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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Magnetism or Electricity

    Lao Tze: "One must enter confusion, in order, to exit confusion." Zhuang Tze: "The uselessness of confusion may be the usefulness for helping to sort out the facts."
  2. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    Brian: You know, my engineer teacher used to making jokes about the physicists when discussing some theories. That was why I've sensed you as one. You are a dead give away...... What kind of material is used for the floor....???
  3. Magnetism or Electricity

    It is something just happens inside the body from the signals of the brain. All the electrical pulses are fired by the release of the energy from ATP. If the ATP do not release the energy, then your muscles will never move nor contract.
  4. Magnetism or Electricity

    I guess that is why they call it the natural instinct. There is no need for you to know which might delay your action.
  5. Magnetism or Electricity

    I would like to say the same to you. I am a retired electrical engineering now. I thought I was one anyway. Since you had mentioned that I'm not, then I really don't know what I am. It is not important now. I had BSed my way through my profession and earned an honest living. Good thing I am retired now. I can do more BS if I want and who cares about me now........
  6. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    I would say it depends on the clothes with the made material. However, our bodies are good conductors until we were burned to carbon to increase the resistance and act like a resistor. Then, the bodies are no longer a good condector. FYI You can make the correction right at the spot yourself.
  7. Magnetism or Electricity

    Yes, it is only language issues alright; but the language between theoretical physics and practical engineering rather than English or Chinese.
  8. Magnetism or Electricity

    Neurons fire only when the brain sends a signal to do a particular thing. For example, when you want to move a finger or contract a muscle, signals will be sent to those areas to fire up the neurons.
  9. Magnetism or Electricity

    All three factors can be variables. I=V/R is a constant voltage source. The voltage must be constant, in order, for the variable magnitude of the current to be controlled by the resistance. V= IR is a constant current source. The current must be constant, in order, for the variable magnitude of the voltage to be controlled by the resistance. PS...... @ Brian ----- By the way you talk, I had detected that you are a physicist by intuition. This is why I've called myself as a grokking Taoist.....
  10. Magnetism or Electricity

    Greeting, Brian.... What is your background.....???
  11. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    Yes, if you have "to be said" so, then it's really getting to my "stomach"................
  12. Magnetism or Electricity

    According to ohm's law: If you have a good regulated DC power source with a variable resistor connected to it, then, only the current will be changed with the resistance but voltage will remain constant. Unfortunately, if you have power source like you have described, I think you should go get your money back..... Yes, let's be more practical..........
  13. Magnetism or Electricity

    Okay.... That is how a DC motor works. I guess I was talking about the external power source.
  14. Magnetism or Electricity

    A pulsating DC is not a direct DC. It is considered to be AC because it was pulsating. A real DC is from a battery which a steady voltage(non-pulsating). It does go through an DC-to-AC converter to run a motor. Otherwise, there will be no magnetic field can be produced(without the change in current) to turn the motor.
  15. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    Yes, static charges may go up to 3kv to have a good spark.
  16. Shoes without rubber soles? (grounding)

    Why is grounding so important to cultivation....??? Grounding is only good for electrical work to prevent electrical shock or static discharge, no....??? In that case, why don't you were a wire strap on your wrist like people do in the clean room for electronic works.....???
  17. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    I knew it wouldn't work....... Edited to add: One must learn to accept critiques in order not to learn things half-S, you know......!!! Perhaps, one might let the self-improvement kicks in too.....!!!
  18. Magnetism or Electricity

