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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Yin? (yang?)

  2. Who follows whom.....?

    人法地 Human follows Earth
  3. Yin? (yang?)

    陰 Yin 陽 Yang
  4. Neidan vs Qigong

    I think the above needs some clarification. Is there any common factor between in both methods to the best of your understanding......??? Can you clarify this: "Qigong works with Post-Heaven Jing, Qi and Shen.".....???
  5. Hou Tian vs Xian Tian & Xiao Yao Pai

    Neidan is just a general term for internal elixir. Xian Tian(先天) and Hou Tian(後天) are only descriptions of the sequence of event. Xian Tian(先天) means prenatal and Hou Tian(後天) means postnatal. Indeed, there was no prenatal practice of internal elixir before birth. Then, how could there be a postnatal practice of alchemy.....!!!
  6. Who follows whom.....?

    hmmm......... Don't you think that the man has been electrocuted already....???
  7. The Pictorial View of the Tao Te Ching....?

    天下莫柔弱於水 There is nothing softer than water in the world
  8. Dantien Sensitivity

    Yes, that was why "First of all, how is your breathing to begin with, like how deep can you breathe constantly without getting light-headed....???" "Constantly" is the key word, here, which means your can breathe deep to the abdomen all the time. As a beginner, you are not expected to be able to do it all the time. Anyway, focusing on the dantien still may not help you to reach the stomach more easily. You must be able to breathe down deep by practicing in your breathing but not by forcing yourself. You must do it step by step by breathing in and out at a certain point every time. The purpose is to establish a baseline and focus your breathing on that point, so you can go deeper and deeper by passing that point progressively. Eventually, your breath will reach deep down to the abdomen. At the point in time, you can perform the abdominal breathing every time and fully focused.
  9. Dantien Sensitivity

    "How deep" means when you breathe, does your breath pass your chest deep down to the abdominal. If not, how far down do you think your breath went....???
  10. Dantien Sensitivity

    First of all, how is your breathing to begin with, like how deep can you breathe constantly without getting light-headed....??? As a beginner, one may not be able to do diaphragmatic breathing right away. It takes time to practice before one can reach to that stage.
  11. Who follows whom.....?

    The Milau Bridge in France.....???
  12. No, not her. It is you that are not so hung up........
  13. Building the foundation and Inner Alchemy

    凝神调息,调息凝神, 八个字,就是下手工夫 凝神调息: Concentrate to regulate the breathing 调息凝神: Regulate the breathing to concentrate 八个字: These eight characters 就是下手工夫: Is where you begin to put your effort. 凝神: to concentrate; concentration 调息: to regulate the breathing 工夫: Effort; time and effort 功夫: Martial arts
  14. 1. There is no argument here. It was only a figure of speech for the purpose of De. 2. If one follows the principle of Tao, as you said, has De already. Is there a need to embrace Virtue...??? Actually, what it was saying is if you want De, you embrace Tao. If you like to translate De as "power", go right ahead; but then you will have lots of explaining to do to convince others.
  15. Line 6, as you have it, Tao was doing all those virtuous things. Line 10 says it was the credit that was given to Tao for what Tao had done. PS.... De was even modified to say it is "Profound De" to indicate that was the virtue of Tao.
  16. The Virtue, here, means Tao's virtue( the Virtue of Tao).
  17. The De may have its own power, but the TTC was not talking about its power. The virtuous merit of De was in Lao Tze's main philosophy. However, Lao Tze would have had called it "power" instead of "De". Thus "Power" is out of the question.
  18. Who follows whom.....?

    The philosophy behind the "Human follows Earth" is that Earth dictates human to take a path from point A to point B. It doesn't matter how human get there. As long one lives on Earth, one will be dominated by Earth. If one wants to take a shortcut by building a bridge, but it was still under the dictatorship of Mother Earth.
  19. The Tao Te Ching, itself, is self explanatory if one read it real carefully. It is a matter of comprehension. Indeed, the Tao Te Ching does not need a second opinion to say what it is. Edited to add: I am flattered and respect your opinion. However, I didn't see any significant value that was contributed to the argument.