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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Chen Zhonghua on sung and peng

    Let Nature take its course.
  2. Chen Zhonghua on sung and peng

    Let Nature take its course.

    Let's find the cause of cancer before we can prevent it. What I meant is what is taken place inside the body and body cells.
  4. The term "religious qigong" are often used some superstitious group. Actually, they were performing qigong but added a religious flavor into it to deceive other mundane individuals. 神功 is not "spiritual qigong". Btw "divine power" is rather a better translation. It is only a description which simply means a special power was acquired from practicing a special method or given by god. It was assumed that this special power has been vested in one's body like superman.
  5. Let'r rip Chi Dragon!

    "Selflessness" doesn't mean that one doesn't exist. Unfortunately, so far, no one knows what the philosophy behind "selflessness" is from a point of view of a Taoist or a Buddhist.
  6. I have concluded the translation of the partial text with the pertinent information about the QuanZhen Tao Religion. There may be some open loops but I am willing to close them with discussions in the Taoist Discussion Forum. So, please feel free to address all your questions for clarification at the mentioned forum. Thank you very much! @MH.... No problem, I love to hear things from one true-self.
  7. Chen Zhonghua on sung and peng

    Let Nature take its course.
  8. To the best of my knowledge, Qi Gong or Chi Kung has the same effect on the body. Qi Gong will enhance the health of the body or heal when the body needs repair. The reason that Qi Gong was categorized is because there were different category of people who practice for a particular purpose. Whatever their purpose is, they just add the adjective in front of "Qi Gong" to distinguish their goals.
  9. Wang Zhongyang and his disciples assimilated the point of view about living from Buddhism. They insisted to shorten the life and the six ways of karmic torment. Everyone was admonished to dismiss the urge for the rich and famous. The wealth and family are only an unrealistic illusion. The Taoists are determined to cultivate the principles of Tao and be an immortal; and pursuit the true heavenly happiness; and detach from the mortal world. Hence, QuanZhen Tao have stipulated that all their disciples to be abstinent and dwell in the Taoist Shrine permanently. They are restrict to abide by the canon, not being married, stay on a vegetarian diet, live in austere quarters and forbidden to the four taboos such as alcohol, sexual desire, wealth and temperament, do away with desire, worry and anxiety. In addition, regulate the necessity in diet, sleep, and materialistic. Discipline oneself in a virtuous manner, assist people under extreme hardship. Therefore. only this way that one can be transcended beyond the Grand Master Wang Zhongyang and his seven disciples. In general, one can maintain this kind of self discipline and diligence; and insisted in mundane and simple way of life style which is the spirit of the Quanzhen Tao. Let's have the people be surprised by "Our different ways of life; and be touched by our mystical action".
  10. Let'r rip Chi Dragon!

    Yes, selfless may not be a matter of religion. Thus it may be considered to be a matter of personal cultivation.
  11. Selflessness as Vulnerability

    I believe from a religious point of view, selflessness is above all and vulnerability is not an issue. The truth must reveal itself without fear.
  12. "one me watching all the other me's"

    Taoist do attain to a state of selfless too. Have you noticed that I haven't been exasperated as much as before.....???
  13. "one me watching all the other me's"

    The highest cultivated state is the "selfless state". Then, there will be no one me watching all the other me's.
  14. QI GONG: What is Possessed by the Devil?

    That's right, "possessed" is not the right word. Don't worry!

    Let's say Jing is the essence which composes the body. Without it, we ain't nobody.