    The reason one get a shock from a DC source is because at the first initial contact there was a sudden change in the current flow. After the initial contact, there was no more change in the current flow. Thus no more shock. The alternator puts out an AC voltage, the voltage alternates which cause an electrical current change all the time. Thus one will get a chock constantly after contact. In addition, the AC voltage from the alternator has to go through an AC-to-DC converter in order to run a DC motor. Inside the DC motor, there is also a DC-to-AC converter. All motors have magnetic coils. A coil must be run by an AC current, in order, to produce a magnetic field for the armature of a motor to turn. You welcome....!!! This great atmosphere allow us to express how much do we know rather than what do we know.......!!!
  19. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    Since I got this far, perhaps some English scholars would like to come in and do the rest for the grammatical corrections.
  20. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    I think I was lucky by getting the thoughts across. Please excuse the grammar because the classic text is so screwed up when it comes to that. Of course, I must admit that I am part of the reason too.......
  21. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    Section 1 of Chapter 2- The Physical and Conceptual Equalities 1. The sounds of Nature Tzu Chi was sitting still while leaning toward the table. He was looking up to the sky and exhaled slowly, seeming to be in a trance, and it seems like his soul had left the body. Yen Master Cheng Yu(his disciple), who was in attendance and standing before him, said: "why is like so...??? When the physical body settles down, it can be turned into something like a withered tree; but how can the soul be turned into something like some extinguished ash. The position that you are sitting and leaning toward the table, right now, is not the same as in the past." Tzu Chi replied: "Yen, the question you've asked, wasn't it very nice...??? Right now, I had forgotten my ego about rich and famous(功 名利禄), did you know about that....???" You have heard the sounds made by human; but you have not heard the natural sound made by Earth. You have heard of the sounds made by Earth; but you have not heard the natural sound made by the Universe yet...!!! Tzu Yu said: "May I ask you about the principles of the three natural sounds....??? Tzu Chi replied: "The source had putted out by the Great Earth, it was called the wind. The wind was calm when it's inactive; however, it produces all kinds of sounds from the different orifices when activated. Have you heard of the sounds that was made by the long wind.....??? The mountains and the trees are uneven and ragged. There are many opening holes in the big trees, some are like nostril, some like ears and eyes, some like a support pole(春臼), some like deep puddle, some like shallow pond. Some of sounds from those orifices made from the long wind were sounded like the torrent of running water, some like burning fire, some like yawning, some sounds are deep, some sounded sad, the sound in the front was singing and the sound in the rear was in harmony, the sound of the small wind was soft and the swift wind was loud. When the strong wind has stopped, then all the sounds come to a halt and become total silent. Have you not seen the vibration of tree branches and leaves when the wind blows....??? Tzu Chi said: "The sounds of Earth were, only, generated by air going through the orifices; that's all. The sounds made by human were only from the tubes which were made from many kinds of bamboos. May I ask about the natural sounds from outer space, how did they come about....???" Tzu Chi replied: "The sounds from the orifices had blown by the wind are different. It was because they can be activated or halted; it was all done by themselves. It was only a natural phenomenon, who else can be the impetus.....!!!
  22. Magnetism or Electricity

    I think the usage of the term "electrical" is a little too broad here. We were talking about electromagnetic field to begin with. Let's stop this. It is getting too technical here and we're going nowhere. I will not respond with further comments.
  23. Chapter 2, Section 1 Concepts

