
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. De or Dao - Which came first?

    Let Nature take its course.
  2. Yes, Jeff. It is definitely could.
  3. Hi Jeff.... Thank you again. You are a gentleman and a scholar. The above statement was not making a judgement but presupposing and implying something. Yes, it was aiming at the definition of what is a Taoist as I have stated: " the definition of a Taoist is one who follows the principle of Wu Wei." My intent for this thread was not to ask a question, or share an opinion/judgement but to suggest that the forum should be considered, at least, try to follow the principle of Wu Wei such as "do nothing adversely". This is only my wish but not to be insisted. Thanks, I am glad to stay to meet some more friends and foes.......
  4. De or Dao - Which came first?

    Why? A merit was given to someone who executes the principle of Tao which is called Te(德), so to speak. If there was no Tao, then there was no principle of Tao to follow. Thus there would be no Te.
  5. Yes, Wu Wei could also mean "accept it as it is" as being natural or let Nature take its course. However, Lao Tze likes to put his thoughts in a negative sense to make it positive. Yes, as you said, Lao Tze is a sage. He knows what is an "adverse effect" that could backfire. That is why Wu Wei was interpreted as "do nothing adversely". Here are some examples of the application of Wu Wei and back fired. IMO Example #1 Sometime ago, there were quite a few members got suspended. As far as I know, two of them were suspended for 14 days and one was only three days. Your truly was on the 14 days list. Aftermath, one member was very disappointed and decided not to post anymore. Since then, I don't see his posts anymore. Some might just left and never came back. Thus this is the adverse effect resulted from the action taken by TTB forum. This is the case that TTB did not follow the principle of Wu Wei with the definition as "do nothing adversely". Example #2 As you said, Jeff, yours truly took the punishment with the definition of Wu Wei as "accept it as it is" for fourteen days. Came back and pretended nothing had happened and continues participating in the forum activity. Example #3 As I was under constant attack with some sarcastic remarks by other members. I "accept it as it is" with the definition of Wu Wei as "do nothing adversely". As you said, Jeff, "To me, the world (and the Forum) does not define a Taoist, it is how one responds to it." I will accept it as it is. However, if one claim oneself as a Taoist, then a Taoist is obligated to follow at least one basic principle which is Wu Wei. Hence, the definition of a Taoist is one who follows the principle of Wu Wei. Here is my advice to TTB; in order to encourage the members to stay in a restrain-free and a Taoist environment, it would be advantageous, at least, to follow the principle of Wu Wei. Sorry to say, I still am observing a member of the MODS making some undesirable remarks in the regular discussion session. So, let it be.
  6. No, no, no. Jeff, I am not attempting to make a judgement about the forum members but the TTB. Is that OK with you.....??? I just want to thank you for the kind words. Please do not misunderstand me. I am sorry that I mixed the two things here. Btw You have some very good questions that I want to address, here, in my next post I will show the applications of Wu Wei. Thanks...!!!
  7. mjjbecker... Thank you. I know what it is and not asking for new references. I will continue to express myself to make my point. Please be Wu Wei; and give me a chance to continue after I go make some coffee.
  8. Video-Wang Ji Wu's Neigong Exercises

    I am sorry, you did specify "I've no intention of going into who is right or wrong or whatever" We don't need a debate in this manner. We are only saying it is not what it seems to be. It was as simple as that. I know it is frustrating, sometimes, when people do have different views but have to come out.
  9. Hi Jeff.... You welcome and thank you the kind words. I, also, would like to thank those who complimented and do appreciate my presence here through PM in the past. I originally joined TTB was the impression of the site gave me. It seems very legitimate and welcoming. It gives me a sense of a true Taoist environment. Even thought it seems like what it is but it is not what it is as I would like it to be. ************************************************************************************************************************* This is only my understanding and opinion which I am abide to in the application of Wu Wei for my self cultivation. I am not attempting to make a judgment on any member of this forum. If you read the title of the thread, it should be self explanatory. You see, most people who study the TTC did not grasp the most basic fundamental principle which is Wu Wei(無為). For easy understanding, we can translate it as "do nothing adversely". What it is really saying was not to do anything which would cause an adverse effect and back fired. This is what this thread is all about. The question in my mind is does TTB follow this principle as a Taoist website......??? If not, I think it should consider it in the near future or it might have followed already. I hope...!!!
  10. Video-Wang Ji Wu's Neigong Exercises

    健身十六式 By the given title, it is only an invigorated exercise for the body. It is not any special Neigong method.
  11. De or Dao - Which came first?

    Let Nature take its course.
  12. Yes, I am meditating on top of the hill and expecting the rain to be fallen on my head. Expecting something to be a certain way is different from making something to be a certain way intentionally.
  13. De or Dao - Which came first?

    Let Nature take its course.
  14. Pay close attention to the lights in the eyes and see how it was constructed. It gives a sensation of 3D at the actual scene. Follow the eyes of this guy from different angles
  15. De or Dao - Which came first?

    Let Nature take its course.
  16. ...

    I know all the teachers will be repeating the same thing that has been written in the books, verbatim, without any good explanations. I can read books or from the internet with people whom have good insights at any instance. I cannot and will not take this for granted: "Chi flows in your body." So, I may become a teacher and repeat the same thing to the next student; and the next student pass down to the next and on and on. There are so many meanings of the character, Chi(氣). Everybody looks at Chi only with one definition as "energy". Fortunately, this the not the right approach for me. I need to look deeper and more subtle then that. Besides, a good teacher can only give you good guidance but cannot make you a better student. The key is how much a student can be absorbed or digested. It is mainly by the intuition and intelligence of the students. The comprehension of the basic principle is the key to cultivation, it was not only by the words from the guidance of a teacher. PS.... I thank you for addressing this question for me to clarify....!!!
  17. .................................................................. I'm sorry, but it didn't have to be that way.............!!!
  18. I glad that you are the first one who have noticed. The reason I didn't want to give it away in the first place was because I want the reader to have the pleasure to figure it out. Eventually, it will be disclosed. We had been spoken about it many times in many places. However, those who had spent so much time with the Tao Te Ching should know this.
  19. Is this paper ever dirty.....??? I don't see any dust on it. Who says it needs cleaning....???
  20. The Wit and Wisdom of Plato

    When one not falls into the 97% agreement with others category, The One will be hidden indeed.
  21. Man lived to the age of 256

    I have a lady relative is 106 years old now. She have 13 Children. Two of her older sons have died already. She fell with a deep cut on her leg muscle few years back. She has not practice any martial arts nor chi kung. If she have had practices anything at all, I can imaging that it would add a lot more years into her life.
  22. ...

    Only with moderation, ofc.
  23. The Wit and Wisdom of Plato

    One knows oneself may know others. One knows oneself may not know others. One knows others to know oneself. One knows others may not know oneself. One may never know oneself to see the truth. One may never see the truth to know oneself. One depends on others may never see the truth. One doubts others will never see the truth. One solely believes others may not see the truth. One solely believes in oneself may not see the truth. One who can see the truth is to find it with one's wisdom. One who can sort out the reasons from chaos may see the truth.
  24. What exactly is a dan tien?

    I only said it was fine to take the hint. That was what I meant. What is wrong with that....???
  25. What exactly is a dan tien?

    It is fine with me.