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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. What I am try to ask is whatever one practices, one can do it with or without abdominal breathing to see does it make any difference in the end result.
  2. Happy Ghost month!

    FYI.... The full moon is always on the 15th day of every lunar month. There are 29 or 30 days in a lunar month. All Chinese holidays go with the seasons, yes.
  3. May I ask what are you try to accomplish in your mediation....??? How did you use the nature energy....??? How can you tell that this energy was helping you to accomplish whatever you are trying to do.....???
  4. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Actually, there was no talking about the sage in waiting. It was a mistranslation on the translator's part. What Zhuang Tze was referring to was that only immortals can deal with Nature directly other than humans. He was saying that humans has to deal with earth by cooking and eating what it provides. Where as the immortals do not have do what the humans do. You are right, he did not advocate the practice of prolonging life in the chapter.
  5. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    With Zhuang Tze's vast wisdom, would you think that his only locality is the Universe....???
  6. Become Taoist Priest?

    blim..... Are you Chinese living in Hong Kong.....??? A Taoist Priest is a 道長 which is higher than a 道士(Taoist). A Taoist Priest is cultivated on his own by reaching different levels to become one.
  7. What is the best way to think about sex.

    The best way to think about sex is not to think about it......!!!
  8. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

  9. Questions on The Tao and Compassion

    Tao only has one natural path for humans to follow. However, humans may not choose to follow Tao's way but go off course..
  10. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    How about given it to me in plain English............???
  11. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    What are those specific things that are in question or being silly BS......??? Please advise........!!!
  12. Become Taoist Priest?

    I was referring to the latter in the quote but it was ambiguous and argumentative.
  13. Become Taoist Priest?

    Well, a Taoist may not have to perform any rituals at all to be a good Taoist practitioner.
  14. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Zhuang Tze likes to exaggerate by thinking himself as a gigantic fish. A big fish should not get stuck under water in the Northern Ocean without or some limited knowledge. In order to broaden his wisdom, he wants to turn into a gigantic bird. So, he can fly high high above and look down on earth to see things in a wider view. However, that was not all, by looking at one side of the world was not enough. He must travel far away to go to the other side(Southern Ocean) to broaden one's wisdom. In Chapter One, metaphorically, Zhuang Tze was suggesting that one must get oneself educated. One's narrow view should be broaden to have a wider vision. One must get on top and get to the bottom of the matter and see the whole picture. Furthermore, one mustn't blind oneself by just looking at one side of the story. One must step over to the other side, with an open mind, to listen to the opposing view. Thus it would be wise for an intelligent person to take all matters into consideration prior reaching a final conclusion. PS..... The difference in approach: Zhuang Tze's approach was to let one experience the experience; and Lao Tze tells one his experience.
  15. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Hehehehe...... Have you noticed that I have a new signature..........???
  16. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Not yet, let's wait six months. Chapter One still has a long way to go yet.
  17. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    It is more like tolerance than acceptance; tolerance does not has to be approved but acceptance has a commitment of tolerance.
  18. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Uroboros.... Please continue thinking that you are right. So far, your interpretation is most accurate and on the right track. Keep your own thoughts if you think you are right and don't get distracted by anyone. When for my post, then, you will realize how correct you are if I get an OK form rene.......
  19. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    Yes, that is why tolerance is the highest realm in cultivation....!!!
  20. Use koans to put your self to sleep

    By koan, what does it mean.......???
  21. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    hehehe............we all can speak and ask but we can wait also.......!!!
  22. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    The relativity of all things was the authenticity in Chapter Two of the TTC, Why do you think ZZ want to repeat it again....??? Don't you think he was using it to illustrate something else....??? What do you think about Uroboros's post.....???
  23. Why did you let it go, instead of continuing for life.....???
  24. How did it help you in Neigong; like what kind of improvement to your physical being....???
  25. Sorry, may I ask what have you accomplished with that in your own practice......???