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Everything posted by ChiDragon

  1. Microcosmic orbit and Chia.

    You are doing a great job here for the same thing. Now, please stop putting your foot in your own mouth.
  2. Microcosmic orbit and Chia.

    ......................... :D I'm sure don't want to find a teacher like you nor learn from a book you wrote.
  3. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    What are the breathing rate under the conditions above....??? 1. For an ordinary person, the average breathing rate for condition #1 is about 16 times 2. Under the UMB, my normal breathing habit is four times per min. Chi Kung practitioners can breathe less frequent is because they can breathe a higher volume of air/oxygen in one inhalation. There is enough oxygen to last the practitioner for 15 seconds before the next breathing cycle. It gives ample of time for the oxygenated blood to carry the oxygen to the body cells to perform their function. As oppose to normal breathing, the unused portion of oxygen was exhaled before the red blood cells have enough time to collect them. Thus it causes an oxygen deficiency for the cells and the internal organs to be dysfunctional.
  4. There is a acupoint outside of your thighs called 風市(feng shi4). Stand up and lower your right hand where the tip of the middle finger is and see if you have a slight sore there. If you do, massage it until the sore goes away. Let's see that helps.
  5. Microcosmic orbit and Chia.

    Both Chi, post-heaven(postnatal) chi and pre-heaven(prenatal) chi, are TCM terms. If one wants to cultivate the Chi in Chi Kung, one must distinguish the definitions from this Chi to that Chi. Just beware of that there are three Chi's here in this thread excluding others.
  6. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    Okay, I buy that but it is your word against Lao Tze. BTW Based on your logic, you are so right; 道 never existed at all because Lao Tze was the one who created it.
  7. Someone asked about 衛氣 Weiqi.

    Yes, what you said are true. 衛 means to protect; to guard. Thus it is the function of the soldiers or guards(衛兵). It is analogous to the white blood cells in the immune system. The white blood cells was referred as the soldiers in the human immune system. The soldier story was made to be interesting for the kids for easy understanding.
  8. Lao-tzu Ch 2: 有 & 無

    I think you've missed the logical thought in the former which was suggesting, in the latter, that it(Tao) existed in the first place before any gods or ancestors.
  9. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Back to basics.... The UMB is not the ultimate yet. It is only the primary step to get to the final stage of Chi Kung. To get the final stage of Chi Kung is involve with the slow body movements plus the UMB, in order, to have its true efficacy. This idea is very trivial by observing any type of Chi Kuing method. If anyone has noticed the first thing that the Chi Kung practitioners do is take a deep breath and raise both hands. It seems to be it was a minor thing to begin with and not worth to be noticed by many. However, most people have been ignoring the fact that breathing has something to do with Chi Kung. Unfortunately, some had practiced for a long time and have not gain any benefits and still don't know why. It would be a real surprise if one has realize that the significance of breathing was hidden in Chi Kung.
  10. 5 Shens Model of Alchemy

    先天 pre-Heaven: prenatal 後天 post-Heaven: postnatal 精神: In TCM, it is a descriptive term for the appearance of the vitality of a person
  11. Someone asked about 衛氣 Weiqi.

    I think you mean 衛兵 as a guard wearing a protective jacket. In TCM, 衛氣 is a guarding system inside the human body. In western medicine, 衛氣 is equivalent to the immune system guarding against antigen.
  12. 5 Shens Model of Alchemy

    Yes, I agree. It just sounds better and less awkward if they were putted in the proper order. To a native speaker,'s really not quite acceptable if they were in the reverse order. However, if you insist to write it your way. I will stay out of your way. Sorry for the intrusion.
  13. Nei Kung?

