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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Yes, this is not a Taoist text, but it is interpreting the Taoist text with the classic statements listed. For clarity, I will go back to the OP and color them in red to distinguish them as the Taoist text.
  2. It is better for someone who reads Chinese to read the actual document and get some meaning out of it.
  3. Thank you. You are correct about the mainland website. 小说家 has two meanings; one is the people who write stories which are more fictional. The second has a more scholarly flavor as you have indicated. This 小說家 (諸子百家) applies to the speeches of the philosophers which are more factual. BTW The reason 小说家 was mentioned in this document is because there were many fiction stories written by some authors which had been brain washed many people about Taoism and Buddhism.
  4. This document is on a Chinese site, it has been updated constantly. I wouldn't judge its content by the date it was written but its value of the logical meaning.
  5. Thank you for your generosity. You are a gentleman and a scholar. FYI The Taoist had been using the term 精, all the time, in their documents but I haven't seen any good description or definition of what it is. So, your guess is as good as mine. The term has several meanings. Thus it can be very inclusive. Perhaps it would be interesting to investigate it separately. You are correct about the modern scientific point of view. However, the ancient Taoist did not have the scientific knowledge as we have now. Their concepts might not be the exact science. Fortunately, we, the modern people which have the knowledge are trying to relate their concepts with some scientific explanation.
  6. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Welcome back. I haven't seen you for awhile. Yes, I do consider ill-will remarks are spams but we really don't need them here.....???
  7. This is more of the translation for the Chinese modern interpretation for easy understanding. 老子道德经曾云道生一、一生二、二生三、三生万物。丹道即三返二、二返一、一合于道。其名词为炼气化神、炼神还虚(后又增添炼虚合道、虚空粉碎一说)即精气神的返还过程。又因人精气不足,又创出补足精气的练精化气,使人从后天补亏达到先天,以便开始修炼。 In Lao Tze's Tao Te Ching, it says: Tao engenders One, One engenders Two, Two engender Three. In alchemy(丹道), it says: Three return to Two, Two return to One, One unites with Tao. This reverse process is called as the refinement of Chi(氣) to Shen(神), refine Shen(神) to Void(虛)(Later, there was a saying that a new process was added to refine Void to be integrated with Tao; then the vacuous Void became shattered). This was know as the reverse process of 精气神(Jing, Chi, Shen). In the event when human has insufficient of 精气(Jing and Chi), then a supplemental procedure was invented to refine the Jing to Chi. This reverse procedure will allow the postnatal(houtian) reproduction of Jing and Chi(精气) to supplement the prenatal (xiantian) deficiency to initialize the body to begin to practice Neidan..
  8. This is the Chinese modern interpretation of the original Taoist text in Post #7. 肉体者,四大假合矣,虽曰父母恩赐,然父精母血本为凡俗之物,数十年后焉能不坏?何为四大?地、水、风、火,是也。地构成骨胳肌肉和脏腑,水构成身中之血液,风构成呼吸系统,火则构成身中之恒常体温。 修真又分现实修真及小说修真。小说修真的名词和境界不具备任何可行性,仅为小说家言,供人娱乐。 通过烧炼金丹,服食来达到长生的外丹术已逐渐没落。现修真界主要以金丹大道的内丹学,即丹道为主流,讲究修炼神气。 This is the English translation of the above. The meaning of a flesh body, it was integrated by the four falsehood of things. Even though, they were given by the parents. The gene(精) was from the father and the blood from the mother; originally, there were ordinary substances. How can they not be deteriorated...??? What are the four greats...??? Earth, Water, Wind, and Fire, that is what they are. The Earth is the construction of the bones, flesh meat and the internal organs. The Water makes up the blood in the body. The Wind is the respiratory system. The Fire provides the normal heat for the body. 修真(Xiu4 Zhen1) has two categories; they are pragmatic and novelistic. The term and realm of the novelistic 修真(Xiu4 Zhen1) has no significant cultivatable value but only used by the novelists for amusement. The people had been taken the elixir under the external refine process which called the Waidan(外丹) is declining and outdated. Nowadays, the 修真(Xiu4 Zhen1) society is mainly cultivate the internal alchemy which know as Neidan(內丹). Neidan is emphasized in the cultivation of refining the Shen(神) and Chi(氣).
  9. Before I begin the translation, I must indicate that I am not translating the ordinary Chinese but the philosophy of Taoist religion in esoteric terms. Since these terms are not ordinary and due the limitations of our languages, thus they may sound weird and strange to the native and non-native speakers. Whatsoever, we must not apply our normal understanding of the characters for their interpretations. 修真者[1],借假修真也。借此四大假合之肉身,修成吾金刚不坏之真身。古今天下,没有不死的肉身,只有永恒的法身。所谓:本来真性号金丹,四大为炉炼作团。 The meaning of cultivating the "真" is by borrowing the falsehood of things to make them become "true". We borrow these four great falsehoods of things to integrate them into a flesh body. To cultivate myself to have a non-deteriorated metallic steel body. From the ancient to present, in the world, there isn't an imperishable body. However, there is only an eternal cultivated body. This is said to be: The original characteristic is called the golden elixir, the four greats were refined to a pill by baking them in a cauldron. Note: 1. This the translation of the original Taoist Text. 2. The "four great" was referring to Earth, Water, Wing and Fire(地、水、风、火).
  10. All of us are talking cultivating the mind with meditation. The highest realm of meditation that one wants to accomplish is to have 定力....??? There are other terms are compounded with the character 定, such as 入定(enter the state of 定(Ding4). Any thoughts in your own words.....???
  11. What is Ding Li(定力)......?

