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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. A true and false saying

    The state of Emptiness in the mind is simply means that the mind has been cleared for new entries and evaluation. It does not mean it has nothing to be thinking about.
  2. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    You've said the magic words...!!! That is what is all about in any method of breathing in the martial arts industry.
  3. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    Apparently, the "ignore" preference didn't work this year.
  4. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    A turtle breathes once above the water surface and can stay under water for eight minutes, then comes up for more air. If I remember this correctly...!!!
  5. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    I like to hear it form him in his own words if no one minds....???
  6. Techniques To Condense/Compress Your Dan Tien?

    How does a turtle breathe......??? Please describe...!!!
  7. taoism enlightenment?

    However, the enlightenment has to be working out perfectly for you.
  8. You are most welcome! Well, if I knew nothing about feng shui, then I wouldn't have respond to your OP in anyway. What I am trying to let you know is that, feng shui is for the ordinary people who want to have a pleasant environment to live and bring them good fortune. The Taoist and Buddhist do not require to have such environment. I think post #9 by yabyum24 says all.
  9. about Energy Levels and How they feel?

    Well, Qigong cannot be practiced without a body. It is the physical practice which gives the benefits to the body. Qigong helps the body to generate the energy. Indeed, a dead body is no longer need to generate the energy to sustain its life, therefore, the practice of Qigong is no longer feasible. Another words, everything ceases when the body dies.
  10. taoism enlightenment?

    Each Taoist has a set of basic principles. It depends which and how far the practices are to be carried out. It seems to me that you do have a set of principles(artificial creation). You did make a comparison to the principles of the Chinese Taoist Association and discovered that your original principles are not what you want. Therefore, you had decided not to follow your own principles but followed the new ones instead.
  11. Well, NotVoid. If one is thinking about feng shui, I can assure you those locations are the worse feng shui conditions for living quarters. It is out reach of the outside world. Indeed, the most concern of feng shui is to have the best convenient living conditions. It is obvious that those temples do not provide the best living conditions.
  12. taoism enlightenment?

    Well, you might not have any basis to compare the available translations and sort out the principles. However, your best available translations might not be the best translations to transpose the true principles. How do you know that a true Taoist is a true one without being one yourself?
  13. Well, you are too much concerned about the bandits and wild animals. Let's put it this way. The Taoists and Buddhists live a simple life. The earnings are the offerings from the people who visit there. There is not much for the bandits to take. Besides, people do not want to rob any holy man. If the people can go to the temple to worship the deities, then, so can anyone including the bandits. Thus that was not the reason why the temples were built there because of the bandits. In regarding to the animals, there were not that many animals in those areas. Unless, it was close to the boarder of China. There are tigers from India. However, there are not that many wild animals at the inland of China. In regarding to feng shui, again, the Taoist and Buddhists do not not need any luck to bring them fortune because of their austere way of living.
  14. taoism enlightenment?

    Yes, please. Thanks!
  15. taoism enlightenment?

    hehehehehe..... May I learn the grammar from you or incomplete sentences...???
  16. It was known that Taoists and Buddhists like to be close to Heaven and integrated with Nature. Thus they build temple high above the cliffs and using the rocks as part of the foundation for the temples. The reason they called the Hanging Temple is because the pillars are hanging down from the floor of the temples. It was every deceiving to make people to believe they were the support of the temples. Actually, they are not the supports for the temples. It was only psychological which leads people to believe that they are safe to step into the temple. Those pillars are exposed to different weathers and required to be replaced occasionally. What is really supporting the temples are the horizontal square beams underneath the floors of the temples. Those square beams are special treated with multi-process for weatherproof and insect resistance. The are place into the square holes on the rocks with extension to hold the temples in place. The information was revealed from a documentary on a local Chinese TV channel.
  17. One-ness (images)

    Yes, just google "Peru".
  18. One-ness (images)

  19. Green Dragon Horse Dog appearance

    Here is the actual mythical creature, 驥驎(qilin), with a dragon head and a horse body(sitting like a dog).
  20. horse drawing

    It is because this is the year of the Horse.......
  21. Green Dragon Horse Dog appearance

    Okay! The kirin is the Japanese version. The 麒麟(Qilin), half dragon and half horse, is the original Chinese version.
  22. Green Dragon Horse Dog appearance

    Correction.... That is a half dragon and half horse which is called 麒麟 or 騏驎(Qilin) and was known as a Chinese unicorn. Where did the dog part came in from.....??? Please don't confuse it with the deer part now....!!! It was an mythical animal.
  23. Water Method of Taoist Meditation - Questions

    I have never heard of such method as the "water method of Taoist meditation". That which make you wonder, isn't it.....???
  24. The Year of the Horse

    The Year of the Horse 新 年 快 樂 Happy New Year
  25. The Year of the Horse

    If one gets hit by a pie, then one is not making progress.....