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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. malikshreds...... Please answer the question in your own words if you can. Citing somebody else words may not be all of your saying. Thanks.
  2. Chapter 1, Section 1 Concepts

    Anyway....we can start here: Space infinite Chapter 1, Section 5 Why does ZZ start to think everything is so big, so high and so far way.......??? What was he tried to convey.......???
  3. Discussion of Chuang Tzu Study

    No, I still have the Received TTC to rely on for the comparison of any codex........ I don't take a legend to go into a heated debate. Perhaps only for honorable mention.
  4. Discussion of Chuang Tzu Study

    Lao Tze is a legend, so is the TTC but the philosophy is there. Does anybody care where it is right now....??? However, we are still looking for the original; but for now, any codex will do for evaluation.
  5. Discussion of Chuang Tzu Study

    Interpretations of metaphors in classics are always based on logical assumption. No........ ??? We can't treat it like a modern language of any kind, you know.
  6. Discussion of Chuang Tzu Study

    Yes, he did mention the TTC many times. If you really understand ZZ, spoken of Lao Tze was his way of mentioning the TTC indirectly.....
  7. What is humble?

    I just want to add to the list: encompass.
  8. Discussion of Chuang Tzu Study

    No, I am not judging the book by its cover. I am just having some pre-knowledge about the book assuming we are not reading the book the first time. Yes, it is only a test for CHAPTER ONE, I think the test had failed already........
  9. Discussion of Chuang Tzu Study

    hi, rene.... Thanks....!!! In that case, the title of the thread need to be changed to read "General discussion for the philosophy of Zhuang Tze". The reason I said that is because we need to have something in mind; so we will know what we are after without going off course too much. We must have an aim to stay within scope. The title was referring to Chapter One, I see people are citing different chapter already. How can we keep track of all these while people are jumping allover with our thoughts.
  10. Discussion of Chuang Tzu Study

    Sorry, I am late. To begin with Zhuang Tze, I would keep in mind that ZT likes to deal with the matter of reasoning rather than the matter of principles as LaoTze does. In ZT parables, he always state his reasons to make his point across with examples. As oppose to Lao Tze, he always state the principles related to Nature to begin with; then, drops down to the principles on earth for human to follow. Hence, Lao Tze sets up rules for people to follow while ZT gives reasons for people to perceive. That is the difference in the Tao approach between the two philosophers. PS..... I see people are jumping allover, in the discussion, without relating thought to Chapter 1. It would be advisable to have a more meaningful and productive discussion by staying within the scope of the subject matter by dealing one chapter, at a time, as intended. Don't you think.....??? We can discuss each verse intensively, instead come to a conclusion about his philosophy so soon, to see what was the reason behind the statements made by Zhuang Tze.
  11. What is humble?

    WOW...!!! That was a very humble statement to an oriental..........!!! PS.... Even though I didn't know what the real intend was......!!!
  12. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    Yes, he had given me a tremendous influence. Find the truth; keep and defend it.
  13. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    Sorry, there was no quote from Zhuang Tze because he only writes parables. To understand what he was saying is straightly going through all the metaphors in his parables to draw to a conclusion by intuition or grokking. PS...... Actually, I had learned most of Zhuang Tze's philosophy from the interpretations of the knowledgeable native scholars. The quote was from their studies.
  14. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    I didn't think so. I think he gave the complement. Chuang Tzu was suggesting that one should obtain as much knowledge as possible. Then, one will see all the reasons not to argue because one knows who knows what and who doesn't.
  15. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    You stole this one from Zhuang Tze, didn't you.......???
  16. 醉言大師輩

    Correction: 懷南瑾 ====>> 南懷瑾先生
  17. 5 Shens Model of Alchemy

    With all respect...!!! That was an honest opinion. Based with my understanding, the Chinese Chi Kung practitioners use the term 偏差(deviance) for an indication of a deviation which was diverged from the original procedure. The deviation may or may not cause minor or serious physical problems in the future.
  18. Healing Taoist practice with hands

    I agree but please don't forget to consider the significance of the breathing. It is the key behind the whole practice to get to its efficacy.
  19. Okay, I throw in the abdominal breathing too.....
  20. Don't we need a mind to tell one how to do or do a horse stance......???
  21. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    Philosophically, that is exactly what it was in the minds of the ancients. Once, the ancients thought every thought was coming from the heart; and the heart was considered to be the center of the body. They had a notion that by cultivating the heart means cultivating one's character for a good will being as a whole. The purpose of Taoist cultivation is to purify one's mind and body.
  22. The Purpose of Taoist Cultivation

    修心養性(Siu Sin Yang Sin ), cultivate one's heart and maintain one's purified character.
  23. Taijiquan Styles

    Without going into a deeper understanding, indeed, it was quite misleading. Most people only saw the Yang style macroscopically. It resembles more to a slow graceful dance rather than a martial art is because the secret was never revealed to them. BTW That was exactly how I was told in your article when I learn the Yang style thirty-eight years ago during the traditional Tai Ji period. PS.... You've made me felt like at home again. Thanks....
  24. Off Topic Derail yi 以 in DDJ39

    This is really out of place....!!! I believe that the General Discussion Section is a better place to be for that.