    Yes, it is ready to open for everything; and it is also to close everything which is undesirable.
  12. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Speak for yourself. I did request to have our communication to be ceased few days back.
  13. The teaching of Quanzhen

    I see more spams from the silly guy portraying himself that he has the full authority in the forum and deceiving all the members.
  14. MH... Thanks for asking. The reason I didn't do the translation in the first place was because some English speakers will reject the original thoughts by attacking the English that was presented. Thus claiming that only Chinese think they know it better. Therefore, I thought I gave them the benefit of the doubt to read it first hand. However, it would be delightful for me to do the translation for you and those who are serious about it.
  15. The teaching of Quanzhen

    The silliness is not "all is the truth" alright......!!! The silliness is how can the English language convey the idea of "all is the truth".
  16. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Okay! That was an easy one. Now, try these: 伯(bo2): the older brother of one's father. 叔(shu2): the younger brother of one's father. A Chinese would say: "This is my 伯(bo2)." An English: "This is my father's older brother." A Chinese: "This is my 叔(shu2)." An English: "This is my father's younger brother." A Chinese: "This is my 二叔(er4 shu2)." An English: "This is my father's second younger brother."
  17. The teaching of Quanzhen

    Quan Zen(全真) is rather saying everything(all) is the truth instead of the whole(holistic) truth. How would you going about translating Quan Zen(全真) ....???
  18. The teaching of Quanzhen

    There is a language barrier between the English and Chinese Systems. The English Language System(ELS) does not have the capability to handle the translation for the Chinese Language System(CLS). By the time the translation was done, the ELS regurgitates because it cannot handle the concept written in a different format. It was rejected due to some technicalities which the ELS does not have the flexibility to verbalize the thoughts in the CLS. The ELS was so concerned with the grammar and sentence structure. Instead follow the concept through but the semantics was heavily criticized if anything was out of line. PS..... Perhaps, this is where the truth lies......!!! Ref: The Truth(not translated due to distortion might occur)
  19. Wearing long sleeves clothes like the black and white Kung Fu shirt gives one the chi sensation during the Tai Ji moves. It makes one feel the moving arms are having a little resistance in the air. Actually, it gives one a better feeling where the position of the arms are. The long sleeves also give one the yin-yang effect while doing the movements. For example, when you raise your arms which is yang, spontaneously, the sleeves will be dropping down and rubbing against your skin which is yin. Thus this gives you a sensation that your arms are moving up. When you lower your arms the sleeves will drop and rub against your skin again. Indeed, this chi sensation was really given you a subliminal effect to enhance the movements to be more natural.
  20. Neidan vs Qigong

    We still just don't know....!!! Perhaps it was not properly translated into the English format.
  21. The teaching of Quanzhen

    I wish it can happen but I doubt it.
  22. The teaching of Quanzhen

    I just love to see this happen in the systems of being discussed.
  23. Neidan vs Qigong

    If one can capture the true energy from Heaven and Earth, then one can attain longevity. Go to attend a high place in the morning; and with a notion that the sun shines allover my body. Thus my body will be transformed and integrated with the sun. How is that sound for the English speakers......???
  24. The teaching of Quanzhen

    "Transliteration" cannot and will not happen. One can only do Pinyin for the one syllable Chinese characters.
  25. If the practitioner would have considered the regulation of breathing as a factor in meditation, will that make any difference.....???