    See post # 27.
  17. 王重陽(Wang Zhongyang) said: "If the true mind was not being perturbed, free of attachment, nothing is going or coming; then, that is longevity and immortality." This way, during the early stage, Quanzhen Tao had a drastic change in their beliefs to become an immortal. In stead of the pursuit to have the fleshing body immortalized and transcend to Heaven, but it was changed to have the spiritual soul to go beyond its existence forever and having the body stayed on Earth. Wang Zhe(王嚞) had declared that: "The root to the cultivation of Neidan is the DCXM. During cultivation, the imaging the invisible form is in the dust and the comprehension is beyond the materialistic world. Thus the separation from the world means only the mind rather than the body. He said: "Forgetting the anxiety(慮念) in the heart means transcend the realm of desire, forgetting the milieu(諸境) means transcend the materialistic realm, . do not seek for chimera(空見) means transcend the non-materialistic realm." Remove oneself from the three realms, then the spiritual may dwell in the fairyland. This thinking was originated from the Taoist Religion metaphysics in the Sui(隋) and Tang(唐) Dynasties. 全真道在宣揚成仙升天的同時,還要求其信徒必須有克已忍辱,清修自苦精神。 Quanzhen Tao encourages the disciples who become immortalized and ascend to Heaven, at the same time, one should be self disciplined with patience to endure humiliation; and purely cultivated with stamina for painstaking.

    I would get a second opinion about Items #2 and 3 if I were you.
  19. Chen Zhonghua on sung and peng

    Let Nature take its course.
  20. Chen Zhonghua on sung and peng

    Let Nature take its course.
  21. Secondly, in the cultivation of the Quanzhen Tao(全真道), they are against the external alchemy(外丹燒煉) or using talisman of any sort for exorcism. During the late Tang Dynasty and Northern Sung, the original idea of the burgeoning Niedan method was from 鍾(離權) and 呂(洞賓). It was advocated to cultivate the Dual Cultivation of Xing and Ming(DCXM). Speaking of he DCXM, it was explicitly explained by 張白端(Zhang Baiduan) in his classic, 悟真篇, during the Northern Sung Dynasty. However, Zhang and his disciples advocate that the cultivation of Ming Kung is primary and the Xing Kung is secondary. In the other hand, Zuanzhen Tao advocates that the Xing Kung is the primary, insisted that by 「識心見性」("knowing the heart and seeing the mind") is the proper way to advance toward immortality. The cultivation method of "Knowing the heart and seeing the mind", 「識心見性」, was originated from the Zen(禪宗) in Buddhism; but Quanzhen Tao(全真道) thought it was the basic route for their cultivation to immortality. The true heart(真心) and true mind(真性) of a person originally were pure and still and not contaminated. However, the people became perplexed by the materialistic world and tempted allures which made them loose their hearts and minds. Therefore, they had putted their minds into the state of perturbation and not able to extricate themselves from it. If the cultivator can put some work into the mind, forgetting the environmental influence and devote one's heart to be freed from disturbance, with all thoughts return to see the light again, recognize one's true heart and mind are maintaining undisturbed, then, all that is an indication of an invisible cultivated body which has been acquired. In addition, it's letting the spiritual soul of the body to be transcended beyond the realm of life and death.

