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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Does Anyone Have Power?

    That is exactly what is happening but that is exactly what you don't want your heart to have more beats than it should. You want your heart to beat slower and stronger to circulate the oxygenated blood. So, your heart won't be overworked from beating faster. The ideal way for the heart to beat slower is by having more oxygen in the blood. So, the heart knows not to speed up to provide more oxygen to the body cells. The only way to provide more oxygen in the blood is by breathing more air into the lungs. Is that what you want to have many more heartbeats to overwork the heart....???
  2. Does Anyone Have Power?

    "Slow breath almost to a stop" is not the proper way to practice meditation. The proper way is to breathe slow and deep to the lower dan tian but you should never stop breathing. Thus you will see some physical changes in your body in few months. However, please don't expect to have some special power to heal someone yet.
  3. The Spirit of a Martial Art

    Quan Yu was classified as a Lord of Martial Art and also a scholar and a gentleman. Please note that his attire, the sleeve at the right hand side indicates that he is a martial artist and the left indicates that he is scholar. He does not kill someone ruthlessly. He only kill those who are evil. That is why people worship him and place his statue in the living room by the door to keep the evil spirits away.
  4. The Spirit of a Martial Art

    Here is a better video quality. This fight was not legal in Hong Kong. Therefore, it has to be arranged to fight in Macau. The fight starts at 4:4o
  5. The Spirit of a Martial Art

    Yeah! All of them were tried to rule the world by brutal force but didn't last too long. It was because they didn't know the philosophy behind the Art of War.
  6. The Spirit of a Martial Art

    I'm sorry to hear that. I don't think that the intention for learning martial arts is to kill was a good initiative. One with such fatal ability must refine one's character to have mental discipline not to abuse the given art. Thus let's have the Virtue of the Martial Arts to decide who to be killed only by the act of self defense.
  7. The Spirit of a Martial Art

    The spirit of Martial Arts is not to kill but to refine one's character.
  8. It Is Not Dao

    Tao speaks of its principles.
  9. It Is Not Dao

    道道道. Dao dao Dao.
  10. How repair of loss of Jing is possible ?

    These statements can be rephrased: Question: Does it sound like that the jing is analogous to a "body cell"? A body cell can be repaired or dead. Based on your understanding, does the jing work in the similar fashion? Is it fair to say that: Post-heavenly way is to use the natural resources like food and oxygen to sustain the Pre-heavenly jing. FYI The Taoist dual cultivation is the Dual Cultivation of the Xing ans Ming(DCXM) which has been known as the dual cultivation of the mind and body. From your understand, you have treated the dual cultivation is the relationship between two opposite sex. What is your lucid understanding of the non-dual spiritual status....???
  11. First of all, you cannot hold your breath longer than the system allows. Secondly, you should not hold your breath in the middle dan tian but the lower dan tian. Thirdly, orgasm without ejaculation may cause gas in your stomach which builds up pressure against your chest and heart. The correct way to breathe in Chi Kung is by sunken Chi to the lower dan tian not the middle dan tian. I understand that by holding the million dollar point will only prolong the erection rather than causing any pressure build up. The pressure buildup was by the gas in the stomach as mentioned above. During weight lifting, you should focus your breath in the lower dan tian not in the chest.
  12. What would you ask a master?

    I don't ask anything but just listen.
  13. Micro-cosmic orbit - a question

    Most people don't know what Chi Kung is all about. And this guy knows, Chi Kung is the Ultimate Method of Breathing(UMB). PS..... If no one can pass this hurdle or understand this simple concept, then one cannot go any further for advancement.
  14. Micro-cosmic orbit - a question

    I have read this once in my native literature. The Micro-cosmic Orbit(ć°ć‘šć€©) must be accomplished before the Macro-cosmic Orbit(性摚怩). Normally, an ordinary person cannot perform deep breathing constantly. Constantly means every time when one breathes is deep down to the abdomen. The purpose of the Micro-cosmic Orbit is to open the channel between the Ren Meridian(任脈, Conception Vessel) and the Du Meridian(çŁè„ˆ, Governor Vessel). So, they can be connected in order to reach all other meridians. The process of the Micro-cosmic Orbit is to breathe so that the chi is sunken to the low dan tian. When one has the feeling that the breathing is deep down to the LDT, then it was considered that the Micro-cosmic orbit channel has been opened or cleared. Thus the Ren and Du Meridians are being connected and the Micro-cosmic Orbit has been completed. This is really not a special method rather than just a concept by a group of ancient Taoists.
  15. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    I don't know. The terminology that thamosh uses doesn't resonant with me.
  16. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    1. Is there such thing as alchemical Kung Fu.....??? 2. What are the Chinese characters for "kong jing".....???
  17. Nice horse

    The "ma" that you are talking about should be this character: 旎(ma3). It has a mouth radical at the left side. Actually, "ni hao" is equal to "na hao ma?" for short. The "ma" can be omitted in the ordinary language.
  18. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    Yes, it does to a certain extent. However, I would reconsidered that if I were you.......
  19. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    One will never does Taiji wrong. Gong Fu is not Taiji for sure, even if you are doing it right....
  20. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    There is a big difference between Kung Fu and Taiji. Kung Fu movements are more rougher and gross which can be accomplished in a shorter time. It is considered to be an external skill as opposed to Taiji. The forms of Taiji are much more refine and profound which considered to be an internal skill or Neigong. It takes a longer period to accomplish many different levels of skills.
  21. A true and false saying

    Stosh..... Just don't read anything....!!! My reason is the impression that you've given me that you will not believe anything there is.....
  22. A true and false saying

    You know that he knew is because he was the one who wrote the book. If he didn't know, otherwise, he wouldn't have had written the Tao Te Ching. You didn't know what he was talking about is because you cannot/didn't read a codex of the classic or the modern interpretation by the knowledgeable scholars that was written in the native language. Unfortunately, and the saddest part, the modern interpretation was never translated into another language and expose the true meanings of the TTC to the world. Btw he gave it a name to call it "Tao" was for the convenience of explanation. It cannot be spoken of was because that Tao cannot be described in few words, but it can be explained with many chapters. That was exactly what he had done. Lao Zi knew about Tao, already, in the first place. Otherwise, the Tao Te Ching wouldn't have been existed.
  23. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    It seems, to me, the only thing that one can learn from a turtle is learn to hold the breath as long as one can. Something like: inhale, hold, exhale and repeat as someone has suggested. This is seems to be more practical and makes more sense other than fantasizing in using other fanatic methods about turtle breathing.
  24. A true and false saying

    But most of us don't know what he is talking about....
  25. A true and false saying

    I think the new entry of thoughts will acknowledge the mind.