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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Help needed

    Hi Nikeir. Welcome to TDB Counting breath is not a meditation method. It is how do you breathe is the right way. Perhaps you would like to read this.
  2. Wu wei is not being your natural self, but "being your natural self" is being Wu wei!
  3. This is only the act of wu wei.
  4. DDJ Chapter 48

    Hmm. In context, you seem to have chosen this verse to discourage learning, but I doubt highly that this is the intention of these words. Yes, you are quite right! This is not the intention of these words. The hidden message was: If you learn more and more, then you will accumulate more knowledge by the day. Learning the principles of Tao that we will reduce our desires more and more by the day.
  5. Hello and some questions

    Welcome to TDB, Turnip I practiced Taiji for more than forty years. It makes me every healthy is because it improves my breathing problem. Taiji is also known as a form of Qi Gong due to its emphasis in breathing. I trusted its effectiveness of given me the health benefits and enhanced my physical conditions to perform everything to the best of my ability. I trusted it is because through my long time practice that gives me nothing but good benefits with no side effects.
  6. Daoist Meditation

    Welcome to TDB, David. Yes, breathing is all about "inhale" and "exhale". What else could it be? It is a matter of how does one breathes! Would you please explain what do you mean by "When I am focusing on the spot when I am breathing it tend to start to burn or to hurt"? What and where is the spot that you are talking about? Thanks!
  7. Wu Wei is to follow the course of nature. Someone had been punished, then release the punishment to see was there any effect from the action. If not, then try again and again until there are improvements have shown. There is nothing that one should go to the extreme. IMO Nothing is permanent.
  8. Since we are here to undertand or practice Taoism, we should learn to be forgiveful and tolerate others and given them another chance for improvement! Otherwise, Wu Wei was being ignored on the website!
  9. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Yes, I think so. It is a general term pertaining to two related elements.
  10. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Yes, It is not an ancient term that was used in the ancient Chinese language. The modern translation of 'duality' is "二元性" meaning pertaining to two elements. The two elements of Taiji(太極) are yin/yang( 阴/阳). The two elements are integrated as a whole but always described separately. In western thinking, I think the two elements may be referred as duality.
  11. Enlightenment - what is it?

    Somehow, once I was told that the term 'duality' was derived from the concept of yin/yang. IMO it seems the term is used very loosely without attachment!
  12. IMO If one practice the cloud hands, in Taiji, with the stance low enough, it is automatically engaging the kwa.
  13. The interpration of the term wu wei(無為), in the Tao Te Ching, simply means do nothing to interfere with nature. In other words, let nature take its course.
  14. Side effects

    Everyone has a different understanding about Qigong. What is Qigong to you?
  15. The internal Taoist Alchemy is separated from external. It is because the external method causes death by using poisonous elements. Since the external alchemy had failed, the Taoist went to the internal alchemy which is called Neidan. The Neidan uses the three intangible ingredients called jing chi shen(精氣神) to form the elixir. Indeed, Neidan works out much better and gives good result for longevity than external alchemy.
  16. In Taoism, I don't think the purpose of Neidan is to unite whth the Dao. It is because Tao is not another name for God. According to the Tao Te Ching, Dao is existed before any god. Chapter 4 The Fathomless Tao. 1.道沖而用之或不盈。 2.淵兮似萬物之宗。 3.挫其銳 4.解其紛, 5.和其光, 6.同其塵, 7.湛兮似或存。 8.吾不知誰之子, 9.象帝之先。 1. Tao is a vessel and its function seems inexhaustible. 2. Abyss, aha! It seems like the ancestry of all things. 3/7. Fathomless, aha! Unconscious or conscious. 4/8. I don't know whose son he is, 5/9. It seems like before the heavenly god. ***** lines 3 through 6 seem to be out of context. They were reappeared in Chapter 56*****
  17. Neidan (內丹) is an esoteric Chinese Taoist terminology. It is a unique term in Taoist mysterious philosophy. I don't think there is any equivalent for Neidan in other cultures!
  18. Does Qi cultivation supercharge human traits?

    Speaking of Qi cultivation, I think that there is a difference between western and eastern thinking. In western thinking, qi cultivation is the cultivation of energy. As oppose to eastern, it is the cultivation of breathing. The cultivation of breathing results the increase of energy in the body. That is what leads to the western thinking of qi cultivation is the cultivation of energy. Eventually, we are talking about the same thing but just one step ahead in the western thinking. It says all in the biochemical formula: Oxygen + glucose => CO 2 + H2O + heat + energy. Please read about cell respiration for clarity. This is something has to be discovered on your own!
  19. Does Qi cultivation supercharge human traits?

    No, it does the opposite. It enhance the personal quality in real life to become a better person. However, it could make a person look younger.
  20. LDT meditation without a teacher

    From the Title of the OP, I think you have some idea about the Neidan already. LDT meditation is the key to reach the realm of Neidan. If you know how to do that, then, no teacher is required.
  21. Talent

    Welcome! Everyone is talented for cultivation. Cultivation is to make someone to become a better person and put some spices in life. That is why we cultivate! Finding out about cultivation is your first step to cultivation. Please enjoy your presence on the site. Have fun!
  22. Cultivating the mind through the body

    The modern definition of Chi Kung is adjusting the body, cultivating the mind and regulating the breathing. These are the three significant factors of Chi Kung must be considered. Hence, Chi Kung cannot be accomplished just by adjusting the body and cultivating the mind without regulating the breathing. Adjusting the body and cultivating the mind are not too difficult but regulating the breathing is the hardest part. The movements of the body are controlled by the mind. The practice of movements will be registered in the brain and the mind will be more flexible to react spontaneously. Also, breathing is affecting the mind. The practice of good breathing habit will help to send more oxygen to the brain. That will keep the brain cells healthy to have a strong mind. Thus both of these two factors has a great influence affecting the health of the mind.
  23. Headache, daydreaming need help

    Some violence happened to you at young age that might causing you to have some flash back, perhaps?