    Nei Kung(內功), internal method or practice, obviously it is the cultivation from the inside of the body. Building inner strength is to be accomplished by practicing the method. Edited to add: Now, the question is what can one do internally to cultivate the inner strength.....???
  14. 5 Shens Model of Alchemy

    魄魂 Po Hun seems to me they are in the reverse order. Normally, the expression goes like 魂魄(Hun Po), the soul(魂) and the body(魄) are giving an indication that the two always stay together for life person. They will be separated when the person dies.
  15. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    Finally, I've found the sore spot. It is a very slightly sore when I have my finger press against it. I was having problem finding it because the pain was so light which hard for me to detect.
  16. Haiku Chain

    Always me, yes me? I talk, speak, tell, even tao I'm not convincing.
  17. BK Frantzis - Taoist Energy Bodies

    佛 天 神 孔 人 氣 道 地 精 Yes, it was some philosophical thinking of the three religions. 道, 孔, 佛 were integrated to be coexisted in harmony. I believe it happened during the Tang Dynasty, when the three religions were having a great conflict among themselves, the ruler issued a decree for the three religions to exchange and share their religious ideas to avoid further conflicts. Thus that is where we are right now because of the decree. Perhaps it falls closest to the Taoist philosophy in harmony with Nature about 天人地 and 精氣神.
  18. Chi Kung - The Ultimate Method of Breathing

    This is something happened to the physical change in my body and I would to disclose this event to share with everybody. In few years back, I had bumped my head against the corner of the kitchen cabinet. It hurts but not as painful as I would have expected. Ever since I had practiced Tai Ji Chuan which improved my breathing. However, I was still not able to accomplish, 氣沈丹田(sink chi to dan tian) but one night something was darn on me. What I did was laying down on my bed and start doing the chest breathing. The first night was very difficult. The second night, I tried to hold my breath to force it down to the dan tian, but my head felt pretty heavy and kept trying without success. The third night, I tried again. Finally, my breath burst into my dan tian. Ever since then, I had cleared my ren meridian and perform abdominal breathing, at all times, as my normal breathing habit. From the breathing throughout the years, I felt my skull became more harden. In the last two years, I have changed my diet by eating raw nuts like walnut, almond, Brazilian nut, pecan, and cooked cashew nut for snack. I looked up what are the elements that are in these nuts. I figured I can get all the calcium, magnesium and all other basic elements that the body needs. Yesterday, some miraculous thing happened to me. When I tried to pick up a brick by the wall without looking anywhere but the brick, I lowered my body with my hands going straight down toward the brick. Unfortunately, I bumped my skull against the metal edge of water cooler by the window. Immediately, I felt that the force of impact was distributed through the cooler into the wall. At the instance, I felt sorry for my skull and I thought it's going to hurt for days. Then used my left hand to rub my skull trying to find the sore spot. Guess what, I did find any sore spot on my skull. Even this morning, it was still no pain at all on my skull. The only thing I felt is my skull was more harden than before. I had said in another thread that the Hard Gong(硬功) sequence starts with Chi Kung(氣功) to build up the inner strength(內功), then, to the final stage Hard Gong. I think that is exactly what took place in my body. I can elaborate more on this if anyone wish me to. So, what do you all think.....???
  19. @bubbles..... Thank you for your assistance to find the video..........
  20. If there is no translation, then, phonetic or pinyin was used to just for the pronouncattion. For example, Ali has no translation but 啊里 was used to have the closest phonetic for it. In your case, 亥(hi) probably is the closest so far for it. I need to do more research.
  21. [TTC Study] Chapter 6 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Based on the Chinese linguistic structure, 谷神 means the "spirit of the valley". 谷(valley) is an adjective or modifier and 神(spirit) is the subject. 谷神 is one term with compound characters. They are not two entities. It should be interpreted as the "spirit of the Valley" rather than "the valley and the spirit".
  22. Steve... Thanks for keeping track of my posts. I couldn't do this better myself; and I do mean every words that I had said, unless you have better words to rebut them.
  23. That was one of your preconceived ideas; don't you think......??? Let me go find my video of show you....!!! brb. Edited to add: @mYTHmAKER.... Do you remember where is my video about ZZ that you had asked me to post for you.....??? The one you had said that I was not relex enough in my ZZ stance.
  24. You write it this way: 松赞 瘋狐 虎 啊里 with no space in between. The spaces shown here are just for mental separation of the each name. To be exact, you'll write it this way from left to right: 松赞瘋狐虎啊里 or you can write it vertically: 松 赞 瘋 狐 虎 啊 里 You welcome....!!!
  25. Songtsan 松赞 CrazyFox 瘋狐 Tiger 虎 Ali 啊里