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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Neidan vs Qigong

    I would say both. Let stop this. We are going nowhere with this.
  2. The westerns likes to call Chi as "energy" in English. The Chinese masters cannot change their minds but has to go along with them. Do you see where I am at.....???
  3. Neidan vs Qigong

    2) 以聚元气 入室静坐 To gather Yuan Chi, perform Zazen within a room.
  4. Neidan vs Qigong

    During Zazen, look inward.
  5. Neidan vs Qigong

    "终日静坐,其炼如前" Zazen all day long, practice as above/before.
  6. Neidan vs Qigong

    金液还丹,当于深密幽房,... 烧香迭掌盘膝坐 To practice the alchemy, it should be done in a secluded quiet room,.......burn incense, stack the hands and do lotus sitting.
  7. dwai..... I am only speaking purely from a Chinese point of view, as in many cases, to avoid the intermingle with multicultural practices.
  8. Please, I don't need to repeat myself.
  9. I know one is try to pretend that I don't speak English. However, that was more like a metaphoric rhetoric for one(not everyone) who is constantly play games with yours truly..
  10. Not just one, It is everyone.
  11. bakeneko.... Tuna(吐吶) was the classic term for the modern term Chi Kung(氣功).
  12. Neidan vs Qigong

    JMO.......good There is no JMO on my part. It was straightly linguistic understanding. 心府 means just "heart" in classics. This term is used for expression in a deeper meaning and sounds more poetic by advanced scholars.
  13. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    Yes, you are quite right about that. Let's hope one knows where the oneself is standing on......!!!
  14. So it turns out nobody really knows

    A comment to the OP. No one knows but someone does. The majority in the "no one knows" do not or never know enough to recognize who was telling the truth.
  15. Neidan vs Qigong

    Did you tell me that your teacher had verified all these of what you are feeding us......???
  16. Neidan vs Qigong

    Thanks Vitalii. You know your Chinese well. It was the simplified character, 递, that threw me off. Now it has come to my senses. 手脚递互,伸缩三五下 Mutually alternate the arms and legs, extend and contract (them) three to five times.
  17. Neidan vs Qigong

    The difference in the two is: The former is in a lotus position, the latter may not have to be in the lotus position. Thus one may sit on a chair. However, one must keep in mind, deep breathing should be taken place while sitting. That is the whole purpose of meditation.
  18. Neidan vs Qigong

    It is because I am not sure what the 三五(3 and 5) are referring to.
  19. Neidan vs Qigong

    1) "是以日出当用艮卦之时,以养元气。 勿以利名动其心,勿以好恶介其意。 Do not let rich and famous to tempt your heart, do not let good or evil enter your conscience. 披衣静坐,以养其气; Zazen with a clothes lay on the shoulders to maintain the Chi. 绝念忘情,微作引导。 Get rid of desire and forget your feelings as a good start. 手脚递互,伸缩三五下,使四体之气齐生,内保元气上升以朝于心府" Cross your hands and legs(Lotus position) ...... Mutually alternate the arms and legs, extend and contract three to five times. Let the Chi to be produced in the arms and legs. Internally, keep the Yuan Chi ascend toward the heart. 盘膝坐 = Lotus position
  20. So it turns out nobody really knows

    This is evasive to defy science. IMO One need to open up the mind for new knowledge. Those old Chinese thinking are only conceptual and just make a believer of out somebody. They have no scientific knowledge but why should we.....??? How come we cannot or just don't want to link the modern science to those ancient concepts to make some sense out of them. Do we want to keep ourselves in the dark by accepting those ancient ideas blindly....???
  21. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    According to the above reference, the Waidan process was passed down by the word of mouth. It has never been documented. Therefore, there were lots of discrepancies. Anyway, all the Taoist methods are only conceptual with no significant scientific values. IMO The only valid practice is Chi Kung. It is the only practice that I can come up with a good scientific explanation. Ref: Waidan 外丹術
  22. I will look into the former. However, the Yuan Jing in the latter was mentioned to be restored is not a valid statement. It is because by definition, Yuan Jing(元精) is the original jing that must be existed at all time for vitalization. Thus there is no need to be restored. If it does, then one is dead already. Okay, that was what you wrote. Did you have someone verify it....???
  23. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    One can stay away from the mirror of somebody else's level of understanding but it is better to be bilingual to have a higher chance of comprehension. There is always something get lost from translation to translation. Sometimes, even natives have lots of misinterpretations, perhaps, with more or less errors.