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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    FYI 道教 was derived from some of the philosophy from part of the Tao Ta Ching. However, they had ignored the majority philosophical part of the Tao Te Ching. 道家 are the scholars who study the philosophy as a whole of the TTC. They do not worship the deities of the Taoist religion.
  2. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    道家 are those who study and follow the principles in the Tao Te Ching. 道教 is definitely referring to the Taoist religion.
  3. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    Yes, it could be just interesting but it doesn't have to be funny.
  4. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Suffering permanently means something is very serious. All the minor stuffs don't count. Understand?
  5. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    The OP is about a Buddhism complete path. So, it is.
  6. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    Maar het is leuk! 不过很有趣!
  7. Is Buddhism a complete path?

    Yes, Buddhism is a complete system for ending suffering permanently. A person has to be enlightened, in order, to become a Buddha.
  8. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

  9. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    I only respond to a thread that if it is relevant to OP.
  10. Is this forum still about Taoism...?

    In Korean, it's called hapchang. Two hands together, like when bowing. In Chinese, it is 合掌 putting the palms together. The Buddhist called it 合十 is because the ten fingers are putting together.
  11. Know thyself

    It simply means: Know yourself know others. The arts of war used the phrase implying to know the enemy better to win a battle.
  12. Know thyself

  13. Happy Lunar Year of the Dragon

  14. Today is the first day of the year of the dragon! Happy new Lunar Year everyone!
  15. You have become enlightened. I have the same experience as you have after studying the Tao Te Jing.
  16. Abrahamic qigong?

    FYI In the first video. According to the Taij system, bending the knees beyond the front of the toes is not a good posture. It will damage the knee joints is because the excessive stress was putted on them.. There were many people who want to speed up the practice of Taiji without realizing this would be a problem. As result, they hurt their knees permanently.
  17. BTW We have a five claw imperial dragon. The size is just right for our logo and it is very pleasent to the eyes. PS It is fine what we have now. It was nicely done. Good job!
  18. deleted

    The farmers and laborers, in those days, had the practice to develop their bodies for working all day. Without noticed, they had improved their breathing ability better than the scholars just by sitting and reading books all day long. In the human body requires lots of energy to do labors. In order to keep the generation of energy, the respiratory system will kick in to suck more air in a natural way. If one don't understand this oxygen theory, then one should study the cell respiration process to see how it works. Please don't just stick to one side of the story. Peace! Thousands years ago, they do not call it chi kung but tu na(吐納).
  19. Today is 立春 the first day of spring in the lunar calendar. It was considered to be the beginning of the year of the Dragon. Even though, it is not the first day of the first month. 新春快樂 Happy Spring festival
  20. How does it work?

    People do change subject and derailed the thread. It does waste energy and cyber space. IMO A new subject should start with a new thread. It was just too much rubbish in one simple thread. Sorry, I have to say that.
  21. How did you come up with your username?

    Chi(氣) is a vital source of energy that I breathe from the air. Dragon(龍) is the highest symbol for supremacy. I practice chi kung and become powerful like a dragon with lots of chi in the body. Hence, I am a ChiDragon. 氣龍
  22. Looking for help

    His problem is a very serious one. He can only help himself by self discipline in practicing Qigong diligently. IMO western medicine might be given him multiple side effects or might not even cure the problem. TCM medicines might work but the effectiveness is very slow. Most of the discussions on the site and this forum were done macroscopically and superficial. Not much discussion were done microscopically. Is there any possibility to look into the matter microscopically. Such as looking into the human body cell level like cell respiration. How the mitochondria, inside the cells, generate and provide the energy for the organs to function properly. If one want to get to the bottom of this, the study of how the mitochondria work will be the answer for this thread. The cell respiration has four phases. Each phase should be study thoroughly to have a clear understand why abdominal breathing is so important. Hence, the issue of how it works will be resolved.
  23. How does it work?

    You tell me if I tell you this. It is Qigong that helps to accomplish Alchemy. Alchemy has to be performed through Qigong to get the final result. The goal of Qigong is the practice of breathing until the breath reaches down to the abdomen. When it does, you will have a healthy body. You can go to the next stage of practice. Whatever you want to call it. It is your accomplishment. You can call it Alchemy, Qigong or neigong. You still end up with a very strong healthy body. What I'm saying is. To start practice anything,you must start with Qigong to retore and fine tune your body to the ultimate homeostasis.
  24. How does it work?

    When there is lack of digestive enzyme, the system did not recognize it. It was said it is in stagnation in TCM. In order to activate the system to produce more enzyme, acupuncture will stimulate the nervous system to by pass the stagnation with a signal to produce more enzyme. This is my understanding.
  25. How does it work?

    Yes, that is what they are doing now.