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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. taoism enlightenment?

    A true Taoist is to find the true self by oneself rather than by others. The principles are written everywhere but you just need to find and sort them out and follow them.
  2. taoism enlightenment?

    Stosh.... Thank you very much for your kind words.....!!! Enlightenment is not a real thing, a real situation nor anything described by ancient scholars but outside the realm of everyday experience. It is an experience which not an ordinary person can be experienced or comprehended. Enlightenment is to comprehend something that is one of a kind which others are difficult to grasp. It is not something that can be described with words. However, if it was described by words, then it requires a certain mentality by grokking its quale to extract the philosophical concepts not by guessing nor assumption. It must be followed certain guide lines, collectively, from the knowledgeable scholars of the past and present to reach an intuitive conclusion with logical reasoning. The enlightened conclusion has to be stand alone which cannot be superseded by other philosophical thoughts.
  3. taoism enlightenment?

    It had taught me about the concept of Wu Wei for being letting Nature take its course without interruption or interference.
  4. Dan Tian Jing Mechanics Question

    Isn't this belong to the General Discussion Section....???
  5. taoism enlightenment?

    Isn't this belong to the Taoist Discussion section....???
  6. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    Do you think, even, a Taoist would make such mistakes most lightly....???
  7. The Year of the Horse

    I wish you are all, Wu Shu(武術), practitioners are as strong and healthy as a Horse; and do the Horse Stance too. 站椿(Zhan Zhuang) Standing on the poles.
  8. "You can't handle the TRUTH !"

    hmmmm..... I do wonder who is ready for this.....!?
  9. Classical Daoism; is there really such a thing?

    Did you know Confucius was, at the age of fifty, introduced to the Yijing by Lao Tze? The 十翼,Ten Wing(explanation of Yijing), was written by Confucius. The concept of Yin-yang in Chapter 41 of the TTC was from the Yijing.
  10. Expanding and Contracting In Meditation.

    You welcome! Well, you have reached a certain level of accomplishment alright. At least, that was in a process of "work in progress" or "self-refinement" if that is what you want to call it. Yes, that is what dual cultivation amounts to the xing(mind) and ming(body). The Quan Zhen Pai(全真派) had considered that the DCXM as Neidan(內丹) is because it was cultivated internally.
  11. Expanding and Contracting In Meditation.

    Congratulations! Adept. I think your nick is telling you something. You have accomplished the Dual Cultivation of Xing and Ming(DCXM). Another words, you have cultivated your mind mentally and your body physically. Thus your mind and body are working spontaneously and holistically which give you faster reflexes and body coordination. You should be able to react or respond to any action against you a lot quicker than before. Congratulation again for accomplishing to have the present efficacy on your body from all the efforts that you had putted in your practice. This is a good indication that you have increased the sensitivity in your nerves as I had mentioned above about your reflexes and body coordination.
  12. Cultivation of Inner heart nature

    Exactly! Yes, I think the definitions are included in the thread of "Taoist Important Thoughts and Canon" in the Taoist Textual Studies.
  13. Why Do We Focus On Dan Tian ?

    Why not? Who told you that? By saying a complete LDT focus, it implies that there is a partial LDT focus. Am I right? If so, what is the difference?
  14. Classical Daoism; is there really such a thing?

    In his solid marble head........ PS..... The subject being discussed is really to broad to be done here. Unless, it was narrowed down to one particular thought.
  15. Deceived...

    If one believes everything what one had read, then, one had deceived by oneself other than the contents in the book.
  16. Stillness is another one of those western misinterpretations. I believe it was translated from the character 靜. Actually, its linguistic meaning is complete quietness. Quietness is to a point that there was not even a sound but it does not imply it was motionless. Doing meditation, one is sitting still but not deadlock because one is alive. Learning martial arts, one must learn to isolate the facts from fallacies or misunderstandings in order to learn thing correctly.
  17. Why Do We Focus On Dan Tian ?

    hmmmmmmmmmmm....... That is something new......
  18. Do I need to study the classics?

    Songtsan..... Chinese classics are most difficult to comprehend. Even though, you can read Chinese fluently, you are still not able to interpret the Classics. However, If you've learned the modern native language, it would be suffice to read the interpretation of the classics by the knowledgeable native scholars. Understand the hexagrams is not necessary or more efficacious. It is because the hexagrams are somewhat fictional and were designed for divination and Feng Shui3.
  19. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    It should read as "a kind person teaches an unkind person to be a kind one."
  20. Natural peristalsis is not as vigorous as the abdominal movement while performing Chi Kung breathing. Abdominal breathing is more dynamical and mechanical which may prevent constipation due the constant massage of the intestines.
  21. Why Do We Focus On Dan Tian ?

    Why Do We Focus On Dan Tian? When one breathes deeply which sunken chi to the Dan Tian, at that instance, your body strength can be released at maximum or allow the body to function at its peak. Thus all martial arts focus on the Dan Tian all the time for awareness and ready for the unexpected.
  22. Your abdomen can only move in and out to massage your internal organs when your Chi was sunken to the LDT while doing the Chi Kung breathing. It makes no difference when you massage your abdomen, externally, in the clockwise or counterclockwise direction with your hands. Nothing happens unless you perform the Chi Kung breathing constantly. Edited to add: The rotational motion with the hands on the abdomen has no biological nor physiological effect on the body internally. It's only a fallacy if one was told it does....!!!
  23. Where did you get the idea that Qi massage onto youeself....??? Why do you think that energy can be stored in your LDT....???
  24. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    The Dao femaleness was only one of Lao Zi's descriptions which portray Tao has a great potential power to create. Literally speaking, the creative power of Tao was analogous to the reproductive capability of a mother. It was an example given by Lao Zi to show that Tao is a divine female but not as a permanent gender per se.