    There should be no time limit in the slow movements. The time should be determined by how long can one stand on one leg while lowering the other. The longer the practice, the longer one can stand with one leg on the ground. That is the indication of the level of progress. In practicing Tai Ji, all the moves should be constantly flowing with no pause. They should be moving like ocean waves nonstop. The mind will keep track of the position of the repetitious movements in memory. As a result, it gives one the fastest natural reflex when the body comes into action. Most importantly, the muscle tone was developed without anyone has been realized from the slow movements.
  23. First of all, during the later part of the Tang Dynasty and The Northern Sung Dynasty, the thinking of 全真道(The All True Tao) was influenced by the integration of the three religions. During the Tang Dynasty, the three religions such as Taoism, Buddhism and Confucian were having great conflicts among them with their beliefs. Hence, the ruler issued a decree to combine their beliefs into a common one and have harmony among them. There was no founders from the three religions credited to the new Taoist religion. They only address the three sages are as Lao Tze as the ancestry founder of Taojiao(道教), Śākyamuni as the originator of Buddhism, and Confucius as the scholar model. No one have claimed to be the head of Taojiao. 王重陽(Wang Zhongyang) advised his disciples to study the Tao Te Ching(道德經), Qing Jing Ching(清靜經), Buddhist Heart Ching(佛教心經) other than the Taoist Classics. The three religions have their own original philosophies, Confucian in the Sung Dynasty spoken of principles(理), Zen Zhong(禪宗) understands Xing(性), and the Taoist cultivates Ming(命). The All True Tao reckon that "there is only one Tao in the world, a sage only has one belief" Therefore, the principles of the three religions are inextricable from the Great Tao. It was know as the 全真道. The meaning of 全真(Zuanzhen) is 「全其本真」, "everything there is, all is true". Another words, it is to keep the roots of human life, which are the three elements of 精(Jing), 氣(Chi), 神(Shen), pure without contaminants. The All Jing(全精), All Chi(全氣), All Shen(全神) are to be cultivated is the ultimate goal of the 全真道.
  24. Please be patient! This is only an introduction. When I get done with the next translation, you'll know what a "True Person" is.
  25. The basic fundamental beliefs of the ZuanzhenJiao(全真教). 首先,全真道受晚唐北宋以「三教合一」思潮影響,在教義及修道方面極力標榜「三備圓融」。 自稱以「太上為祖,釋迦為宗,夫子為科牌」,不獨尊道教教主。 王重陽勸導徒眾誦讀道教道德經、清靜經、佛教心經、儒家孝經,不獨奉道教經典。 儒釋道三教之學,本來各有其宗旨,宋儒言「理」,禪宗明「性」,道教修「命」。   但是全真道認為「天下無二道,聖人不兩心」,三教之學皆不離「大道」,亦即全真道。 全真的意思是「全其本真」,即保全作為人性命之根本的精氣神三要素,使其不受污損。 「全精、全氣、全神」,是全真道修持的最高目標。   其次,全真道在修持方面反對道教傳統的外丹燒煉和符籙驅鬼之術, 而師法晚唐北宋以來新興的鍾呂內丹派方術,主張「性命雙修」。 性命雙修之說在北宋張白端悟真篇中已有較詳論述,不過張氏及其門徒主張先修命功,後修性功, 全真道則主張先性後命,以修性為主,強調以識心見性為修仙正途。   「識心見性」本是禪宗提倡的修持方法,全真道卻以之作為修道成仙的根本途徑。 全真本而四大假合而成的肉體則有生有滅,不可能永存不死。 人的真心真性本來清靜無染,但世人皆被後天的物欲所迷惑,不識自心真性,因而流轉生死苦海,不得解脫。 修行者若能在心地上做功夫,對境忘緣,誠心靜慮,一念回光,識得自心真性,保持不亂,便可證得無形無相的「法身」,使精神超越生死之外。   王重陽說 : 「是這真性不亂,萬緣不掛,不去不來,此是長生不死也。」 這樣,全真道對道教早期的修道成仙信仰作了重大的改變,從追求肉體長生不死,飛升上清,轉變為精神超越長存而形體不離凡間。王嚞在重陽立教十五論中宣稱 : 內丹修煉以鍛煉性命為根本,修煉上,形寄於塵中而心明於物外,離凡世是指心離而非身離。   他說 : 「心忘慮念即超欲界,心忘諸境即超色界,不著空見即超無色界」,離此三界,則心神可居仙境。 這一思想源於隋唐道教的重玄哲學。 全真道在宣揚成仙升天的同時,還要求其信徒必須有克已忍辱,清修自苦精神。   王重陽及其弟子吸取佛教人生觀,極力渲染人生短促無常及六道輪回之苦,勸導人們看破功名富貴,家財妻子皆虛幻不實, 立志求道學仙,追求「天上真樂」,脫離人間「火宅」。 因此全真道規定道士必須出家住觀,尊守嚴格的清規戒律,不娶妻室,不茹葷腥,居處不雕樑峻宇,要斷除酒色財氣, 攀援愛念,憂愁思慮,乃至遏制食睡色三種基本的生理需要。 苦煉積功,苦行濟世,如此才能超凡入聖全真道祖師王重陽及七大弟子,大體都能保持這種自甘勤苦, 安貧守賤的全真精神,以「異跡驚人,奇行感人」。 Ref: How Zuanzhenjiao was found