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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Zhan Zhuang: santi vs hunyuan

    A tai Ji practitioner stand at Wu Ji position which is considered to be the Yin in one body. The opponent stands at the Santi Shi position which is the Yang position in another body(the opponent).
  2. Zhan Zhuang: santi vs hunyuan

    Yin and Yang are balance only when both are active in one body. If Yin is in one body with respect to yang in another body, they are out of balance at that instance in time.
  3. Zhan Zhuang: santi vs hunyuan

    Wu Ji is the yin on guard position while Santi Shi is the yang on guard position. However, yin is triumphant over yang. Yin is standing at still position reserving energy while the yang on guard position is dissipating some amount of energy before any action.
  4. Zhan Zhuang: santi vs hunyuan

    Sati Shi(三體勢) is an on guard position for most martial artists except Tai Ji practitioners. Tai Ji(太極) practitioners use the Wu Ji(無極) position.
  5. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    This is a monk with gold painted over his body in Dazou position after death.
  6. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    Scroll down and click on Images for 金身, body of someone who practices Dazuo. Images for 金身
  7. Neidan vs Qigong

    Is "stabilizing" the closest translation for 定.....??? I would like to hear your view on 定力. Give examples to illustrate 定力 if you can.....!!! If one would ask how is your 定力, how would you answer it....???
  8. Neidan vs Qigong

    Thanks for the warning.... I was expexting the final word. My mission has ended. No one will hear a word from me about oxygen again.
  9. Neidan vs Qigong

    That still doesn't hold water on your part. I was referring to human life. That is what we are talking about, here, about cultivation for longevity, no......???
  10. Neidan vs Qigong

    Might as well we all shut up then.
  11. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    Please don't let the character 功 throw you off. I think what it is doing it to you. One misconception will thrown you off ten thousand miles away. Please remember I did use the word "esoteric" which can be mean something out of this world by a Taoist that a mortal would not comprehend.
  12. Neidan vs Qigong

    Can anyone be more reasonable than that as a rebuttal for an argument......???
  13. Neidan vs Qigong

    Stop your breathing and let's see how long you'll stay alive.
  14. I would say that is a good interpretation for understanding the title but not a title to stand for itself.
  15. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    I had investigated about XING GONG(性功) and MING GONG(命功). These two esoteric terms were uses by Taoist for the descriptions of the characteristic of an individual who has the highest physical capacity to practice martial arts and mental ability for the intuition of understanding the principles of martial arts. Those people will have a greater opportunity to meet or be selected by a good teacher. Hence, XING GONG(性功) and MING GONG(命功) are not something to be acquired by cultivation. Ref: XING GONG(性功) and MING GONG(命功)
  16. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    Xing Ming(性命) means life. I HAVE NEVER HEARD OF XING GONG(性功) OR MING GONG(命功) in any Chinese Classics.
  17. Neidan vs Qigong

    Good luck then.
  18. Neidan vs Qigong

    Without food and oxygen to nourish the Yang Jing and Yuan Chi, nothing lives.
  19. Some stuff _ in Chinese

    I just have a glance at the document. It is a Buddhist belief that practice alchemy is to cultivate the body for reincarnation(karma). Karma means reincarnation in Chinese Buddhism. However, In Taoist alchemy is to invigorate the body for the present life.
  20. Taoist Chinese material on the internet

    The problem with translation is with the attitude of the western listeners. If any thoughts are not putted in their terms, then they will be rejected vigorously and blindly believe what they want it to be. Unfortunately, the truth was never accepted. PS..... One can copy and paste on Google, the info is the same as good. Would someone like to try me out.....??? just give me an example......!!!
  21. Mind work and meditation in Daoism

    If there was a slightest activity in your thought, then it was not considered to be 靜坐, quiet sitting. Those who can accomplished that, even though, one who dwells in the dusty world, one's name has been listed already as an immortal. Note: Dusty world, 塵世, is an esoteric Buddhist term for "materialistic world".
  22. dwai..... It was my pleasure talking to you, I hope you will be a master in Chi Kung.