    2. 齐物论(The Discourse of Equality)   南郭子聂靠几静坐,仰面朝天,缓漫吐气,形体木然,仿佛精神脱离了身躯。 颜成子游立侍在跟前,问说:“怎么这个样子啊?形体安定本来可以使它象枯干的 树木,而精神岂能可以使它象熄灭的灰烬呢?你现在靠几而坐的情况,不是你过去靠几而坐的情况了。” 子綦回答说:“偃,你问的问题,不也是很好的吗!如今我 忘掉了功名利禄的我,你知道这一点吗?你听到过人造的萧声,却没听到过地上自然形成的音响,你听到过地上自然形成的音响,却没听到过天空中自然形成的音响 吧!” 子游说:“请问三籁的道理?”子綦说:“大地发出的气,它的名子叫风。这风不作则已,一发作则上万种不同的孔穴都会怒吼起来。你没有听过长风呼啸的 声音吗?山林高大参差不齐的地方,百围大树上的孔穴,有的象鼻孔,有的象嘴,有的象耳朵眼,有的象春臼,有的象深大的洼地。有的象浅小的池塘;长风吹这些 孔穴所发出的声音,有的象湍激的流水声,有的象大火燃烧声,有的象呵叱声,有的象抽气声,有的象叫喊声,有的象号哭声,有的声音深沉,有的声音哀切,前面 的风声唱着,后面的风声随应着。微风则相和的声音小,疾风则相和的声音大,烈风停止了,则所有的孔穴就都空寂无声了,你难道没看见风吹林木枝叶还在摇摇曳 曳地摆动着吗?” 子游说:“地籁的声音不过是从众多的孔穴中发出来的罢了,人籁的声音不过是从用多种竹管并起来所制作的乐器中发出来的罢了。请问天空中自 然的音响是怎么回事呢?”子綦说:“风吹万窍而声音不同,然而使它们发作或停止的都是它们自己。都是自然状态所致,发动它们的还能是谁呢!” 2 - The Discourse of Equality 1. The sounds of Nature  南郭子聂靠几静坐,仰面朝天,缓漫吐气,形体木然,仿佛精神脱离了身躯。 Tzu Chi is sitting still while leaning toward the table. He was looking up to the sky and exhaled slowly, seeming to be in a trance, and it seems like his soul had left trhe body. 颜成子游立侍在跟前,问说:“怎么这个样子啊?形体安定本来可以使它象枯干的 树木,而精神岂能可以使它象熄灭的灰烬呢?你现在靠几而坐的情况,不是你过去靠几而坐的情况了。” Yen Master Cheng Yu(his disciple), who was in attendance and standing before him, said: "why is like so...??? When the physical body settles down, it can be turned into something like a withered tree; but how can the soul be turned into something like some extinguished ash. The position that you are sitting and leaning toward the table, now, is not the same as in the past." 子綦回答说:“偃,你问的问题,不也是很好的吗!如今我 忘掉了功名利禄的我,你知道这一点吗?你听到过人造的萧声,却没听到过地上自然形成的音响,你听到过地上自然形成的音响,却没听到过天空中自然形成的音响 吧! Tzu Chi replied: "Yen, the question you've asked, wasn't it very nice...??? Right now, I had forgotten my ego about rich and famous(功名利禄), did you know about that....???" You have heard the sounds made by human; but you have not heard the natural sound made by Earth. You have heard of the sounds made by Earth; but you have not heard the natural sound made by Cosmos yet...!!! 子游说:“请问三籁的道理?”子綦说:“大地发出的气,它的名子叫风。这风不作则已,一发作则上万种不同的孔穴都会怒吼起来。你没有听过长风呼啸的 声音吗? Tzu Yu said: "May I ask the principles of the three natural sounds....??? Tzu Ki replied: "The source putted out by the Great Earth, it was called the wind. The wind was calm when it's inactive; however, it produces all kinds of sounds from the different orifices when activated. Have you heard of the sounds that was made by the long wind.....??? 山林高大参差不齐的地方,百围大树上的孔穴,有的象鼻孔,有的象嘴,有的象耳朵眼,有的象春臼,有的象深大的洼地。有的象浅小的池塘;长风吹这些 孔穴所发出的声音,有的象湍激的流水声,有的象大火燃烧声,有的象呵叱声,有的象抽气声,有的象叫喊声,有的象号哭声,有的声音深沉,有的声音哀切,前面 的风声唱着,后面的风声随应着。微风则相和的声音小,疾风则相和的声音大,烈风停止了,则所有的孔穴就都空寂无声了,你难道没看见风吹林木枝叶还在摇摇曳 曳地摆动着吗?” The mountains and the trees are uneven and ragged. There are many opening holes in the big trees, some are like nostril, some like ears and eyes, some like 春臼, some like deep puddle, some like shallow pond. Some of sounds from those orifices made from the long wind were sounded like the torrent of running water, some like burning fire, some like yawning, some sounds are deep, some are sad, the sound in the front was singing and the sound in the rear was in harmony, the sound of the small wind was low and the swift wind was great. When the strong wind was stopped, then all the sounds come to a halt and become total silence. Have you not seen the vibration of tree branches and leaves when the wind blows....??? 子游说:“地籁的声音不过是从众多的孔穴中发出来的罢了,人籁的声音不过是从用多种竹管并起来所制作的乐器中发出来的罢了。请问天空中自 然的音响是怎么回事呢?” Tzu Chi said: "The sounds of Earth were, only, generated by air going through the orifices; that's all. The sounds made by human were only from the tubes which were made from many kinds of bamboos. May I ask about the natural sounds from outer space, how did they come about....???" 子綦说:“风吹万窍而声音不同,然而使它们发作或停止的都是它们自己。都是自然状态所致,发动它们的还能是谁呢!” Tzu Chi replied: "The sounds from the orifices had blown by the wind are different. It was because they can be activated or halted; it was all done by themselves. It was only a natural phenomenon, who else can be the impetus.....!!!
  24. How ofter do you meditated......??? The reason I've asked is because the M-thing might be your problem if you do it too often. Nothing will damaging your Dan Tian but the M-thing can damaging your internal organs and screw up the function of the brain.
  25. Magnetism or Electricity

    I think that is where the line has drawn between science and science fiction.