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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. The Tao Te Ching, itself, is self explanatory if one read it real carefully. It is a matter of comprehension. Indeed, the Tao Te Ching does not need a second opinion to say what it is. Edited to add: I am flattered and respect your opinion. However, I didn't see any significant value that was contributed to the argument.
  2. Who follows whom.....?

    人法地 地法天 天法道 道法自然 Human follows Earth Earth follows Heaven Heaven follows Tao Tao follows Naturalness A place of tranquility integrated with Nature. It's time to meditate(靜坐) to capture the source of Chi.
  3. Who follows whom.....?

    地法天 Earth follows Heaven
  4. Let Nature Take Its Course

    順其自然 Follow the trail of naturalness
  5. Let Nature Take Its Course

    Nature took its course
  6. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    大道自然 萬物隨緣 The great Tao is Spontaneous Let all things follow her path
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    恒無,欲以觀其妙. Whenever Tao is invisible, grok its quale. Whenever Tao is visible, observe its boundary. 恒有,欲以觀其徼.
  8. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    天地之間 其猶橐籥 Between heaven and earth It's like a bellows 虛而不屈 動而愈出 Vacuous but inexhaustible Dynamic but invigorating
  9. [TTC Study] Chapter 5 of the Tao Teh Ching

    天地不仁 以萬物為芻狗 Heaven and Earth have no mercy Treat all things as straw dogs Nature has no mercy(不仁) in its action. Lightning, from Heaven, does not select a spot to strike. The flood, on Earth, will destroy anything in its path emotionless. Nature will take its course regardless. Hence, Nature is impartial.
  10. My choice. 2. I read randomly every time. Every time I use the link, I read 5-10 (or whatever) and then choose the english word of choice. In other words, I NEVER go back to a translator I like or prefer... it is always random reading. I only care the english word and do not care about the translation or translator at all...
  11. The Pictorial View of the Tao Te Ching....?

    天地之間 其猶橐籥 Between heaven and earth It's like a bellows 虛而不屈 動而愈出 Vacuous but inexhaustible Dynamic but invigorating
  12. The Pictorial View of the Tao Te Ching....?

    天地不仁 以萬物為芻狗 Heaven and Earth have no mercy Treat all things as straw dogs
  13. Hmmmm.....That's quite an assumption there....!!! FYI..... I go with the logical meanings of the words regardless of who said what again....!!! My source is the same source that everyone has been using.
  14. Well, I do peek into the English sources to find some good words to use for my translation. I think you still don't get my drift here. I think I did made myself very clear at another Tao site. If I want to learn American history, I go to an American school. For the same token, if I want to learn Chinese, I go the a Chinese school. So, I can get the words from the horses mouth as how they say it. How long do you want to drag this argument everywhere we go.....???
  15. Being Chinese has nothing to do with the result of the understanding. It was the understanding is the result learned from other reliable native sources. I do admit there are bad sources too but they have much less errors than those from translation to translation. I go with the logic of what was being said rather than who says it. MH is no Chinese, I don't know how the hell he understood what I had been saying...... At least I have a good understanding of the principle of Wu Wei. I do not kick people out of my thread because they don't agree with me. I have never insisted that I am always correct without a reasonable cause. @MH.... You must have some good reliable sources.......!!!
  16. Rename thread please

    Yes, the members can edit the title but the "Use Full Editor" function must be used in the OP.
  17. The Pictorial View of the Tao Te Ching....?

    三十幅共一轂, 當其無, 有車之用。 Thirty spokes with one hub, Where there is space, It has the function of a carriage.