constricting areas in my body and being able to dissolve them with EFT & Releasing if apllied... not always to full success but a lot of beneficial release I can not say if it was a certain event that triggered it. I assume it was beginning the Qi Gong practice in the HT system... My major problem has always been inconsistency in practice. I started and stopped, started and stopped. This is the first time I feel I could keep up the practice. But I am confused about people like Bodri & Master Li of Falung Gong saying that all that Qi Gong with energy & etc. is just low level stuff and will lead you nowhere. Very confusing... Harry
  15. please enligthen me!!!

    Thank you Keith for taking the time. Started the practice and it seems to work. Trip. As I've got no secrets. You can ask as personal as you like. I sure was not that healthy at that time. But what came after (not only due to the practices but due to my further search) made things worse, so that I start at a worse place than I was before. Regarding your question if it was a problem in me or the practices, I'd answer: "both". The shaking actually started from the spine, so I assume that energy tried to rise and caused that shaking due to a blockage. As I further tried to mix several "systems" (having somethign read here and something there) I am sure I pretty messed up my energy system. Had I known about a place like this to ask I would have asked until somebody would have come up with a solution. Meanwhile I have read so much about kundalini awakenings that I would very likely have carried on with the practice until I would have been through it. But at that time I was damn scared. And as I said. I did not trust the abilities of the instructors too much at that time. And stopping was easy. Chia has some issues. But I like that guy. It was not him that induced that state. Never really had a kind of energy-transfer-feeling while being at the workshops. I think it was simply messy practice on my side and too little knowledge, but what should I've been doing: I did not know about any guidelines, so I very much understand why some insist that you need to have a personal teacher to go to AND it has to be someone who is absolutely familiar with the ground. OR you need more knowledge, which girls & guys here help to provide, but again: that was not available to me at that time. So. Nothing myterious about all that. Later I picked up Falun Gong and I was told that any kind of shaking during the practices is meant not to happen. I went to a Falung Gong week and sure enough the shaking started again during the standing meditation. AND sure enough people there had a problem with that, as it was Master who said that skaking is not advised to be allowed to happen. So a nice guy spoke to me and I tried to tell him that this happens naturally and I can not do anything about it. So he said: "Ah well. Must be the old stuff from your earlier practices that needs to be cleared first..." Maybe, maybe not. Recently I picked up Spring Forest Qigong. A nice little Qigong practice. My major aim is to get myself back into shape first. I have severe sleeping disoders, sometimes being in bed 10-12 hours but not really sleeping and not being really fresh throughout the day... etc. etc. Sure enough the shaking started to happen again. In moving Qigong it is o.k. but during sitting meditation my body makes what it wants. always a good stretch at least... What I believe to have found out is that it happens mainly when my mind starts walking around... as soon as I concentrate the shaking & movement gets a lot better. this is it from me so far. Thankx for asking and letting me share Harry
  16. O.k. To be honest. I have not yet read through all of the articles on the meditationexpert webside but with time will. But to me there seemingly is a major contradiction in what is said: On the one hand there is criticism of guided meditation like microscosmic orbit (leading you astray and doing damage to yourself), but on the other hand a visualization practice like White Skeleton is offered that (in my humble opinion) is not really different as a "technique"... this White Skeleton practice is not that "sitting down and clear your mind and everything will happen on its own"-attitude usually reflected on that webside, quite contrary & contradictory I feel. Further: Some of you seem to be familar with Falun Gong. Falun Gong was on my road to coming back to where I am now. I had to retreat from there due to being unable to dissolve certain issues, but in some senses Falun Gong teachings is similar to what is written on the meditationexpert side. But the thing with Karma, praying & merit "bothers" me. You know. In Falun Gong is said that praying might make evil spirits come to serve you and you give away your true essence making you unable to ascend one day. You give for what is given to you. So: praying in order to get material stuff, change bad life situations etc. in Falun Gong DOES NOT do you good. Any thoughts on this? being very interested Harry
  17. How would that apply to the White Skeleton meditation. I try to get the way you approach the subject, Trunk, that is the reason I ask. What "modification" to that practice would be necessary, in your opinion, in order to make the practice "safe"? Keeping a slight "thought" in the Dan Tien while "dissolving"... or concentrating there afterwards? Harry
  18. please enligthen me!!!

    Master Falk. Why do you think that there is so much talk about people moving astray from the way? It does not seem to be that simple if one hears about bad spirits that try to keep you where you are or even try to make things worse... thankx for hinting at that man in Belgium! Harry
  19. please enligthen me!!!

    Hi Trip. Well. I met Chia in person several times... about 10 years ago a woman I knew organized some of his workshops here. The reason I stopped is simple... one day my body started shaking uncontrollably in meditation and this extended to my outside activities out of nowhere. In order to stop that I had to concentrate really hard so that nobody really realized what was happening, but as soon as I relaxed a bit that whole thing started over again. (might have been "kundalini" or whatever) The problem was. I did not feel the teachers at that time to be able to resolve such a situation... and as the teachers took money I was a bit afraid of how much it could cost if they tried... stopping the practice stopped the problem. Had I known at that time what I know today I might have continued. Further I feel that the perineum pressure technique has messed up my perineum... well. That is basically it. Harry
  20. please enligthen me!!!

    Thankx for clarifying, Trunk, and hope you don't mind me being a bit slow in understanding: "one ctr at a time in this method" means? Sitting down today doing the crown, tomorrow the brain centre, the day after the throat...? Just woke up. Maybe that'S the reason I didn't get it... thankx again Harry

    A less sensitive "salami" as you call it might be beneficial for the pleasing of the women if used with proper intention. By the way: it has been shown that circumcision is a major protective factor with regard to certain sexual diseases INCLUDING AIDS. The viruses or whatever do not have a proper place for staying... Don't worry man. I am not circumcised... Harry
  22. I am fully of your opinion. The thing that strucks me though is that this contradiction we talk about is so obvious. Could it be really that easy? That it is really just a contradiction? But I wonder if there is an explanation that would make that contradiction appear to be no contradiction at all. Obvious contradictions let the light they appear in not shine as bright... Is Bodri around here to clarify things for me? Would be much appreciated. Harry, a learner on the way
  23. please enligthen me!!!

    ups. Sorry for this & a lot of thankx for that webside. Have downloaded it already. Allow me a question: your description of bringing down the heavenly energy in order to fascilitate the opening of the front vessel in the mo: There is no breathing pattern involved? Just "feeling" the chakras get wide for a certain time and then move on (no time pattern?)... does one feel or "imagine" at the same time while moving from top to bottom the connection to the front vessel points or is it meant to be just "working" with the core channel and the rest will happen by itself? And another question if you don't mind: you say under point one: "This is done by abandoning the deeper principles of Taoism (which must be taught first in order for this stuff to work), and promoting some of the more sensational (very advanced, much later) results. Unfortunately, the practices (and advanced 'fun' stuff) without the deeper stuff first is a sure recipe for injury." Where to find out about the deeper stuff you mention? thankx again Harry