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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Maytszishan Caves — China
  2. Too many thieves were stealing the valuable historic artifacts from the caves.
  3. Yes, there are tour guides do have the keys to gain access to it. I think we know the reason why they are locked up.
  4. Chapter 2 Concepts

  5. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    I think Zhuang Tze was making a point that the two little creatures were happy with their limitations as they are. Even though Nature did not give them anymore than they deserve. He did mention that they fell off the tree once awhile. Wasn't that a dead give way that they can't fly very far. How dare you argue with a sage like Zhuang Tze..... PS.... Please follow Zhuang Tze's advice by doing a little cultivation for your mind and read carefully........... .
  6. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Zhuang Tze used a cicada and a turtle dove( two small creature) AND the Kun fish and the Peng bird(two big creatures) to show their contrast in size and wisdom due to their limitation to acquire knowledge and abilities which are restricted by Nature. The cicada had never knew what spring and autumn were like; the turtle dove only has the limited ability to go up and down the elm tree. While the Peng bird has great ability to fly at high altitude and long distance. Intelligent wise, the Peng bird has a better chance to have a broader vision and capability to expand its wisdom. The implication of the metaphor was: Since the ability of humans are not restricted nor deprived by Nature like the cicada and the turtle dove, it was encouraging humans to enhance their wisdom to a higher level of intelligence. Hence, Zhuang Tze exaggerated about the gigantic size of the Kun fish and Peng bird was for a purpose. It was to have people to go beyond their imagination to attain a broader mental capacity.
  7. The Native Source of Spontaneous Chi Kung (自發功)

    文化大革命中不幸被四人帮迫害致死。 He was tortured by the Gang of Four.
  8. Hun and po

    Linguistic meaning of interest but not religious nor spiritual from Etymology 魂(soul) 魄(body)
  9. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Yes, I agree. The interpretation was done ahead mentally and the translation comes later. Hopefully the translation matches the interpretation so it won't get lost in the process. Also, I agree it is difficult to do it verbatim but just hope to get to the closest. This something just cannot be expressed in words but we can only try to do the best we can.
  10. Failed Attempt

    My personal preference is strongly for the former to avoid confusion; but the latter may kick in as long as not drifting too far off(I know it will happen and won't stop).
  11. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    I was afraid of that, why should I make it so easy for MH....??? He never does anything easy for me....... Thank you...!!! I will try my best....
  12. Hun and po

    I think there was a publication error. 魂 is a soul; and 魄 is a body Compound characters: 魂魄: soul and body The compound characters are most commonly used, in the Chinese language, describing the soul and body are always together as a living human being.
  13. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Translation is different from interpretation. Interpretation may not be done correctly with a mistranslation. I grant you the first chapter is pretty straight forward but the later chapters are more difficult to deal with two different translations. Translation are not translating concepts but verbatim. Then the interpretation comes after. Do you see what I mean......??
  14. That is where the correction comes into play. When one said do AB, with difficulty in breathing, one doesn't just jump right into it. It has to be done progressively with proper guidance. Most people said they do Chi Kung but they don't even know what it is and claim they were practicing it.
  15. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Unfortunately, yes......!!!
  16. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    As you wish, if it is possible....!!! I have already made my point.
  17. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    It is very difficult to translate the parables. A wrong choice of words will twist the meaning around causing misinterpretation of the metaphors.
  18. Emptiness

  19. Nothing else need to be said.....!!!
  20. As far as this thread is concern, your response is suffice.
  21. Steve..... I think malikshreds answered your question. Edited to add: Thanks malikshreds..........
  22. Some claimed they can breathe the skin. Okay, I go along with that. However, as long one is breathing with the nose, any part on the body that breathes at the same time too, I'll believe you.
  23. If one know how to do AB, then it's no problem and one can take it for granted. However, some don't but need to be correct. Difference in Breathing
  24. Some only use chest breathing.
  25. Based on some posts here, I have noticed that some members indicated abdominal breathing does not play a significant role. The reason for this thread is to hear from those people and hope they give me a better reason for not including AB in their practices.