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About ChiDragon

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  1. Anybody here has a training or workout regimen?

    I do Taiji once a day, rain or shine! Taiji sword once a week and Taiji saber twice a week or whenever the weather permits to do it outside. P.S. Ever since, I have reached chi to the lower dantian, I have been doing slow deep breathing as my natural and normal breathing. It seems to be the most effective way to enhance my immune system. I hardly get a cold since then and have a high resistance to cold temperature!
  2. deleted

    Sorry, these two characters are very strange. I think they were used by a different group of Chinese national that is no longer existed. They were killed by the Mongos over night. No one knew what they meant anymore!
  3. Grok draw

    I was looking for a word like that for a long long time. Finally, I had found it and used it for my translation of Chapter one of the TTJ! Chapter one. 1. Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao. 2. A name that can be named is not an eternal name. 3. Invisible, was a name given to Tao at the origin of sky and earth. 4. Visible, was a name given to Tao as the mother of all things. 5. Hence, when Tao is always invisible, one would grok its quale. 6. When Tao is always visible, one would observe its boundary. 7. These two come from one origin but differ in name, 8. Both are regarded as unfathomable, the most occult and profound; 9. The gate of all changes.
  4. Pangu Shengong

    It indicates that you are making progress in your practice. Most people wanted to accomplish this. The practice increase in sexual energy that means your body energy level are more than normal and you are healthier than before. You should be very happy about it.
  5. Is porn bad for you?

    For being with a scientific oriented mind, it is hard to follow this advice. IMO All definitions, facts, and theories should be followed in order for things to be fallen into place. Everything should be cleared in one's mind with no doubt to reach a conclusion. IMO To practice an art, one must know what the goal is. How to go about it? What are the intermediate stages during the practice. Know what to expect when the highest realm of the art has been reached.
  6. Qi - The Sun Controversy

    To make it simple, from my recollection. There are pigments beneath the skin layers that respond to sunlight. If there is too much sunlight, then, the pigments will come up near the skin to darken the color of rhe skin.
  7. Is porn bad for you?

    Karma can also be used to describe a fate or destiny, or the good or bad emanations that someone or something generates. For example, someone might say "This place has bad karma".
  8. Is porn bad for you?

    I agree! Karma by itself shouldn't be differentiated it is good or bad. IMO It is the effect that determines it is good or bad.
  9. Is porn bad for you?

    One will not feel proud before. If the Jing was strong, then one would feel proud afterward of doing it. However, if one does it too often, the Jing becomes weaken. Since the damage has done to one's heath, to regain one's heath is good to practice any form of qigong. Taji is the best form of qigong. Most people didn't know that deep breathing is the key factor in qigng. Please note that without deep breathing, one may practiced many years of qigong still not gain any heath benefit from it.
  10. Is porn bad for you?

    Since he posted here, and we live in the same area. I thought we meet in person to talk is better. I told him not to do it as often and practice Taiji to regain his heath back to normal. I hope that was ok! ๐Ÿ˜€
  11. Is porn bad for you?

    In traditional terms: it burns up your three treasures: Jing, Chi ,Shen. In modern terms: One will over work the reproductive system. If the reproductive system is constantly reproducing the sperms, then it will use up most the energy and not much more left for the other organs to function properly. It also weaken the immune system that will make a person become very weak. It affects the pituitary gland. Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH): FSH stimulates sperm production in people assigned male at birth. FSH stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen and plays a role in egg development in people assigned female at birth. This is known as a gonadotrophic hormone. Please read more about the pituitary gland ere
  12. Is porn bad for you?

    Isn't weaken the body is the energetic aspect about it?
  13. Is porn bad for you?

    As you said! Do it but not too often is good for you.
  14. Is porn bad for you?

    More than twice a day is too often. That will be weaken one's soul and body. There was a male teacher came here for help to understand the effect of masturbation. We had met in a park. We shook hands, he felt my Taiji handshake, he was so weak and almost cannot resist my hand grip.
  15. Is porn bad for you?

    Yes, the key word is frequent. The question is how often has one done this. Too often is habit forming. That is where the problem lies.