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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Chapter 1, Section 6 Concepts

    That wouldn't be too Wu Wei, isn't it......???
  2. Communal living

    Even though you said that you are not a Taoist but you still sound like a Taoist to me. Anyway, I'm in resonance with your thinking 99.99%.........
  3. Confucian Qi gong

    I have no knowledge of it at all due to there was no information in the native sources.
  4. Chapter 1, Section 7(a) Concepts

    Legge's translation: The first part of Section 7(a) Master Hui told Master Chuang, saying, 'The king of Wei sent me some seeds of a large calabash, which I sowed. The fruit, when fully grown, could contain five piculs (of anything). I used it to contain water, but it was so heavy that I could not lift it by myself. I cut it in two to make the parts into drinking vessels; but the dried shells were too wide and unstable and would not hold (the liquor); nothing but large useless things! Because of their uselessness I knocked them to pieces.' Modern native translation:  惠施对庄子说:“魏惠王赠送我一个大葫芦的种子,我种植它而成长,结出的果实有能容纳五石粮食那样大,用来盛水,可它的坚固程度却不能自胜。把它切开制成瓢,则瓢底大而平浅,不能容纳什么东西。这个葫芦不是不大,而我因为它没有什么用处,便把它砸碎了。” English translation: Master Hui told Master Chuang and said: "The king of the State of Wei had given me some seeds of a calabash as a gift. After I sow it, it becomes full grown. All the fruits were so big and each one can hold five piculs of foods. I used one to hold water but the firmness of the wall was not durable for the task. Then, I've made a ladle out of it but the bottom was too big and shallow which cannot hold much. This calabash is not because it is not big enough but it was useless. Therefore, I knocked them to pieces."
  5. Confucian Qi gong

    I have never heard of such thing as Confucian Qi Gong but I will hear somebody else's input......!!!
  6. Chapter 1, Section 6 Concepts

    I can see how a bias version of the translation can change the idea of the original. I not happy with Legge's translation because he added some of his stuff that was misleading. There was no caps at the time nor it was called ceremonial caps. The original was only called out the hats but not caps anyway. In the ancient time, the people are required to bundle up their hair, in order, to wear a hat. The salesman went to a wrong place to sell his products. The moral of the story, here, is that there are certain things that are valuable in one area but maybe useless in another. Edited for typo. Section 6 of Chapter 1 Original classic:   宋人资章甫而适诸越(1),越人断发文身(2),无所用之,尧治天下之民,平海内之政(3)。往见四子藐姑射之山(4),扮水之阳(5),官然丧其天下焉(6)。 Modern native translation: 宋国有个人到越国去卖帽子,越国人有断发文身的习俗,用不着帽子。尧治理天下人民,安定国内的政事,到藐姑射山和汾水的北面,拜见四位得道的人士,懂得了更加深远的道理,从而忘掉了他统治天下的地位。 English translation: A salesman of the State of Sung(宋国) went to State of Yueh(越国) to sell his hats. The people in the State of Yueh are customary have their heads shaved and the body tattooed. Thus they have no need for the hats. Yao ruled the people of China; and took care the internal affairs peacefully. He went to the Mountain Ku She to visit the four highly cultivated Taoists; and learned a great deal of some profound principles. Hence, he had forgotten about his position of being the ruler of China.
  7. Chapter 1, Section 6 Concepts

    I can see how a bias version of the translation can change the idea of the original. I not happy with Legg's translation because he added some of his stuff that was misleading. There was no caps at the time nor it was called ceremonial caps. The original was only called out the hats but not ceremonial caps. In the ancient time, the people are required to bundle up their hair, in order, to wear a hat. The salesman went to a wrong place to sell his products. The moral of the story, here, is that there are certain things that are valuable in one area but maybe useless in the another.
  8. Chapter 1, Section 6 Concepts

    My apologies. Let me start over. I over looked and skipped to Section 6 of Chapter 2; mistakenly thought it was Section 6 of Chapter One. MH..... I just found out that I can snow you with anything.....hehehehe
  9. That would be worse if you tell them in the open. They will never believe you or me then.......!!!
  10. Chapter 1, Section 6 Concepts

    Updated version......hahahaha....... :D The concept of this section falls into the title of Chapter 2. It will be more confusing for me to go into it under this order. It would be difficult for me to comment on Legge's original translation due to the conflicts in concept between Chapters 1 and 2.
  11. Secrets of Dragon Gate Q&A

    Mudryah...... Would please you do us a favor by not using up so much space in between paragraphs.......??? Thank you very much!
  12. Chapter 1, Section 6 Concepts

    Wait a minute...!!! I am start looking into this section. There is something wrong here. This section actually belongs to one of the sections in Chapter 2.
  13. Is there De (Te) without It's virtue?

    We can only define the word "de" within one philosophy but not two or more. "De" stands alone with its own definition in each individual philosophy. It cannot be defined with a blanket to cover all.
  14. Common misconceptions concerning Daoism

    Are they relevant to the subjects most of the time or just exclamations......???
  15. Chapter 1, Section 6 Concepts

    Let's look into the fingers and horses to see what it's all about.....!!!
  16. Most people don't believe this idea. Why did you reveal this secret.....???
  17. Common misconceptions concerning Daoism

    Yeah, but you did not say much........
  18. Common misconceptions concerning Daoism

    No problem, like the old saying: "Beware that you are not the challenger but the others are."
  19. Common misconceptions concerning Daoism

    Mudryah...... Please don't be discouraged. I use Chinese Characters in my posts, all the time, and I am proud of it. It might not make it more authentic but it sure make it easy to figure out what the phonetics are. That was not very Taoist like............
  20. Confucian Qi gong

    Okay, that's fine. Just be sure that the "genuine chi" goes "upright" to the human spine......
  21. Taoism vs. Daoism

    No, we didn't win but didn't lose....!!!
  22. Confucian Qi gong

    Yes, the term 正氣 (Zhèngqì) stand alone by itself means the "genuine chi". However, 正氣 in name of the song of 正氣歌 means "righteousness" but not in a form of "chi". Some people were mix crossed the meanings of the terms.
  23. Chapter 1, Section 5 Concepts

    At least the "useless" had drawn somebody's attention; and according ZZ it was "usefulness"......
  24. Chapter 1, Section 5 Concepts

    Please take your time...!!! ZZ is really a boring subject to get into. Sorry, I have to give my fullest opinion.......
  25. Taoism vs. Daoism

    Even though you mean "translation". In that aspect, I would have agreed if the word "transliteration" was used. This is a transliteration to me: 道: Tao, Dao This would be a translation: 道: principle, path, way, reason Edited to add: ......................................................