
The Dao Bums
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Status Updates posted by ChiDragon

  1. 靜觀其變 以靜制動

  2. 蟲師(Worm Teacher)....???....:)

  3. Namaste..............:)

  4. Did you know the less number is more dominant in Chinese thinking...??? Yin is more dominant here....:)

  5. To save cyber space, I want to thank you for all your comments here. Complimentary or offensive comments will be appreciated with equal value. Thanks.

  6. I'll fill the positive comments with a positive smile....:)

  7. Thank you very much...!!! :)

  8. has not set their status

  9. Hello, friends...

    Aren't we all friends here by membership...??? Do we really need to be specifically invited to be each others' friend...???

  10. Hi, Twinner

    Everything is fine with me, thank you. How about youself...??? BTW You are the someone who brought me over here by posting TTB on DIO.