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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Am I practicing Qigong or Neigong?

    Of course, practice is important. However, It is better to know what is being practiced. Understanding the method to know what and how is also important too. Otherwise, it would be a waste of time or have not accomplish the goal as intended. For example, to practice Qigong is to practice how to breathe in a special way as defined by Tu Na. Otherwise, it is not Qigong as one would think as what that was. You might say practicing Qigong all your life without really know the basic principles and accomplished nothing or as intended.
  2. I have noticed that many people are throwing the terms of Qigong and Neigong in and out from left to right. However, what is the difference between these two terms? Here is the way that I understand them. Qigong is a method of breathing that we practice. Neigong is the internal strength that has to be acquired from Qigong or martial arts. BTW Neigong can be acquired from any kind of martial arts. The purpose to acquire the internal strength is to build up the body strength for self defense. Neigong cannot be acquired by just practicing martial arts without Qigong breathing. For that said, to practice any method of martial arts cannot neglect to incorporate the Qigong breathing. By following the guideline, the practice has included the combination of martial arts, Qigong and Neigong simultaneously. Thus the practitioner actually is killing three birds with one stone. So to speak!
  3. Am I practicing Qigong or Neigong?

    I don't why people would bring politics into martial arts. It is very misleading. FYI Qigong(氣功) has existed for a long time but it was called 吐納(Tu Na). It is an esoteric term for the special Taoist breathing method and is different from regular breathing. It was practiced to acquire alchemy. The modern term Qigong means breathing method that is easier for people to understand. Some natives and westerners having difficulty to grasp the whole meaning of Qigong by creating their own definitions. Hence, it created a vast confusion in the world of martial arts.
  4. Most accurate Golden Flower translation?

    It very difficult to translate without having a complete understanding of what the author's intend. Is there any particular segment that you would like to have it translated? I could give it a try for you if you like?
  5. Am I practicing Qigong or Neigong?

    As long breathing is involved, you are there! That is the only criteria is important. Describe it anyway you would like nothing could go wrong. Good show!
  6. Zhan zhuang

    This Zhan Zhuang position is at amateur level. It is because the knees are passing the toes. This will put lots of stress on the knee joints.
  7. Zhan zhuang

    Please notice that the upper leg of the white statue is at 45 degree. Please notice that the practitioner has the angle formed between the upper leg and the lower leg is ninety(90) degrees. In addition, the lower leg is straight and the knees did not pass the toes. That is the highest realm that one wants to be accomplished. It can be said that he has a high level of Neigong.
  8. Zhan zhuang

    I'll say that you have the virtue of martial arts, 武德.
  9. Spotting a fake master

    If your master tells you that breathing has nothing to do with Chi Kung, then stay away from IT.
  10. Zhan zhuang

  11. Zhan zhuang

    This is the original Zhan Zhuang
  12. Zhan zhuang

    Here is an example of Zhan Zhuamg performed by a Taoist priest.
  13. Zhan zhuang

    Based on the fact that, not long ago before he passed away, Steve did asked me to translate the definition of Zhan Zhuang for him, I assume that he didn't know what it means to begin with. The definition of 站樁 is standing on poles. Please understand that I am not trying to condemn the person that is no longer here to defend himself. I know what I am talking about. Peace. If you have any question, I am glad to clarify for you. Please don't insult my intelligence!
  14. The Idiots Way

    This is what Wu Wei is all about. 無為(Wu Wei): Let nature take its course. So, just let it be!
  15. Greetings - Deeper Knowledge of Qi/Energy

    Welcome! A person with wisdom will go a long way. Perhaps, you may speak some Chinese to me! PS You might want to go into the Personal Practice Discussion section to get some idea what people are up to.
  16. Balance test in Zhan Zhuang (站樁)

    With all the valuable comments from all the experts, now, I know how much knowledge they had acquired from Zhan Zhuang!
  17. Zhan zhuang

    Yes, I agree. Only if the practice has done more good than harm without side effects. FYI There are many Taiji practitioners only turning the knees, instead of turning the whole leg with the foot simultaneously, they ended up traumatized their knees permanently and have to quit the practice for good.
  18. Zhan zhuang

    The exercise at 2:35 is no longer recommended. It has been determined to be very harmful to the knees.
  19. Heat during meditation

    Was there a difference in the environment temperature between morning and evening?
  20. Dao Bums (here i am)

    He is a she.
  21. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    Yes, again!