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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Sushumna channel

    Yes, they are; but the former is uncertain and the latter is more finalized may be acceptable to some extent.
  2. Sushumna channel

    A conceptual idea is just a beginning to think about something to form a generalization which it may not be true until proving to become a real concept..
  3. Intercourse without harm

    Your body release energy and also produce energy to replenish the energy that was released. Practice Chi Kung will produce more energy for the body to utilize for any purpose. It is a matter of how fast can the body be rejuvenated. A Chi Kung practitioner rejuvenates quicker than an ordinary person after sex.
  4. Clearing nostrils for meditation?

    It is obviously you have a breathing problem. Do not try to concentrate at this movement but concentrate to clear your nostrils. Another word meditation is not your primary concern for now but clearing the nostril is. To clear your nostrils, you need to breathe lightly and slowly to let the air into your nostrils. You breathe to a point that your nostrils which allow the air to get in. As soon you have reach to a point which the blockage starts, you should exhale immediately. It takes time and patience to do this but continue with this process. Eventually, your nostrils will be cleared. One must breathe correctly for the body to function properly. Letting air into the body is to allow the body to correct itself for internal self-healing. Tai Ji Quan is the best slow exercise for someone to correct a breathing problem.
  5. What does your Qi feel like?

    When I take a deep breath, I felt very strong and energetic which is yang. When I exhale, I felt very weak which is Yin.
  6. Sushumna channel

    Stay with one system. Please don't try to correlated two systems together. Each system is a different thought from each culture. The people do not think alike in different parts of the world. The systems are just simply a conceptual idea but not a real concept.
  7. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    Does that mean just one deep breath with no exhalation....???
  8. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    When one breathes deeply is full, when exhale is empty. When is half full or half empty, then you are wasting your time in breathing. So to speak as a Chi Kung practitioner.
  9. Filling up the lower Dan Tien- How and Why

    I was trying to tell the people all along but nobody was listening.
  10. What Qigong style is it?

    Adept has explained as simple as that. It is not that complicated to understand if one knows the basic fundamentals. This is the simplest definition, to keep in mind, for a beginner without any knowledge about Chi Kung. People had read too many books and learned somebody else's fallacies and get so confused about Chi Kung. If people do not know how to do abdominal breathing, how did your teacher tell you about going at it, Adept.....???
  11. What Qigong style is it?

    You are somewhat enlightened about the idea about Chi. There is something hidden in your statement. If "Chi follows the breath" is true, then it also implicates that Chi may be in the breath from the air that one breathes. May I ask you this? Everyone breathes, Chi should follow the breath and it also should be benefited as Chi Kung practitioners would. However, but why did a Chi Kung practitioner benefits more than an ordinary person.....??? Do you think that you might have a good explanation why?
  12. What Qigong style is it?

    You welcome! Perhaps due the statement at the end, they did not mention about breathing at all and tried to be secretive about their style.
  13. What Qigong style is it?

    Most of the time, "Internal" means internal to the school only rather than national wise.
  14. What Qigong style is it?

    Guess what the characters say at the end of the video. "For the purpose of internal teaching only but not to be taught to outsiders."
  15. What Qigong style is it?

    能量 is produced from the result of breathing. Without breathing, there is no 能量. "η©Ίζ°”εŠŸ". Air Work. Call it that is you want. However, air is coming breathing. Thus no breathing then there is no air. "氣功" is "breathing" gong. Everything leads to "breathing" in the human body.
  16. What Qigong style is it?

    I had many posts here in the forum about Chi Kung. I don't think there is a need for me to answer that again. However, I will say it again. Chi Kung is the ultimate method of breathing which is known as Tuna (吐吢). So far, no one has a full understand of what it is. If one does, then one will know what is Chi Kung exactly.
  17. What Qigong style is it?

    Then, that is not Qigong at all.
  18. What Qigong style is it?

    For the interest of the OP, regardless of what style of Qigong, learn how to breathe properly first.
  19. It doesn't make it any clearer but more muddier. There are two sides for this term. You are only looking at one side of 青色 and taken it out of context. It is true that 青色 can be meant complexion or coloration. However, the contextual meaning in line 9 is "facial expression" rather than "complexion". 9. ζ··ζ‚η›Έε€„θ€Œηœ‹δ»–ηš„ι’θ‰²γ€‚ 9. Make him live with a crowd of different people and observe his reaction from his facial expression.
  20. Let's stay on track, keeping the facts straight is part of the cultivation of Xing Kung.
  21. Sorry, let me make myself clarify. The correct translation for line 9 should be: 9. ζ··ζ‚η›Έε€„θ€Œηœ‹δ»–ηš„ι’θ‰²γ€‚ 9. Make him live with a crowd of different people and observe his reaction from his facial expression.
  22. You are absolutely correct. 青色: facial expression. One may observe the facial expression to determinate present mood of an individual.
  23. Daily timetable of the Quanzhen retreat

    Who is this fake Taoist Master....??? PS...... He needs to work on his cultivation in Ming Kung(ε‘½εŠŸ) as a True Taoist.