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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. You have the flowing symbols in your avatar: 土: earth 水: water 風: wind 火: fire 電: electricity
  2. Yes, you are explicitly eloquent. I must concede that there was no perfect translation for a perfect audience.
  3. Yes, only it they are found to be inaccurate.
  4. A note to the MODS about the editor problem

    I just found out that the "font color" function works with the Internet Explorer but Firefox.
  5. Fact - is universal ,it doesnt depend on the subjective opions of some guy 2500 years ago , so no one can be said to be inherently blind to it.. Pretending all-most chinese speakers have some special understanding of the subject is boulderdash... and conclusively so ,unless you can show that all-most Chinese agree on the translations they do not. One can google up one hundred translations of Chapter one alone in under a minute all made by both chinese speakers and english speakers ,,, all different. False. You cannot rely on all-most Chinese speakers to reach your conclusion. Nowadays, there is a general consensus among the knowledgeable native scholars with a very precisive philosophical, not religious, interpretation of Chapter One. There is no such thing as a perfect translation because the audience always hears through a filter of what they have already accumulated . False. It was not the fault of the translation but the fualt of the readers with a false fiter in their ears.
  6. Deep Anger

    My new signature seems to be working for me lately...........
  7. Thank you.....!!! I am so curious to know under what environmental condition it worked for you.....??? Did it work under the temperature of 105 + degree too.....??? I would like to hear it from your own words. Thanks....!!!
  8. If you are living in a 105+ degree environment most of the time, then yes. However, to increase body heat you may still do the internal cultivation. The body is more capable of generating heat than alleviating unless you are very ill.
  9. I see that you have an environmental impact. The problem is not you. It is the external temperature which is higher than a comfortable temperature for your body. It is very normal for you to release the environmental heat which was added to your body. To fulfill your wish about cooling your body in such environment, you must attain a high level of internal practice to regulate your body temperature. I think it would be easier to regulate the external temperature by air conditioning.
  10. Can you describe the kind of environment that you were in while sweating......??? What were you doing also....???
  11. I don't need to cool myself off. I had been sitting with people sweating their ass off. They were asking me how come I am not sweating at all like them. One can stay calm as possible to lower the body activities. People get so hot is because the blood circulation was very active which circulates the heat throughout the body. A good way to stay calm is by breathing very deep and slow and less body movement by sitting still. I am assuming that only can be done by those who have some Chi Kung experiences in regulating their breathing.
  12. Yes, I was thinking that you were talking about seasonal foods; but I was given another example relating to the same which commonly takes place daily.
  13. Let me put it this way. The human body is a good temperature regulator. During internal practice, the function of the internal organs will be enhanced. At the same time, lots of energy and heat are being generated more than the body can handle. Thus the excess of heat will be cooled down by sweating as a normal function of the body. I don't think there is any cooling method to do it. It seems to me, in order, to prevent the body from overheat is to stop the practice at that instance. In regards to the alchemy about timing and synchronization is a different story. As I'd said, it is an internal practice which can be practiced at any time. I don't see there is any special timing involved. In addition, the mentioned cooling food or remedies to increase the heat are meant something else in TCM. In TCM, when someone eats lots of fried foods, one will have sores in the mouth and gums or rashes on the skins. That was considered to be overheat from the fried foods rather than from a high body temperature causing to have a fever. In order to get rid of the sores or rashes, some herbal remedies have to be taken to cancel the heating effect. The kinds of herbs used for the purpose were considered to be the cooling remedies or foods.
  14. hmmmmm..... In the philosophy of alchemy, a Taoist want to keep the furnace burning all the time to produce the energy, so to speak. Why would one wants to lower the temperature of the body....??? IMO If one can maintain the increase of the body heat, then it means you are doing the right thing. One rather have to release the excess of heat than lowering the body temperature on demand. Lowering the heat is the least thing that one wants to do to the body.
  15. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    Why did Zhuang Tze write the irrelevant parables like this. What are the wind, trees, orifices, different shapes of objects and the sounds all about.....??? Metaphorical interpretation: The wind is the one who spoke first about a subject. Thus all kinds of people respond with a different voice by given their opinions, facts, fallacies, preconceived ideas as their basis for argument. One always try to use one's point of view to deny others by quibbling with all the minor details from their own recollection. Sometimes, people were still insisting that they are right, with a final word, by ignoring some new facts learned or just facts . After an endless argument with all the words were told and heard, some will agree, disagree, not sure, happy or upset. Then, all the sudden, everybody comes to a halt with complete silence.
  16. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    Sorry, it took me so long to come to my senses about this Chapter. I think this chapter is the most difficult to comprehend. Let's look into its title: 齐物论(齊物論,The Physical and Conceptual Equalities) The title 齊物論(齐物论) needs to be broken down to read 齊物 and 齊論. 齊物 is the physical equality and 齊論 is the conceptual equality. Zhuang Tze was saying that each of the physical things has a physical description and a conceptual description and they must be unanimous to become facts. Therefore, if we can get the facts straight, then, we shall not have any argument about it. The most people have many different views about one thing. However, if they have putted both the physical and conceptual descriptions together, then it might become more lucid and many unnecessary arguments can be avoided.
  17. Magnetism or Electricity

    It was more or less to the MODS. I didn't think that the quotes from the ancient philosophers had caused any harm. My main concern was the signature that was involved but it is no longer an issue.
  18. The Sage goes to a motel....

    A spider is part of Nature, why should a sage be spider-phobia.......???
  19. Magnetism or Electricity

    It seems "Interference" has an adverse effect on "Wu Wei".
  20. Magnetism or Electricity

    Are you fooling yourself or us.....???
  21. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    Not electrically.
  22. Magnetism or Electricity

    Perhaps, you should remove it to show some maturity......!!!
  23. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    You know, it's really makes no difference of what kind of material was used on each floor. It is because there was no zero potential in the building. Unless there is an one inch copper bar was installed throughout the building to establish a zero potential grounding point; and you must have a ground strap tied to your wrist to be effective.
  24. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    Okay....!!! I rest my case. Though, it was an unfinished business. It was no fun talking to someone with an evasive character.
  25. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    Thank you for your compliment and slapped me in the back of my head at the same time.... First of all, I wouldn't insult somebody's intelligence. I was only trying to be demystify. I'd worked with many engineers, most of them were as you have described but it was not what they had learned. It was the incorrectness of application or lack of experiences and their care free attitude like "I'll let somebody else take care of it." Since you have cited some of your experiences, I'll do the same. It would be more appropriate to use the "grounding" example here. As you know, there are two types of electrical signal grounding in electronics. They are a "single point" and "differential" groundings. We have a problem with noise in a piece of test equipment. We have the chief engineer, system engineer and the design engineer looking at the problem. I mean just looking at it but not looking into the problem. Since you are an electronic engineer, I let you figure this one out and tell me where the noise problem came from.