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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Pay close attention to the lights in the eyes and see how it was constructed. It gives a sensation of 3D at the actual scene. Follow the eyes of this guy from different angles
  2. De or Dao - Which came first?

    Let Nature take its course.
  3. ...

    I know all the teachers will be repeating the same thing that has been written in the books, verbatim, without any good explanations. I can read books or from the internet with people whom have good insights at any instance. I cannot and will not take this for granted: "Chi flows in your body." So, I may become a teacher and repeat the same thing to the next student; and the next student pass down to the next and on and on. There are so many meanings of the character, Chi(氣). Everybody looks at Chi only with one definition as "energy". Fortunately, this the not the right approach for me. I need to look deeper and more subtle then that. Besides, a good teacher can only give you good guidance but cannot make you a better student. The key is how much a student can be absorbed or digested. It is mainly by the intuition and intelligence of the students. The comprehension of the basic principle is the key to cultivation, it was not only by the words from the guidance of a teacher. PS.... I thank you for addressing this question for me to clarify....!!!
  4. .................................................................. I'm sorry, but it didn't have to be that way.............!!!
  5. I glad that you are the first one who have noticed. The reason I didn't want to give it away in the first place was because I want the reader to have the pleasure to figure it out. Eventually, it will be disclosed. We had been spoken about it many times in many places. However, those who had spent so much time with the Tao Te Ching should know this.
  6. Is this paper ever dirty.....??? I don't see any dust on it. Who says it needs cleaning....???
  7. The Wit and Wisdom of Plato

    When one not falls into the 97% agreement with others category, The One will be hidden indeed.
  8. Man lived to the age of 256

    I have a lady relative is 106 years old now. She have 13 Children. Two of her older sons have died already. She fell with a deep cut on her leg muscle few years back. She has not practice any martial arts nor chi kung. If she have had practices anything at all, I can imaging that it would add a lot more years into her life.
  9. ...

    Only with moderation, ofc.
  10. The Wit and Wisdom of Plato

    One knows oneself may know others. One knows oneself may not know others. One knows others to know oneself. One knows others may not know oneself. One may never know oneself to see the truth. One may never see the truth to know oneself. One depends on others may never see the truth. One doubts others will never see the truth. One solely believes others may not see the truth. One solely believes in oneself may not see the truth. One who can see the truth is to find it with one's wisdom. One who can sort out the reasons from chaos may see the truth.
  11. What exactly is a dan tien?

    I only said it was fine to take the hint. That was what I meant. What is wrong with that....???
  12. What exactly is a dan tien?

    It is fine with me.
  13. No problem, there is no need to apologize. So, it seems masturbation is not the cause of your problem. When the thyroid doesn't function properly a person can develop a variety of problems from weight fluctuations to fertility issues. The fertility issue may be contributed to the libido problem.
  14. Man lived to the age of 256

    Yes, apparently he didn't and ended up with 180 offspring including children and grandchildren.
  15. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Please go over this seven page thread and see what was going on.....Please again...!!! Thanks.
  16. What exactly is a dan tien?

    People.... To those whom might concern..... Please read, this is English. I was telling him where did I get the idea why the dan tien is a location or get the locations established so we can move forward. Why feeding him more with abstract explanations.....???
  17. What exactly is a dan tien?

    To answer your question, why don't you review posts #85, 86 and 87....??? I hope that will answer your question. Perhaps it might be just a good start. Of course, this is nothing concrete but only conceptual. However, you will be hearing more from others are saying who said this and that. You don't have to believe a word I said of course. You are the judge of that. However, It seems to me that you do have incorporated a literal filter to go after what you are looking for.......
  18. What exactly is a dan tien?

    This diagram shows the three locations of the UDT(上丹田), MDT(中丹田), and LDT(下丹田)
  19. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Here is another reference about the location of the Dan Tien from a Chi Kung practitioner. (2)意守丹田 丹 田在腹部,在大腸的中心點,肚臍下三寸處,入內一寸三分,丹田在內部不在表面,與百會成一條線,都是任督二脈的交會點,是大小周天重要的竅。丹田就是氣 海,氣海枯竭,人就會越老越乾癟無元氣。本門重視的是炁(先天氣)氣(後天氣)合一,吸一口氣經玄關到丹田(鼎爐)練氣,與先天氣炁氣合一。氣功是將炁氣 兩股氣在丹田做一整合(煉化)。初練功時,必須先將氣存放在丹田練磨充實。 Dan Tien is located in the abdomen, in the center of the large intestine, three inches below the navel, 1.3 inch inside. The Dan Tien is located inside but not outside and inline with the 百會, it is the interconnection point between the 任督二脈, Conception and Governor Vessels. Location of Dan Tien
  20. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Here is one of the original definition of dan tain(丹田) in a Chinese literature. 在煉氣功時,首先要注意精神集中,意守丹田。丹田在小腹正中,臍下三寸,為吾人生命力的泉源。在調整呼吸以後,由呼氣運動,推動真氣下行,集中在丹田之內。丹田內真氣充滿,則可以貫通督脈,所謂“積氣沖關”則可以進入高深之境界。 During Chi Kung practice, first of all, one must be considered to focus on concentration. It is to focus on the Dan Tien. The Dan Tien is located in the dead center of the abdomen, three inches(sino unit) below the navel, it is the vital point of life. After the breathing has been regulated, from the activity of breathing, it drives the Zhen Chi(真氣) downward to be concentrated in the Dan Tien. When the Zhen Chi is full inside the Dan Tien, then, it makes a passage through the 督脈(governor vessel). Note: This gives a three dimension of the location for dan tien. Focus on the dan tien
  21. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Well, love is a feeling in our subconscious but dan tien is not analogous to love. By assuming using my definition of dan tien, I can say the brain is in the UDT; but I cannot say the same thing to dan tien. However, if I want to play with the words in logic, then I can say that love is within my heart. Since the heart in my MDT, then, I can say that love is within my MDT. Unfortunately, this is only a linguistic analysis and we need to be more specific for the request by the OP.
  22. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Since I did the update for FireFox, then I am having problem with editing.
  23. What exactly is a dan tien?

    Indeed, not convincing at all......not at all...... Yet, there were so many had spoken, but still:
  24. May I ask how often you did the self-pleasant per day and per week.....??? When did you start and quit age wise....???
  25. What exactly is a dan tien?

    That is what I am trying to do and tell you something different other than having people kept on repeating the same thing over and over. Besides, you have been contaminated already in your thinking by some preconceived notion which you won't let go of. There are too many interruptions here by the people who were trying to tell you about dan tien. They were telling you what it does but not what it is. I was waiting for your proper response so I can go on without any further contamination. The books that the people had been reading were just jumping into alchemy without knowing the history of how did it come about. So, there are many misconceptions about alchemy, that is why you are so confused about it as of now. BTW I do appreciate your curiosity and give me an opportunity to express myself in the matter.