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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Let's rephrase the question to say what is UDT, MDT, and LDT.....??? As I'd said earlier, it is very trivial. The answer is in the first initial of the three terms. The initials are: U = upper M =middle L = lower These are descriptive words for a particular location. Since this is related to the body, therefore, we have the upper body, middle body, and the lower body. If we even want to clarify it more explicit, then, the upper part is the head, the middle is the chest, and the lower is the abdomen. However, the ancient Taoists had their own esoteric terms for the different locations of the body. Somehow, they used the term dan tian(丹田) as a place holder. To distinguish the different location of the body, the head become the upper dan tian(UDT), the chest become the MDT, and the abdomen become the LDT. There is a very common phrase that the martial artists are always use to describe when they had taken a breath deep down to the abdomen. The phrase is 氣沈丹田(sink chi to the dan tian).
  2. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    Did you understand Flowing hands' comment in your last quote....???
  3. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Please don't go there. That was where we all came from. It will just put us back into nowhere. If one knows, one should be able to put it in one's own word. The answer is very trivial. It may be found in the first initials of UDT, MDT, and LDT.
  4. Before Shaolin there was India.

    Okay, sorry, it was the picture with Hitler in it had the negative reversed. I will make the correction. There were two errors on my part. The one on the right is not the Nazi Swastika neither because it should be tilted. You are correct about the one on the left. However, it shouldn't be reversed as you have said it was possible it may be. If you have seen it in reverse, it must be a mistake. Unless, I have been proven to be wrong. Please note that the direction of each symbol is in opposite. Tilted Nazi symbol Buddhism
  5. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Here we go, again, with another round at it...!!!
  6. Before Shaolin there was India.

    The symbol on the left is for Buddhism Nazi. The one on the right is neither for Buddhism nor Nazism.
  7. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    This is not a contradiction of Internal Alchemy but a matter of religion. You can be either one but not both if you understand what Taoism is all about in a religious sense. If one is not claiming oneself as any part of any religion, then one can claim that oneself is learning all the philosophies. It is fine as long as one is not practicing all the religions at the same time because each religion has its own unique belief. Taoism follows the way of Nature with free flow of things. Taoists do not force anyone to believe what they believe. Flowing hands had made it very clear about that.
  8. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    IMO I think you need to look into more references. Now, I know why you were misled. It was because the way you interpret "道教(Dàojiào)" as "religion of Dao". This is not a proper way to interpret this term in the native language. However, you are still missing the point here. If you pay close attention to the examples of my illustration. You will see how 教 was used in the Chinese language. The application of 教: jiao(教) ; to teach; a suffix was used at the end of a religious sect. Examples: 1. 教書(teach books): to teach as a teacher in school. 2. 基督教: Christianity 3. 佛教: Buddhism 4. 道教(Daojiao) is definitely an indication of the Taoist religion. Taoism may not be used here for the Taoist religion, as in Buddhism, because there is an distinction between 道教(Daojiao) and Taojia(道家). This was something missing in your conceptual imbalanced mind. It is very difficult to explain this in English if one already have some preconceived notion about the subject. It is hard to unlearn something that was already sat as concrete in once mind. If you continue to ignore the usage of these examples, then you will never master the Chinese language. If we continue with the conversation with further argument, then it would be a chicken talking to a duck.......
  9. Do you practice at midnight?

    Actually, there is no time zone in China. There is only one clock throughout.
  10. Do you practice at midnight?

    Okay, the people in China did not consider using the daylight saving time. It would be fine after all..... Besides, each of the ancient Chinese time units have a two hour spread to cover that.
  11. Do you practice at midnight?

    How about explaining this to me then....Thanks...!!!
  12. De or Dao - Which came first?

    Let Nature take its course.
  13. Do you practice at midnight?

    Okay.... The calculation for midnight in California on Oct 20, 2013 Sunrise: 7:02am Sunset: 6:14pm (11 hours and 12 mins) / 2 = 5 hours and 36 mins True midnight is 6:14 + 5:36 = 11:50am for winter; for summer is 12:50am. it is because of daylight saving time we have to set one hour back for true midnight. So, the spread between winter and summer is 11:50pm to 12:50am. Perhaps the Chinese might have had taken that into consideration and set the tsu(子時) between 11:00pm and 12:59am for the whole calendar year. On Oct 26, 2013 Sunrise: 7:07am Sunset: 6:07pm Midnight is 11:37pm; and true midnight for summer is 12:37am
  14. Daoist Alchemy: Jerry A. Johnson

    This is the highest realm of understanding in Taoism.
  15. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    Gladly, I have done that once before but not many paid much attention to it. jia(家): home; -ist This character used by it self means "home" . If it was compound with other characters may mean something else. For example, 1. 我家: my home 2. 我家人: my family 3. 科學家: scientist 4. 音樂家: musician 5. 心理學家: psychiatrist 6. 道家(Daojia): those scholars who study the philosophies of Lao Tze and Zhuang Tze. Note: A 道家(Daojia) is not necessarily believe in the Taoist religions. jiao(教) ; to teach; a suffix was used at the end of a religious sect. Examples: 1. 教書(teach books): to teach as a teacher in school. 2. 基督教: Christianity 3. 佛教: Buddhism 4. 道教(Daojiao) is definitely an indication of the Taoist religion. Taoism may not be used here for the Taoist religion, as in Buddhism, because there is an distinction between 道教(Daojiao) and Taojia(道家). It seems more effort is needed.
  16. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    1. Do they ever make corrections from the mistakes and misconceptions.....??? 2. That would be stated differently in a native tongue.
  17. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    Okay, convince me that you understand the usage of the above terms....!!! Anyone will do...!!!
  18. ...

    Yes, this thread started with real simple words but expecting a real complicated answer.
  19. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    These notions are from a westerner listening to a westerner. How about a westerner listens to an easterner within one's own heritage/culture for a change....??? Westerners have no idea what and how the terms jia(家) and jiao(教) were used in the native language linguistically.
  20. Do you practice at midnight?

    hmmmm..... hmmm....Things are getting complicated. By definition tsu(子時) is 11:00 pm to 12:59 am. In the ancient time, that was where the day breaks. Another words, the next day start at tsu. In regards to "I practice the swallowing saliva technique", it makes no difference when do you swallow your saliva. We swallow saliva all day long. The organs may have a biological effect around the time clock but the saliva is constantly flowing to keep the mouth moist. Thus it makes no different when do we swallow it. Please remember, the ancient Taoists were not scientifically oriented, but everything has to have a reason. Hence, their explanations for the reasons can be myths with no logic proof. What I will do is to correlate their hypothesis with modern science and go through a process of deductive reasoning to make some sense out of it. PS.... Isn't the true midnight is at 12:00 am......???
  21. ...

    The resting heart rate of 60 to 80 beats per minute is considered to be the natural state. Any rate outside the range may be hazardous to the health of a person.
  22. Can anyone see the Wu-Wei yet?

    hmmmm..... Daojia(道家) is automatically put one in a "philosophical" category; and DaoJiao(道教) puts one in a "religious" category.
  23. Do you practice at midnight?

    hmmmm..... There are twelve time units in the Chinese time clock. Each time unit is equal to two hours. The first time unit begins with tsu(11:00 pm to 1:00 am).
  24. Do you practice at midnight?

    tsu(子時): 11:00 pm to 1:00 am Midnight is universal, thus it is 12:00 am which is halfway through.
  25. Feng Shui

    Please discuss your Feng Shui knowledge here. Thank you for your cooperation.